Optional courses [30.0]


1. Students enrolled on the teaching focus or the professional focus should choose a minimum of 5 credits In Romance languages (in addition to the course chosen from the core subjects); students enrolled on the professional focus should do likewise, except where they have chosen LROM2855, LROM2857, LROM2514 or LROM2517

2. As part of a well-argued educational plan and with the agreement of the select committee, students may choose other courses (max. 10 credits) from the Master's programmes run by the Faculty (e.g. in history, history of art, musicology or philosophy) or the University. Their choice may include courses in theatre studies, genre studies (https://uclouvain.be/fr/decouvrir/egalite/le-genre-dans-l-enseignement.html) and the digital humanities and ethics optional module (https://uclouvain.be/fr/facultes/fial/chaire-altissia-cultures-et-ethique-du-numerique.html).

If certain courses are available in the core curriculum or in a research focus, no more than 6 credits may be taken from each. No courses may be taken from the teaching focus or professional focus.

> Légende
Mandatory Optional
Course not taught in 2020-2021 Periodic course not taught in 2020-2021
Periodic course taught in 2020-2021 Activity with prerequisites
Click on the course title to see detailed informations (objectives, teaching methods, evaluation...)
Annual unit
  1 2

Mandatory Content:
Mandatory One seminar from : (5 credits)
While certain seminars are also in the research focus, the overlap may not exceed 6 credits. Students who wish to teach French as a foreign language in Belgium should choose one of the French as a Foreign Language seminars (LROM2317 or LROM2930) and complete their programme of optional course with 5 credits from Romance languages and 20 credits from the French as a Foreign Language section.
Optional LROM2155 Seminar : linguistics   Philippe Hambye
15h  5 credits q1 x  
Optional LROM2225 Seminar : medieval literature   Olivier Delsaux (compensates Tania Van Hemelryck)
15h  5 credits q2 x  
Optional LROM2318 Seminar on the research methodology of French as a first language   Jean-Louis Dufays
15h  5 credits q2 x  
Optional LROM2514 Seminar : Topics in Spanish Literature   Geneviève Fabry
15h  5 credits q1 x  
Optional LROM2517 Seminar: Spanish Linguistics   Barbara De Cock
15h  5 credits q2 x  
Optional LROM2715 Seminar : literary aesthetics   Michel Lisse
, Pierre Piret
15h  5 credits q2 x  
Optional LROM2725 Seminar : Literary History   Agnès Guiderdoni
, Julien Zanetta
15h  5 credits q2 x  
Optional LROM2735 Seminar : literary analysis   Anne Reverseau
15h  5 credits q1 x  
Optional LROM2745 Seminar : the sociosemiotics of the comic strip and other mixed messages   Jean-Louis Tilleuil
15h  5 credits q2 x  
Optional LROM2755 Seminar : comparative literature   Julien Zanetta (compensates Marta Sábado Novau)
15h  5 credits q2 x  
Optional LROM2855 Seminar : Narrative, Theatre, Opera, Cinema   Costantino Maeder
15h  5 credits q2 x  
Optional LROM2317 Seminar on research methodology for French as a foreign or second language  
Seminar reserved for students who wish to teach French as a foreign language in Belgium.
Elodie Oger (compensates Silvia Lucchini)
15h  5 credits q1 x x
Optional LROM2930 Seminar : Study of teaching language methods  
Seminar reserved for students who wish to teach French as a foreign language in Belgium.
Elodie Oger (compensates Silvia Lucchini)
15h  5 credits q1 x x
Mandatory Students may choose 25 from : (25 credits)
Optional French linguistics
Optional LROM2171 Lexicology   Cédrick Fairon
22.5h  5 credits q2 x x
Optional LROM2200 History of the French language   Olivier Delsaux
22.5h  5 credits q2 x x
Optional LROM2640 Language policy   Philippe Hambye
22.5h  5 credits q2 x x
Optional LROM2670 Les textes économiques et commerciaux en français : genres de discours et questions de terminologie   Thomas François
22.5h  4 credits q1 x x
Optional Literature from the Middle Ages and the Renaissance
Optional LROM2223 In-depth analysis of French texts from the Middle Ages and the Renaissance   Mattia Cavagna
, Agnès Guiderdoni
22.5h  5 credits q2 x x
Optional LROM2221 Issues in medieval literary history   Mattia Cavagna
22.5h  5 credits q1 x x
Optional LROM2227 Texts, manuscripts and printing: a critical and literary approach   Tania Van Hemelryck
15h  5 credits q2 x x
Optional Literary Studies in French language
Optional LROM2730 Analysis of literary Representation   22.5h  5 credits q2 x x
Optional LROM2740 Sociology of Literature   Jean-Louis Tilleuil
22.5h  5 credits q2 x x
Optional LROM2750 Contemporary literature and images   Jean-Louis Tilleuil
15h  5 credits q2 x x
Optional LROM2760 Principles and Foundations of Fiction   Vincent Engel
22.5h  5 credits q2 x x
Optional LTHEA2241 French theatre studies (from the Middle Ages to the Revolution)   Pierre Piret
30h  5 credits q1 x x
Optional LTHEA2242 French theatre studies (from the Revolution to the present day)   Pierre Piret
30h  5 credits q1 x x
Optional LFIAL2292 Art and Literature   Ralph Dekoninck
, Anne Reverseau
22.5h  5 credits q2 x x
Optional Spanish
Students may only choose one of the two LESPA courses
Optional LROM2515 Seminar: Spanish Literature II   Geneviève Fabry
15h  5 credits q2 x x
Optional LROM2840 Text analysis in Spanish   Geneviève Fabry
22.5h  5 credits q1 x x
Optional LROM2842 Issues in Spanish Literary History   Geneviève Fabry
30h  5 credits q2 x x
Optional LROM2844 Theory and analysis of Spanish-American literary texts   Geneviève Fabry
30h  5 credits q1 x x
Optional LESPA2601 Vocational Induction Seminar - Spanish (B2.2/C1)   Paula Lorente Fernandez (coord.)
30h  5 credits q1 x x
Optional LESPA1704 Spanish writing skills (B2-C1)   Begona Garcia Migura
, Paula Lorente Fernandez (coord.)
30h  5 credits q1 x x
Optional LTRAD2740 Literary Translation Workshop - Spanish   Geneviève Maubille
15h+15h  5 credits q2 x x
Optional Italian
Optional LROM2852 Poetry within Destruction and Re-creation : from Saba, Montale, Ungaretti to the Present   Mattia Cavagna (compensates Costantino Maeder)
15h  5 credits q1 x x
Optional LROM2854 Italy within the world: literary and cultural comparative paths   Silvia Mostaccio
15h  5 credits q2 x x
Optional LROM2856 The Writer and the Cinema   Costantino Maeder
15h  5 credits q1 x x
Optional LROM2857 Pragmatico- linguistic analysis of Italian literary texts   Costantino Maeder
15h  5 credits q2 x x
Optional LTRAD2750 Literary Translation Workshop - Italian   Laurent Béghin
15h+15h  5 credits q2 x x
Optional French as a Second Language
Courses reserved for students who have chosen a seminar in French as a foreign language (LROM2317 or LROM2930) and who wish to teach French as a foreign language in Belgium
Optional LROM2620 Acquisition of a seond or foreign language: theory and applications   Silvia Lucchini
22.5h  5 credits q1 x x
Optional LROM2630 Corrective and contrastive phonetics in French   Silvia Lucchini
22.5h  5 credits q2 x x
Optional LROM2940 Didactics of French as a foreign language and interncultural studies   Elodie Oger (compensates Silvia Lucchini)
22.5h+15h  5 credits q1 x x
Optional One course from :
Optional LROM2463 French for specific purposes   Emmanuelle Rassart
22.5h  5 credits q2 x x
Optional LROM2650 Training in the teaching of French as a mother tongue, second or foreign language   Silvia Lucchini
15h  5 credits q1 x x
Optional LROM2910 Teaching French to a young immigrant population   Silvia Lucchini
22.5h  5 credits q2 x x
Optional LROM2610 Analysis of linguistic phenomena and the teaching of French   Philippe Hambye
22.5h  5 credits q2 x x
Optional Teaching
Option course recommended for students taking the teaching focus.
Optional Teacher training in Romance languages
Optional LROM2945 Didactics of Spanish   Barbara De Cock
15h+15h  5 credits q1+q2 x x
Optional LROM2946 Didactics of Italian   Silvia Lucchini
7.5h+15h  5 credits q1 x x
Optional LROM9021 Observation and teaching practice in French and Romance languages and literature : analysis and preparation   Barbara De Cock (coord.)
, Jean-Louis Dufays (coord.)
, Silvia Lucchini (coord.)
40h  5 credits q1+q2   x
Optional Teacher training in another discipline
If students choose to study teaching a 3rd language or another discipline, they are required to undertake 10 hours of placement in this language or discipline.
Optional LGERM2521 German as a foreign language methodology   Ferran Suner Munoz
22.5h+35h  5 credits q1+q2 x x
Optional LGERM2523 Dutch as a foreign language methodology   Pauline Degrave
22.5h+35h  5 credits q1+q2 x x
Optional LGLOR2540B Didactics of Ancient Languages   Alain Meurant
45h  5 credits q1+q2 x x
Optional LARKE2910B Didactics of Art History and Aesthetics   Marie-Emilie Ricker
45h  5 credits q1+q2 x x
Optional Library studies
Optional LFIAL9012 Training in computer assisted publication  
Prerequisite : LCLIB2001
Olivier Comanne (coord.)
  5 credits q1 x x
Optional LFIAL2280 History of book and reading   Michel Lisse
22.5h  5 credits q2 x x
Optional LCLIB2000 Studying in a professional context   Olivier Comanne
15h+15h  5 credits q1 x x
Optional LCLIB2130 Digital books   Pierre Van Overbeke
15h  5 credits q1 x x
Optional Other courses (maximum 10 credits)
See note No. 2 at the start of the "option courses" section