120 credits - 2 years
Day schedule - In French
Francophone Certification Framework : 7
Internship : optional
Activities in other languages : NO
The digitalization is at the origin of the considerable increase of available data. From then on, most of the actors of the society rely on an analysis of these data to objectify their decision-making and develop their disciplinary axes. From these specific needs, we attend to the emergence of new jobs oriented to "data".
The Master's degree in Data Science proposes a training in scientific methods and technological tools to answer societal or scientific questions by processing data that are often massive ("Big Data"). This discipline requires associating a model structured by the problem of interest, with computer sciences, statistics and mathematics to bring a rigorous, quantitative and operational solution to the asked question. An IT infrastructure and algorithms of complex calculations also complement these scientific methods to allow the data structuring and processing.
The fields of application of data sciences are extremely varied: the political and security decision taking, the real time on-line advertising, the e-commerce, the data processing of network, the processing of financial data or industrial production, the biomedical research based on o-mics data or of imaging.
Your profile
You hold an undergraduate diploma or a Master's degree and you have acquired solid skills and the taste for the three pillars of the sciences of the data: the mathematics, the statistics and the computing as well as a curiosity for the fields of application of these disciplines.
You master technical English and are capable of attending class, reading scientific documents, to draft reports and to express you orally in this language. You have general skills and necessary personal qualities to approach a diploma of scientific Master's degree such as of the autonomy, a critical mind, the rigor, a capacity of auto-apprenticeship and to look for or to deal with the information.
A block of additional courses (of maximum 60 credits) is proposed to students having no all these skills.
Your future job
Your diploma of Master's degree in Data Science, statistical orientation, prepares you for positions of "data scientist", "data analyst", "data and analytics manager" or simply "statistician" and prepares to set of responsibility in these domains.
Your programme
The Master's degree in Data Science, declined in two orientations, leans on the following four common pillars:
- Statistical inference and modelling.
- Learning theory, Data mining and visualization of large-dimension data.
- The industrial aspects and the business of data sciences and data analytics.
The "Statistical" orientation offered by the LSBA (Louvain School in statistics, biostatistics and actuarial sciences) proposes, in complement to these four common pillars, a training more specialized in useful statistical methods for data sciences and a strong opening towards the implementation of tools in various fields of application, in management, finance and human sciences.
The Louvain School of Engineering (EPL) offers a second orientation, which complements the four common pillars with a specialization in "Information technology" via two options in "Computer systems" and "Digital methods and optimization".
Your parcours
You will develop firstly interdisciplinary fundamental skills, solid and deepened to be capable of approaching a wide spectrum of problems in data science. You will also be able to bring to a successful conclusion projects or of to develop research in the domain.
Your program will offer you opportunities to discover, via projects, internships or applied courses, extremely varied scopes of data sciences: political and security decision-making, the real time online advertising, the e-commerce, the data processing of network, the data processing financiers or of industrial production, the biomedical research based on –omics data or of imaging...