60 credits - 1 year
Day schedule - In English
Francophone Certification Framework : 7
Internship : YES
Activities in other languages : NO
The master offers:
- an inter-university programme organised within the framework of the ESL Economics School of Louvain (UCLouvain and UNamur), which benefits from the support of the University Cooperation for Development (CUD);
- an overview of economic problems;
- active teaching which integrates the experience of the participants and the socio-economic realities of their country of origin.
The details of the programme for the Advanced Master are available at this pages.
Your profile
The programme is open to students of all countries who demonstrate a strong interest in international economic relations or in the management of the economy of developing countries or ones in transition towards the market economy.
Admission occurs on the basis of an application file to be submitted to the inter-university admission committee: 2nd cycle graduates (min. 300 credits) in economic sciences; 2nd cycle graduates (min. 300 credits) in some other field: their admissibility will be evaluated by the admission committee.
The details of the access requirements for the Advanced Master are available at this pages.
Your programme
The advanced master in International Economics and Development is a one-year, 60-credit programme. It includes a prep course (5-credit foundation course if the student´s earlier education is deemed to be incomplete); courses and seminars split into two fields of study and the writing of a thesis (personal project).
Most of the courses are held in Unamur university (Namur). A day a week, during the 2nd quarter, the courses are held in Louvain-la-Neuve.
The details of the programme for the Advanced Master are available at this pages.