News for irmp

Direct coupling of the Higgs boson to the top quark observed

Brussels, Monday 4 June 2018: The first observation of the simultaneous production of a Higgs particle with a top quark-antiquark pair was published today in the scientific journal Physical Review Letters. This major milestone, first reported by the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) Collaboration in...
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Chaire de la Vallée Poussin 2018

Ce 22 mai aura lieu la leçon inaugurale de la Chaire de la Vallée Poussin attribuée cette année au Professeur Bernard Dacorogna de l'Ecole Polytechnique Fédéral de Lausanne. Plus de détail
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Summer school in algebra and topology

A Summer School in Algebra and Topology will take place in Louvain-la-Neuve from Wednesday 12 September to Saturday 15 September 2018. The invited speakers will be professors Maria Manuel Clementino (Coimbra), Alberto Facchini (Padova) and Tim Van der Linden...
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Chaire Georges Lemaître 2017

Dans le cadre de la Chaire, le professeur Kyle CRANMER de l'université de New York donnera des cours ouverts à toutes et tous en cosmologie, physique des particules et phénoménologie. Physics, Statistics and Machine Learning Leçon inaugurale Lundi 27 novembre 2017 à 16h15 - « Rethink...
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Kip Thorne, Prix Georges Lemaître 2016, wins the Nobel...

On this day of 3 October 2017 Kip Thorne (Caltech) has been awarded the prestigious Nobel Prize in Physics 2017 jointly with his close collaborators Rainer Weiss (MIT) and Barry C. Barish (Caltech) for “decisive contributions to the LIGO detector and the observation of gravitational waves"....
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