Archives for CEDIE


Workshop: Exploring the Challenges and Pitfalls of...

Workshop: Exploring the Challenges and Pitfalls of Vulnerabilities in the Belgian Asylum System: Actors in Dialogue Programme 08.45 Welcome 09.00 Welcome Address Luc Leboeuf 09.15 Presentation of the Results...
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New MOOC on Asylum and Refugee Law

The 1951 Refugee Convention is celebrating its 70th anniversary and  is more relevant than ever. To learn more about it, go to our online course Asylum and Refugee Law, in English, from September 7 and in French from September 21. It was piloted by professors Jean-Yves Carlier and Sylvie...
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Webinaire "Working in the Migration Field"

On December 3, a webinar on Teams organized by the University of Palermo on "Working in the Migration Field: Rethinking Approach and Strategies" will be held. Sylvie Sarolea and Massimo Starita will be among the speakers.  
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International Francqui Professor - Symposium

Controls and Hospitality. Towards Migration Policies which Strengthen Contemporary Democracy.
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International Francqui Professor Inaugural Lecture

Mobility and Migration Diversity: New Horizons for Human Rights
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