
Numerical cognition is the set of mental processes by which human beings, whether children or adults, are able to manipulate numbers and perform calculations. It covers the processes involved in determining the numerosity of collections of objects or series of events, processing, comparing and transforming quantities and various numerical notations, and solving arithmetic problems mentally or in writing. The NumCog Lab studies these processes and their physical and cerebral correlates.

The study of numerical cognition also provides us with a unique paradigm to address issues transversal to other domains of human cognition, such as the respective role of nature and nurture, the embodiment of abstract concepts, or the notion of cognitive cost. Our collaborations within IoNS have contributed to consolidate a multimodal approach integrating the methods of experimental psychology (mental chronometry, psychophysics, eye-tracking), neuropsychology (brain-damaged patients with visuospatial disorders, individuals with atypical sensorimotor development), neurostimulation (TMS, tDCS) and neuroimaging (fMRI). The outcome of this research is used to explore original hypotheses about dyscalculia, a major challenge in modern societies, and assess the potential of neurorehabilitation, especially in the domain of hemineglect.