First steps as a UCLouvain student
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For a stress-free start to the academic year and direct access to student online tools, follow these steps.
In order to take your first steps as a UCLouvain student, you must have:
chosen your course
Haven't chosen yet? Consult the UCLouvain course catalogue and don't hesitate to make an appointment with a course counsellor or ask student ambassadors for advice.
completed your online enrolment
Still haven’t done so? Go to the enrolment form page.
Like every student, you have a UCLouvain online account. Activate it to access online services.
Log in to your UCLouvain email address.
All messages sent by your faculty and teachers and administrative services will arrive at your UCLouvain email address. It is therefore imperative that you consult it regularly. Your email address is automatically created within 24 hours of the activation of your online account.
Customise your MyUCLouvain virtual office
On the website, click MyUCLouvain. You will have access to all the university's information and your virtual office. There you will find the "My Studies" widget to manage your academic career.
You can also customise your virtual office to add other helpful widgets (email, schedule, news, library catalogue, etc.).
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Download the UCLouvain Mobile app
UCLouvain Mobile will allow you to quickly consult your class timetable, faculty messages, campus maps, the Sport and Fitness Service's activity schedule – in short, all the information you need to make the most of your university experience! The app is available on Google Play and the App Store.
Before the start of the academic year, check your programme schedule regularly to find out about faculty welcome sessions and any schedule or location changes.
From 9 September, you can import your schedule and personalise it via My schedule or the “Schedule” widget in MyUCLouvain.
FUCaM Mons campus students can find information at
You arrived on campus? Complete the following steps to access teaching platforms and finalise your choice of classes.
At the start of the academic year UCLouvain faculties host welcome sessions for new students. The sessions explain the structure of education, available support, how the first term (Q1) will unfold, and university life in general. Important administrative information will be presented, such as the academic calendar, how to use the “valves électroniques” (online bulletin boards), email access, class registration procedure, access to class and exam schedules, etc.).
UCLouvain campus Wi-Fi network
UCLouvain offers you access to the eduroam Wi-Fi network, which is available in all UCLouvain premises.
To connect:
- Log in with your email address
- Enter the password for your UCLouvain online user ID
Join your class teams on Teams
Using your UCLouvain email address, connect to the app that allows you to join each of your class teams on Teams. Within 24 hours you will be able to find these teams on Teams and through them attend your classes. For help using Teams, please consult the student manual. Can't see your team? Be patient, your teacher will activate it when the class is ready.
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Register for classes on Moodle
Based on information provided by your faculty or teachers: You must register on Moodle (an online course platform) to access online resources posted by your teachers (syllabus, exercises, etc.). You must first accept the platform's user charter to access the platform. For registration help, consult the Moodle student manual. Please note that not all classes are available on Moodle. Your faculty or teachers will tell you which ones are available. FUCaM Mons campus students use
Compose your annual student programme (PAE)
Once your UCLouvain class registration has been confirmed (you will receive an email), you can complete your annual student programme (PAE) based on your chosen classes and the information provided by your faculty. Via "My student file", you will have access to the annual programme composition form. If your bachelor’s course allows you to pursue a minor, or if your master's course includes choice of specialisation, you will need to choose your minor or specialisation before selecting your classes. Your PAE proposal will then be examined and validated by the exam board. Remember, you are required to submit a PAE proposal! Since the 2022–23 academic year, the higher education reform has taken effect. If you are enrolling in higher education for the first time, the reform affects you. Among the points to bear in mind: the PAE is more clearly defined. What does this mean? Here is what you need to know.
Have you heard about the higher education reform? Information on the reform for students can be found on this web page.