Glaciers, icebergs and silicon


October 11, 2018


Building Carnoy Room B 059

A seminar given by Dr. Kate Hendry from the University of Bristol, UK (School of Earth Sciences) :

"Glaciers, icebergs and silicon : Preliminary findings from the ICY-LAB research expeditions to SW Greenland "

The algae that live in the oceans, which feed marine life and take up carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, rely on nutrients dissolved in seawater.
What controls nutrient supply to the oceans? How will these controls change in the future?
ICY-LAB aims to look into these questions.


This seminar will be followed by sandwiches before the seminar BDIV at 13h in the same room given by Pr. Michel Crucifix : "Which research programme for the Hothouse Earth?".