Transdisciplinary Forum: Social enterprises for sustainable societies From research to practice and back



03 July 2017, auditoires Socrate, Place Cardinal Mercier, 1348 Louvain-La-Neuve.

"Grand Place" parking.

Practitioners and researchers will exchange views and learn from each other of topics related to social economy, such as public recognition of social enterprises, development cooperation, social economy mutation with digitalization, renewable energy cooperatives, social innovation and care, and social finance.
This forum will be followed by  6th EMES International Research Conference on Social Enterprise

Organizing team : Géraldine Goffe, Andreia Lemaître, Rocio Nogales Marthe Nyssens,

Schedule of the day :


13h00 - 14h45  (workshop choice) :

Workshop 1 : Chair in Social and Solidarity Economy in the South: A dialogue between researchers and field actors (CIRTES UCL et Louvain Coopération) - Language : French

Workshop 2 : Cooperative energy: toward consumer engagement in the energy transition ? (EPFL, Lausanne ; Centre d’Économie Sociale, HEC, ULg ; Leuphana University of Lüneburg ; - Language : English

Workshop 3 : WISDOM : (Social innovation in field of elderly home care: The role of social entreprises): The elderly’s domicile: A space for social innovation? (CIRTES UCL) - Language : French

Workshop 4 : When is social finance social? (CIRTES UCL, Université de Rennes 1, CERMi ULB) - Language : French (english translation provided)

15h15 - 17h00  (workshop choice) :

Workshop 5 : How to mobilize actors and researchers to foster social economy? The case of digitalization in the services sector (Concertes et CIRTES) - Language : French

Workshop 6 : The future of renewable energy cooperatives in the European energy governance (EPFL, Lausanne ; Centre d’Économie Sociale, HEC, ULg ; Leuphana University of Lüneburg ; - Language : English

Workshop 7 : WISDOM : (Social innovation in field of elderly home care: The role of social entreprises): Innovating care services: the challenges of socioeconomic viability and well-being at work (CIRTES) - Language : French (English translation provided)

Workshop 8 : Labels in social finance: opportunity or threat? (CIRTES UCL, CERMi ULB) - Language : French

17h30 - 19h00

6th EMES International Research Conference opening plenary: Social Enterprise for sustainable societies. From research to practice and back.

Jacques Grégoire, Vice-Chancellor of social sciences and humanities, UCL
Jean-Claude Marcourt, Minister of Economy,Industry, Innovation, Digital Economy and of Higher Education, Research and Media

Which Social Enterprises Models for Sustainable Societies? Dialogue between research and practice

Marthe Nyssens, UCL, EMES president
Jo Barraket, Centre for Social Impact Swinburne, Swinburne University of Technology
Marek Hudon, Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management, Free University of Brussels

19h30 - 21h00

Welcoming cocktail




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