Thermodynamics and fluid mechanics
immc | Louvain-la-Neuve
The Thermodynamics and fluid mechanics division (TFL) has been conducting research in the fileds of energy and fluid mechanics.
These two main research areas are shared between
- Profs. Grégoire Winckelmans and Philippe Chatelain are active in advanced numerical simulations for aerodynamics, turbulent and vortical flows,
- Profs. Francesco Contino, Hervé Jeanmart and Yann Bartosiewicz carry out research in the field of energy, while Prof. Miltiadis Papalexandris bridges the gap between these two main axes by conducting theoretical and numerical research on reactive flows in porous and granular media.
Two senior scientists support the research transversally by leading either funded projects, external contracts or engineering service
- Dr. Véronique Dias
- Dr. Matthieu Duponcheel
This team also supervises 48 researchers/doctoral students.
This theoretical work is also supported by experimental activities in the laboratory to validate numerical models or for dedicated experimental projects. The experimental component is possible thanks to a strong technical team (CREDEM) that is able to carry out a test bench from its design to its realisation, commissioning and testing. This involves different and complementary skills such as
- technical drawing,
- machining/assembly
- electrical/electronic/data acquisition systems.
Transversally, the TFL division works under contract for several private companies and provides engineering services in different fields such as numerical simulations in fluid mechanics and heat transfer, data acquisition, calibration of measurement devices, and complete realization of prototypes from the design to the commissioning.
Besides a strongly experienced technical team, the TFL division owns state of the art simulation tools, experimental facilities and measurement devices including:
- High performance computing
- CFD codes: ANSYS CFD, OpenFoam, plus home made
- High speed camera
- Schlieren apparatus
- High speed stereo PIV system
- Laser Doppler velocimetry (LDV)
- Low speed wind-tunnel (open)
- Towing tank (13m long)
- Fluid characterization lab
- Coriolis flow meters, temperature/pressure measurements
- Mass spectrometer
- Industrial compressor (delivering 1200 Nm3/h at 40bar)
- 200kWth gasifier
- Drop tube furnace
- Several engines
- Cogeneration units
- Ejector air conditioning
- Combustion chambers
- Large scale supersonic ejector
- These features provide good conditions for a well-balanced approach integrating both numerical simulations and experimental verification to achieve research and engineering projects.
Thermodynamics and fluid mechanics
Thermodynamics and fluid mechanics
Louis AlsteensAppartenance
Pierre BaltyAppartenance
Yann BartosiewiczAppartenance
Zakarie BruyrAppartenance
Baptiste BuxantAppartenance
Denis-Gabriel CapraceAppartenance
Julien CarlierAppartenance
Luisa CastellanosAppartenance
Philippe ChatelainAppartenance
Martin CollaAppartenance
Victor ColognesiAppartenance
Francesco ContinoAppartenance
Diederik CoppittersAppartenance
Marion CoqueletAppartenance
Jean-Baptiste CrismerAppartenance
Julien DandoyAppartenance
Zoé DassesseAppartenance
Romain DebroeyerAppartenance
Ali DianeAppartenance
Véronique DiasAppartenance
Maëlle DidionAppartenance
Matthieu DuponcheelAppartenance
Maged FaragallaAppartenance
Inès Gancedo TaranoAppartenance
Nicolas GhuysAppartenance
Thomas GillisAppartenance
Emmanuel GillynsAppartenance
Maximilien GonzeAppartenance
Baptiste HardyAppartenance
Mattéo HauglustaineAppartenance
Niels HorstenAppartenance
Yanan HuoAppartenance
Julien JacqueminAppartenance
Hervé JeanmartAppartenance
Pablo Jimenez ZabalagaAppartenance
Mahdi KchaouAppartenance
Julien KlaunerAppartenance
Antoine LaterreAppartenance
Arthur LefebvreAppartenance
Hongru LiAppartenance
Gauthier LimpensAppartenance
Philippe MarbaixAppartenance
Youri MarchalAppartenance
Joauma MarichalAppartenance
Sébastien MeyerAppartenance
Maud MoensAppartenance
Aysu ÖzdenAppartenance
Pietro PaganiAppartenance
Miltiadis PapalexandrisAppartenance
Nicolas ParmentierAppartenance
Pauline PaternostreAppartenance
Evangelos PetridisAppartenance
Gilles PonceletAppartenance
Alice PonetAppartenance
Guillaume QuerinjeanAppartenance
Ignace RansquinAppartenance
Xavier RixhonAppartenance
Sara SpanoAppartenance
François TrigauxAppartenance
Jan Van den BergheAppartenance
Otis Van KermAppartenance
Panagiotis VarelasAppartenance
Adrian WalshAppartenance
Yunyun WangAppartenance
Grégoire WinckelmansAppartenance