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Thesis defended by Anneloes Martinsen

Anneloes Martinsen (Institute of Neuroscience – CEMO Division in Cell Physiology research group) will defend her thesis entitled " Le muscle lisse vasculaire : diversité phénotypique et signalisation calcique " (promoter: Pr. Nicole Morel, IONS).
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Intensive rehabilitation: Evidence-based training for...

Une journée de conférence sera organisée le 29 mars 2013, à l’occasion de la venue à l’UCL du Prof. Andrew Gordon de l’Université de Columbia (Invitation ) :
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Séminaire CEMO: "Regulation of CB1 receptor signalling...

Madame Barbara Bosier (Groupe Neuropharmacologie) présentera le séminaire intitulé "Regulation of CB1 receptor signalling during neuropathic pain" le mardi 5 mars 2013 à 12:00 dans la salle Harvey 1.
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Available position for a PhD student - Bilateral upper...

The Institute of Neuroscience of the University of Louvain (UCL, Belgium) is offering a PhD position to work on the “comparison of intensive vs regular bilateral upper and lower extremity training in children with cerebral palsy”.
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Séminaire COSY : "Altered gravity : a key to better...

Le Professeur Philippe LEFEVRE (IONS/COSY & ICTEAM/INMA) présentera le vendredi 1 mars 2013 un séminaire intitulé «Altered gravity : a key to better understand the neural control of movement».
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