Archives for CPDR


Webinar | Negotiating the legal status of AI systems in...

In this DRAILS 's public event, Diana Mocanu will present her last paper "Negotiating the legal status of AI systems in the EU".   The ‘status question’ concerns the matter of qualifying and categorizing artificial intelligence (AI) systems in legal terms. It is of paramount concern -...
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Webinar | AI technologies in the field of creative...

This DRAILS conference will be dedicated to “The impact of deployment of AI technologies in the field of creative industries for copyright and related rights”, and will be presented by Alain Strowel, Sari Depreeuw and Luc Desaunettes-Barbero. Over the last few years, AI solutions have been...
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Conférence "Transition et Développement Durable"

Conférence sur la recherche interdisciplinaire et transdisciplinaire « Transition et Développement Durable » co-organisée par Tom Dedeurwaerdere (JURI/PJTD - LPTransition), Marthe Nyssens (Prorectrice Transition et Société) et Pierre Mersh (ADRE). ► Description, programme détaillé et...
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Pandémie et Démocratie | Séoul - Visioconférence

Pandémie et Démocratie | Séoul Visioconférence , avec la participation du prof. Marc Maesschalck : "Pandémie et Philosophie politique" Master EuroPhilosophie - Ecole d'automne 2021 à Séoul Inequality and Citizenship Research Center (ICRC)
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Conference | (Re-)territorializing agriculture: Between...

(Re-)territorializing agriculture : Between the promotion of local products and trade in Europe. European Conference organized by Loodts Nicolas, UCLouvain, SSH/IACS/IACCHOS Frison Christine, UCLouvain, SSH/JURI/PJTD-CPDR Hermesse Julie, UCLouvain,SSH/IACS/IACCHOS Dendoncker...
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