Archives for CRIDES

Workshop | Unified Patent Court (27/5/21)

Unified Patent Court | ONLINE WORKSHOP Thursday, 27th of May / 9.00-17.00 Organised by the CRIDES (UCLouvain), in collaboration with the "Association Internationale de Droit Economique" (A.I.D.E.). Scientific Committee: Vincent Cassiers, Luc Desaunettes, Fernand de Visscher and Alain...
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Conference | Information and Democracy at Work (26/5/21)

Online Conference | INFORMATION AND DEMOCRACY AT WORK 26 May 2021 (from 13.00 to 18.00) ►  REGISTRATION FORM - Free entrance but online registration required. The link giving access to the event will be transmitted by email to the people registered in the days before...
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Legal Design Roundtable 2021 (25/5/21)

Legal Design Roundtable 2021 | BOOKS IN CONVERSATION 25 May 2021 (14-17 CEST) ►FULL PROGRAM AND REGISTRATION FORM - Free entrance but online registration required This year the roundtable will host a “conversation among books” on law and design which are expected to be published in...
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Webinaire | DRAILS Project | Présentation des recherches...

Présentation des recherches de la Chaire Intelligence artificielle responsable à l’échelle mondiale de l’Université d’Ottawa. Par Céline Castets-Renard, Eleonore Fournier-Tombs et Anne-Sophie Hulin
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Webinaire | Pensions' mornings | Questions d'actualité...

        Pension's mornings 2021   Louvain-la-Neuve ►Inscriptions préalables via ce lien. L'accès à la plateforme sera communiqué, avant chaque séminaire, aux participants préalablement inscrits. Responsables...
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