Midis de la recherche

04 mai 2021


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Isabel Palomares Linares (RUG, University of Groningen)

Residential (im)mobility and family ties in Southern Spain

Family proximity has been addressed as a relevant factor to understand (im)mobility decisions. The location of family networks outside the household can play determine individuals movements, whether tying them down, or directing them to different locations. From a quantitative perspective, the likelihood of moving/staying close to kin could increase under certain circumstances like requiring material support. This paper studies how residential trajectories are connected to the geographies of our family networks from a qualitative perspective. The focus is on the residential experiences of people and the role of family proximity in their narratives. We conducted 22 semi-structured interviews in two Southern Spain cities and our findings indeed suggest the great relevance of family ties on residential trajectories and expectations. But they also suggest that, even in a highly family oriented society as Andalucía, the discourses around the role of family proximity are diverse, with great differences regarding family socialization background, personal aspirations and social position of actors.