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Midis de la recherche

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7 March 2024, modifié le 6 December 2024

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Midis de la recherche
02 Apr
Marine Quennehen (CIRFASE, UCLouvain) Becoming a father before the age of 25: What is the transition to adulthood for men incarcerated working-class men? Investigating in prison has shown that early fatherhood is not a marginal phenomenon there, as it involves many young men. Half the prisoners interviewed were aged 25 or under when their first child was born.
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Midis de la recherche
02 Apr
Marine Quennehen (CIRFASE, UCLouvain) Becoming a father before the age of 25: What is the transition to adulthood for men incarcerated working-class men? Investigating in prison has shown that early fatherhood is not a marginal phenomenon there, as it involves many young men. Half the prisoners interviewed were aged 25 or under when their first child was born.