International Research Workshop "Language Use in Later Life" (CLARe 2015) - 7 au 9 décembre 2015

Avec la participation d'experts internationaux, ce workshop a pour objectif d'interroger des thématiques qui sont au centre des préoccupations du CLARe (Corpus for Language and Aging Research).

International Workshop Language Use in Later Life (CLARe 2015 "Corpora for Language and Aging Research"), 7-9 December 2015 at UCLouvain (Belgium)



                           (EN)                                 (FR)
With the participation of leading experts in the field, the workshop aims to focus on the theoretical implications of empirical work as conducted by CLARe's projects, in order to develop the outlines of future collaboration in this young but cutting-edge domain of research in linguistics and aging. Besides scientific issues, the following question will also be addressed: "How to make results in language and aging research transferable and useful for healthcare professionals, caregivers, relatives, and the seniors themselves?" Avec la participation d’experts internationaux, ce Workshop a pour objectif d’interroger des thématiques qui sont au centre des préoccupations du CLARe. Des pistes de collaboration future seront ainsi explorées, visant le développement d’un réseau international et interdisciplinaire au sein du champ émergent de la recherche en linguistique et vieillissement. Outre les questions scientifiques, une des questions posées sera: "Comment rendre des résultats de recherche en langage et vieillissement utiles, transposables et applicables sur le terrain, en particulier pour les professionnels de la santé, les soignants, les proches, et les seniors eux-mêmes?".

Conference Website:
On-line registration: (open until 20 November, participation is free of charge)
Language of the conference: English

Keynote speakers:

  • Dr. V. Charlot is director of the center of expertise "Le Bien Vieillir" (Namur, Belgium) comprised of experts and practitioners working with older people; she is gerontologist and holds a PhD (UCLouvain) in neuropsychology of aging.
  • Prof. Boyd E. Davis (U. North Carolina, Charlotte, USA): as a Bonnie E. Cone Professor in Applied Linguistics and Gerontology, her areas of research include sociohistorical approaches to stance, pragmatics and narrative in medical discourse and Alzheimer’s speech; she compiled a fifteen-year longitudinal collection of conversational interviews with persons with Alzheimer’s disease that are part of the online digital Carolinas Conversations Collection.
  • Prof. Heidi Hamilton (Georgetown University, USA): exploring the mutual effects between language and human health, she aims to understand language disability as a human problem within multiple linguistic and social contexts; she bases her analyses on the language of naturally-occurring conversations; she also teach discourse analysis and sociolinguistics at medical and nursing conferences and is a consultant with a health care communications company, focusing on the relationship between physician-patient communication and health.
  • Prof. Camilla Lindholm (Elsingfors Universitet, Finland): as an academy research fellow in Scandinavian Studies at the University of Helsinki, she uses the method of conversational analysis and interactional linguistics to investigate interaction in institutional settings and conversations involving participants with communication difficulties; her current research interests involve communication interventions and multilingual encounters in elderly care.
  • Prof. Alison Wray (U. Cardiff, United Kingdom): as a research Professor in Language and Communication, she is interested in language profiling, evolution of language and psycholinguistic theory; her major research contributions in the 2000s has been in developing new understanding about formulaic language; in her recent research, she has explored the role of formulaic language in people with Alzheimer’s and also how it is used by the carers.


 Sponsors: This Workshop has received support from the Freie Universität Berlin (Germany), Institute for Language and Communication (UCLouvain, Belgium), Valibel - Discours et Variation center (UCLouvain, Belgium), IRCOM (Consortium Corpus Oraux et Multimodaux, TGIR Huma-Num, France).



Publié le 24 novembre 2015