Dynamics of brainstem networks in upper airway protection and swallow-breathing coordination


24 janvier 2019


Salle de réunion +3 des Cliniques St Luc (Woluwe)

L’IoNS et le pôle NEUR ont le plaisir de vous convier au séminaire donné par Le Professeur Christian Gestreau de Aix Marseille Université

“Dynamics of brainstem networks in upper airway protection and swallow-breathing coordination.




Swallow-breathing coordination safeguards the lower airways from tracheal aspiration of bolus material as it moves through the pharynx into the esophagus. Impaired movements of the shared muscles or structures of the aerodigestive tract, or disruptions in the interaction of brainstem swallow and respiratory central pattern generators (CPGs) result in dysphagia. Despite many investigations, both the neural control of swallowing and the mechanisms of upper airway protection are far from being understood. In this talk I will present recent data obtained in the decerebrate, paralyzed and artificially ventilated cat supporting the roles of central respiratory activity and vagal feedback from the lungs as key elements for effective swallow-breathing coordination. The findings suggest a novel model of reciprocal inhibition between the swallow CPG and inspiratory or expiratory cells of the respiratory CPG where lung distension and phases of central respiratory activity represent a dual peripheral and central gating mechanism of swallow-breathing coordination. I will also summarized other electrophysiological data, including intra- and extracellular recordings in vivo, supporting the concept of a dynamic re-organization of the respiratory CPG to produce protective reflexes such as cough and swallow.


Institut de Neurosciences des Systèmes (INS), INSERM U1106, Faculté de la Timone, Marseille, France.


Le séminaire sera suivi, le lendemain, vendredi 25 janvier, d’un « meet the scientist » entre 12h et 13h au Centre Fac 1 (Tour 50 -1 à 1200 Woluwe-St-Lambert)