Another Successful LAB Day


Once again LAB Day was a great success !

The third LAB DAY took place in Tournai on 9 September.

The exhibition of posters by doctoral students and post-doc gave rise to many fascinating exchanges, the workshops enthralled us and Dietmar Eberle's Lectio Magistralis broadened our horizons. All in a festive end-of-summer atmosphere.

Congratulations to the doctoral candidates that have been awarded commendations from the jury:

Giulia Scialpi - Pietro Manaresi - Yen-Shuo Huang

For the LAB Best Poster Award 2024 prize winner : Anna Saviano

For the Best Workshop Award, ex-aequo :

Chiara Cavalieri, Giulia Marino, Beatrice Lampariello, Andrea Anselmo, Pietro Maranesi, Alexandre Bossard
For the workshop: "On drawing as a research tool"

Emilie Gobbo
For the workshop: "Sketchnoting"

Publié le 11 octobre 2024