Handbook of the Septuagint


Les prof. Hans Ausloos et Benedicte Lemmelijn publient le 5e volume du Handbook of the Septuagint (2020).

Sous l'intitulé "The Theology of the Septuagint" : il s'agit d'examiner si les traducteurs de la Septante offrent ou non une théologie particulière. Il ne s'agit pas pour ce Handbook de fournir une réponse définitive et systématique, mais de chercher et explorer divers éléments proprement théologiques. L'ouvrage examine pas moins de huit perspectives théologiques différentes.
The search for theological elements and accents within the Septuagint is a scholarly topic that gains more and more attention, and rightly so. Factually speaking, however, the name 'Septuagint' covers a pluriform and multiple textual reality in which many aspects are presented in very different ways. Therefore, the present volume within the series Handbuch zur Septuaginta / Handbook of the Septuagint (LXX.H) does not aim at providing 'the' ultimate systematic and consistent theology of 'the' Septuagint. Nevertheless, it seems possible to search and explore distinctive theological elements in its texts. Taking this nuance into serious account and in an attempt to cover the main theological issues in the Old Testament / Hebrew Bible, this volume centers around eight theological perspectives, that will be studied against the background of the central question pertaining to the particular accents and elements in the Septuagint in that respect.
H. Ausloos, B. Lemmelijn (eds), Die Theologie der Septuaginta. The Theology of the Septuagint (Handbook, 5), Gütersloh : Gütershoher Verlaghaus, 2020, 605 pp. 


Publié le 15 avril 2020