

Our research activities concern fluvial hydraulics and flood propagation using numerical simulations, laboratory and field measurements :

  • Sediment transport, morphological modelling and breaching processes in earthen embankments
  • Flood modelling in complex topographies and urban areas
  • Non-intrusive measurement techniques (digital imagery, photogrammetry, PIV, PTV, …)

Our numerical simulations tools are progressively made available trough our Watlab environment. We also set a special focus on the links between numerical simulations and idealised laboratory experiments that allow a good understanding of the physics while providing data sets for the validation of numerical models.

PhD students; Jiangtao Yang, Robin Meurice, Masoumeh Ebrahimi, Nathan Delpierre, Charles Ryckmans, Rotchild Louis
Senior scientists / postdoc researchers: Yves Zech, Pierre-Yves Gousenbourger