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Mich "Against the Fragmentation of Global Justice"

hoover | Louvain-la-Neuve

14 December 2023, modifié le 6 December 2024

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Mich "Against the Fragmentation of Global Justice"
05 Mar
Mardi intime de la Chaire Hoover par Simon Caney (University of Warwick) In the past some used to defend some overarching principles of justice – globalise the difference principle, global equality, global sufficiency, global libertarianism, etc.
Placeholder image
Mich "Against the Fragmentation of Global Justice"
05 Mar
Mardi intime de la Chaire Hoover par Simon Caney (University of Warwick) In the past some used to defend some overarching principles of justice – globalise the difference principle, global equality, global sufficiency, global libertarianism, etc.