Bridging the developmental gap ? Quantitative genetic models of long-term evolvability
isp | Louvain-la-Neuve
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Bridging the developmental gap ? Quantitative genetic models of long-term evolvability
24 Feb
The CEFISES Center is pleased to announce the sixth session of the Life & Cognition seminar series in 2020/2021.
Our invited speaker will be Laura Nuño de la Rosa, Department of Logic and Theoretical Philosophy, Complutense University of Madrid.
The talk will take place on line, on 24/02/21 - 15h00-17h00.
To register, please contact Andrea Gambarotto (andre
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Bridging the developmental gap ? Quantitative genetic models of long-term evolvability
24 Feb
The CEFISES Center is pleased to announce the sixth session of the Life & Cognition seminar series in 2020/2021.
Our invited speaker will be Laura Nuño de la Rosa, Department of Logic and Theoretical Philosophy, Complutense University of Madrid.
The talk will take place on line, on 24/02/21 - 15h00-17h00.
To register, please contact Andrea Gambarotto (andre