16 mai 2022
10:50 - 16:30
Bâtiment Dupriez, auditoire E.221
By Anca Gheaus and Christine Straehle
11:15 Opening Remarks
Axel Gosseries (Un. catholique de Louvain)
11:20 Introduction
Anca Gheaus (Central European University) and
Christine Straehle (Hamburg University)
Chapter 1
Defending Surrogacy as Reproductive Labour
Alain Loute (Un. catholique de Louvain)
Chapter 2
Against private surrogacy: a child-centred view
Tim Meijers (Leiden University)
13:00 Lunch Break
Chapter 3
What’s in it for the baby?
Cléo Salion (Un. Panthéon-Sorbonne)
Chapter 4
Women and children first. A reply to Straehle
15h45 Teresa Baron (Czech Academy of Sciences)
Each chapter (45’) - Introduction by the authors (10’) - Discussant + replies (15’) - Debate with everyone (20’)