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We are looking for a PhD student

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21 January 2022, modifié le 10 January 2025

Pole of Pneumology, ORL & Dermatology of the Institute of Experimental and Clinical Research 

Group of respiratory allergy & immunology 

is looking for a PhD student

Desired qualifications: Master in Biomedical Sciences, Biology, or equivalent. Good level of English Language required.

Project: study of CC16 as a new biomarker of epithelial dysfunction in cystic fibrosis

In contrast with the availability (since 2016) of therapeutics able to correct the channel function of the CFTR protein that is mutated in cystic fibrosis, biomarkers that could closely reflect the airway epithelial cell damage are still lacking in this disease.

The aim of the project is to evaluate whether CC16 protein, secreted by club cells in small airways of the lungs, could represent a biomarker of the epithelial (dys)function in patients with cystic fibrosis and in an animal model of the disease.

Dates and funding: start when funding obtained in 2022, via application to PhD funding sources (e.g. FNRS/FRIA, FSR).

Applications & information: Please send your Curriculum Vitae and motivation letter (with 2 reference letters) by e-mail to Pr Sophie Gohy: