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Summer School - Chair "International Francqui Professor"

st-louis |

1 March 2024, modifié le 18 December 2024

12th - 15th June 2024


The Francqui-Sign Language Studies Summer School aims to create a dynamic learning environment for PhD students, post-docs, and early career researchers from various fields of Sign Language Studies with a focus on interpreting and translation. It is also open to MA graduates contemplating undertaking a PhD or wanting to know more about what a PhD entails.

The Summer School will be a signing environment, providing participants with a unique opportunity to engage in discussions, share insights, and deepen their understanding of Interpreting and Translation Studies research, methodologies, and methods.

The program for the Summer School will be collaborative and interactive, including examining “where we look from” (our positionality), and “how we look at" our subject. We will explore motivations for undertaking a PhD/research, applying theoretical frameworks, data analysis, using appropriate research tools, and academic writing.

At the Summer School, the Francqui International Professor Chair Dr Christopher Stone, Prof Jemina Napier, Drs Sílvia Gabarró-López, Isabelle Heyerick, Thaïsa Hughes, Natasha Maliko and Maartje De Meulder will present to the participants at morning and evening interactive lectures (singularly or together). They will discuss their own experiences, the progress and pitfalls experienced during data collection and analysis, and share tips and tricks they have learned.

Participants will be able to present a poster about their work, either on research problems and challenges they wish to discuss, ideas they wish to pursue, or data and analysis for reflections and debate. The poster sessions will be held in the mornings after the morning interactive lectures.

During the afternoon there will be workshops on topics such as: using data analysis tools, applying theoretical frameworks, writing for different audiences and formats, and presenting at academic fora. Participants will also be able to apply for a one-to-one meeting with one of the Summer School lecturers, selected per the participant’s topic and the lecturer’s expertise.

We look forward to seeing you in Brussels in the summer.



Christopher Stone - Wolverhampton University, Chair Francqui International


Jemina Napier – Heriot-Watt University


Maartje De Meulder - HU - University of Applied Sciences Utrecht


Isabelle Heyerick – Trinity College Dublin


Natasha Parkins-Maliko - University of the Witwatersrand


 Thaïsa Hughes - Wolverhampton University


Sílvia Gabarró López - Pompeu Fabra University


Comité scientifique

Prof. Dany Etienne - UCLouvain Saint-Louis Bruxelles
Prof. Laurence Meurant - UNamur
Prof. Marie-Aude Lefer - UCLouvain
Prof. Myriam Vermeerbergen - KULeuven
Nicolas Hanquet - Aspirant FNRS

Avec le soutien de la Fondation Francqui et du FNRS.
