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Photo of Joris Proost
Joris Proost
Professeur extraordinaire

SST/EPL Ecole polytechnique de Louvain (EPL)

SST/IMMC Institute of Mechanics, Materials and Civil Engineering (iMMC)

SST/IMMC/IMAP Materials and process engineering (IMAP)


Van Droogenbroek, Kevin ; Georgiadis, Christos ; Scheid, Benoit ; Proost, Joris. Numerical assessment of flow uniformity and recirculation in a water electrolysis cell with knitted mesh and foam-like electrodes. In: Chemical Engineering Science, Vol. 310, p. 121513 (2025). doi:10.1016/j.ces.2025.121513.


Appelhaus, Simon ; Ritz, Lukas ; Pape, Sharon-Virginia ; Lohmann-Richters, Felix ; Kraglund, Mikkel Rykaer ; Jensen, Jens Oluf ; Massari, Francesco ; Boroomandnia, Mehrdad ; Romanò, Maurizio ; Albers, Justin ; Kubeil, Clemens ; Bernäcker, Christian ; Lemcke, Michelle Sophie ; Menzel, Nadine ; Bender, Guido ; Chen, Binyu ; Holdcroft, Steven ; Delmelle, Renaud ; Proost, Joris ; Hnát, Jaromír ; Kauranen, Pertti ; Ruuskanen, Vesa ; Viinanen, Toni ; Müller, Martin ; Turek, Thomas ; Shviro, Meital. Benchmarking performance: A round-robin testing for liquid alkaline electrolysis. In: International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Vol. 95, p. 1004-1010 (2024). doi:10.1016/j.ijhydene.2024.11.288.

Rouxhet, Rémy ; Loudeche, Maxime ; Santoro, Ronny ; Proost, Joris. Low-Temperature Water Electrolysis Under a Sustained pH-Gradient for Electrochemically-Induced Decarbonation of Limestone into Hydrated Lime. In: Journal of The Electrochemical Society, Vol. 171, no.9, p. 094504 (2024). doi:10.1149/1945-7111/ad73a6.

Saraiva Rocha da Silva, Fernando ; Georgiadis, Christos ; Van Droogenbroek, Kevin ; Delmelle, Renaud ; Pinon, Xavier ; Pyka, Grzegorz ; Kerckhofs, Greet ; Egert, Franz ; Razmjooei, Fatemeh ; Ansar, Syed-Asif ; Mitsushima, Shigenori ; Proost, Joris. Proton exchange membrane-like alkaline water electrolysis using flow-engineered three-dimensional electrodes. In: Nature Communications, Vol. 15, p. 7444 (2024).


Delmelle, Renaud ; Pyka, Grzegorz ; Razmjooei, Fatemeh ; Ansar, Syed A. ; Proost, Joris. Alkaline water electrolysis with PEM-like performance using flow-engineered 3-D electrodes. Hydrogen Days 2024 (Prague, Czech Republic, du 20/03/2024 au 22/03/2024).

Van Droogenbroek, Kevin ; Georgiadis, Christos ; Proost, Joris. CFD simulations of electrolyte flow uniformity and recirculation in alkaline water electrolysis cells. European PhD Hydrogen Conference (EPHyC2024), Symposium on Production (Ghent, Belgium, du 20/03/2024 au 22/03/2024). In: European PhD Hydrogen Conference : book of abstracts, 2024, p. Abstract 64.

Saraiva Rocha da Silva, Fernando ; Delmelle, Renaud ; Pinon, Xavier ; Proost, Joris. Flow-engineered 3-D printed electrodes for alkaline water electrolysis. 245th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society (ECS), Symposium on Low Temperature Water Electrolysis for Hydrogen Production (San Francisco, CA, USA, du 26/05/2024 au 30/05/2024). In: Proceedings of the 245th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society (ECS), 2024, p. Abstract I01-1771 .

Rouxhet, Rémy ; Delmelle, Renaud ; Proost, Joris. Low-temperature water electrolysis under a sustained pH-gradient for the electrochemically-induced decarbonation of limestone into hydrated lime. 245th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society (ECS), Symposium on Low Temperature Water Electrolysis for Hydrogen Production (San Francisco, CA, USA, du 26/05/2024 au 30/05/2024). In: Proceedings of the 245th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society (ECS), 2024, p. Abstract I01-1721 .

Van Droogenbroek, Kevin ; Georgiadis, Christos ; Proost, Joris. Multiphase modeling of enhanced bubble evacuation in alkaline water electrolysis cells based on laterally-graded 3-D electrodes. 245th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society (ECS), Symposium on Low Temperature Water Electrolysis for Hydrogen Production (San Francisco, CA, USA, du 26/05/2024 au 30/05/2024). In: Proceedings of the 245th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society (ECS), 2024, p. Abstract I01-1681.

Proost, Joris. Techno-economic aspects of hydrogen production from water electrolysis. 245th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society (ECS), Symposium on Low Temperature Water Electrolysis for Hydrogen Production (San Francisco, CA, USA, du 26/05/2024 au 30/05/2024).

Wauthy, Nathan ; Delmelle, Renaud ; Proost, Joris. Towards seawater electrolysis in alkaline media. European PhD Hydrogen Conference (EPHyC 2024) (Ghent, Belgium, du 20/03/2024 au 22/03/2024). In: European PhD Conference : Book of abstracts, 2024., p. 660.


Dechany, Antoine ; Van Geem, Kevin ; Proost, Joris. Process implications of electrifying ammonia production. In: Current Opinion in Chemical Engineering, Vol. 40, p. 100915 (2023). doi:10.1016/j.coche.2023.100915.


Loudeche, Maxime ; Rouxhet, Rémy ; Proost, Joris. Development of a New Type of Electrochemical Reactor for Low Temperature Lime and Cement Production. 243th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society, Symposium on advances in industrial electrochemistry & electrochemical engineering (Boston, USA, du 28/05/2023 au 02/06/2023). In: ECS Meeting Abstracts, 2023, p. Abstract F01-1603. doi:10.1149/MA2023-01241603mtgabs.

Wauthy, Nathan ; Delmelle, Renaud ; Proost, Joris. Effects of water quality on alkaline water electrolysis performance. 4th International Conference on Electrolysis (Sun City, South Africa, du 27/08/2023 au 01/09/2023). In: ICE: Book of abstracts, 2023, p. 148.

Rouxhet, Rémy ; Loudeche, Maxime ; Proost, Joris. Electrification of lime and cement production through the exploitation of the pH gradient created by water electrolysis. 7th Green & Sustainable Chemistry Conference (Dresden, Germany, du 22/05/2023 au 24/05/2023).

Proost, Joris. Green or blue hydrogen : (much) more than a matter of colours !. 7th Internat. Conf. on Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells & Electrolysis. Materials, Systems & Applications (CARISMA) (Lefkada, Greece, du 01/10/2023 au 05/10/2023). In: CARISMA: Book of abstracts, 2023, p. 31.

Proost, Joris. How, where and when can green electrolytic hydrogen become cost-competitive ?. Australian Hydrogen Research Conference 2023 (AHRC) (Australian National University, Canberra, Australia, du 08/02/2023 au 10/02/2023). In: AHRC2023 proceedings, SSRN (Elsevier’s open access research platform), 2023, p. abstract 10.

Saraiva Rocha da Silva, Fernando ; Georgiadis, Christos ; Pyka, Grzegorz ; Razmjooei, Fatemeh ; Ansar, Syed A ; Proost, Joris. PEM-like alkaline water electrolysis using flow-engineered 3-D electrodes. 4th International Conference on Electrolysis (Sun City, South Africa, du 27/08/2023 au 01/09/2023). In: ICE: Book of abstracts, 2023, p. 75.

Van Droogenbroek, Kevin ; Georgiadis, Christos ; Proost, Joris. Towards Multiphase Modeling and Simulation of Alkaline Water Electrolysis through Pore-Resolved Foam Electrodes. 243rd Meeting of the Electrochemical Society, Symposium on low temperature water electrolysis for H2 Production (Boston, USA, du 28/05/2023 au 02/06/2023). In: ECS Meeting Abstracts, 2023, Abstract I01-1980.

Georgiadis, Christos ; Van Droogenbroek, Kevin ; Proost, Joris. Towards pore-resolved multiphase simulations of electrolyte-bubble flow through 3D electrodes for alkaline water electrolysis. 19th Multiphase Flow Workshop - Conference and Short Course (Dresden, Germany, du 19/06/2023 au 23/06/2023). In: Book of abstracts, 2023, p. Abstract 380.


Saraiva Rocha da Silva, Fernando ; Delmelle, Renaud ; Georgiadis, Christos ; Proost, Joris. Effect of pore size and electrolyte flow rate on the bubble removal efficiency of 3D pure Ni foam electrodes during alkaline water electrolysis. In: Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, Vol. 10, p. 107648 (2022). doi:10.1016/j.jece.2022.107648.

Saraiva Rocha da Silva, Fernando ; Delmelle, Renaud ; Georgiadis, Christos ; Proost, Joris. Electrochemical Performance Enhancement of 3D Printed Electrodes Tailored for Enhanced Gas Evacuation during Alkaline Water Electrolysis. In: Advanced Energy Materials, Vol. online, p. 2203087 (2022). doi:10.1002/aenm.202203087.

Poulain, Raphaël ; Lumbeeck, Gunnar ; Hunka, Jonas ; Proost, Joris ; Savolainen, Henri ; Idrissi, Hosni ; Schryvers, Dominique ; Gauquelin, Nicolas ; Klein, Andreas. Electronic and Chemical Properties of Nickel Oxide Thin Films and the Intrinsic Defects Compensation Mechanism. In: ACS Applied Electronic Materials, Vol. 4, no.6, p. 2718-2728 (2022). doi:10.1021/acsaelm.2c00230.

Poulain, Raphaël ; Rohrer, Jochen ; Hermans, Yannick ; Dietz, Christian ; Brötz, Joachim ; Proost, Joris ; Chatenet, Marian ; Klein, Andreas. Origin of Surface Reduction upon Water Adsorption on Oriented NiO Thin Films and Its Relation to Electrochemical Activity. In: The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, Vol. 126, no.3, p. 1303-1315 (2022). doi:10.1021/acs.jpcc.1c07934.


Proost, Joris. Critical assessment of the production scale required for fossil parity of green electrolytic hydrogen. 23rd World Hydrogen Energy Conference (WHEC-2022) (Istanbul, Turkey, du 26/06/2022 au 30/06/2022). In: WHEC-2022 Abstract Book, 2022, p. 18.

Saraiva Rocha da Silva, Fernando ; Wauthy, Nathan ; Delmelle, Renaud ; Georgiadis, Christos ; Proost, Joris. Electrochemical performance of 3-D printed electrode geometries in view of enhanced gas evacuation during alkaline water electrolysis. 23rd World Hydrogen Energy Conference (WHEC-2022) (Istanbul, Turkey, du 26/06/2022 au 30/06/2022). In: WHEC-2022 Abstract Book, 2022, p. 52.

Proost, Joris. Green or Blue Hydrogen : (much) more than a matter of colors !. 4TH eUROPEAN hYDROGEN eNERGY cONFERENCE (EHEC 2022) (Madrid, Espagne, du 18/05/2022 au 20/05/2022). In: Proceeding Book - EHEC 2022, 2022, p. Abstrac 194.

Georgiadis, Christos ; Saraiva Rocha da Silva, Fernando ; Lambrechts, Jonathan ; Proost, Joris. Investigation of electrolyte forced flow for alkaline water electrolysis using computational fluid dynamics. 23rd World Hydrogen Energy Conference (WHEC-2022) (Istanbul, Turkey, du 26/06/2022 au 30/06/2022). In: WHEC-2022 Abstract Book, 2022, p. 54.

Dechany, Antoine ; Galvita, Vladimir ; Van Geem, Kevin ; Proost, Joris. Process implications of electrifying ammonia production. 23rd World Hydrogen Energy Conference (WHEC-2022) (Istanbul, Turkey, du 26/06/2022 au 30/06/2022). In: WHEC-2022 Abstract Book, 2022, p. 174.

Delmelle, Renaud ; Saraiva Rocha da Silva, Fernando ; Georgiadis, Christos ; Proost, Joris. Process intensification of alkaline water electrolysis using 3D-structured electrodes. 5th Industry Workshop Advanced Alkaline Electrolysis (Dresden, Germany, du 28/09/2022 au 29/09/2022).

Rouxhet, Rémy ; Delmelle, Renaud ; Proost, Joris. Towards electrifying cement production by electrochemically-enhanced dissolution of CaCO3 during water electrolysis under a pH-gradient. 23rd World Hydrogen Energy Conference (WHEC-2022) (Istanbul, Turkey, du 26/06/2022 au 30/06/2022). In: WHEC-2022 Abstract Book, 2022, p. 172.

Delmelle, Renaud ; Saraiva Rocha da Silva, Fernando ; Georgiadis, Christos ; Lambrechts, Jonathan ; Proost, Joris. Upscaling high performance 3-D electrodes for alkaline water electrolysis towards near-industrial conditions. 23rd World Hydrogen Energy Conference (WHEC-2022) (Istanbul, Turkey, du 26/06/2022 au 30/06/2022). In: WHEC-2022 Abstract Book, 2022, p. 51.


Saraiva Rocha da Silva, Fernando ; Proost, Joris. Discriminating between the effect of pulse width and duty cycle on the hydrogen generation performance of 3-D electrodes during pulsed water electrolysis. In: International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Vol. 46, no.57, p. 28925-28935 (2021). doi:10.1016/j.ijhydene.2020.11.232.

Saraiva Rocha da Silva, Fernando ; de Radiguès de Chennevières, Quentin ; Thunis, Grégoire ; Proost, Joris. Pulsed water electrolysis: A review. In: Electrochimica Acta, Vol. 377, p. 138052 (2021). doi:10.1016/j.electacta.2021.138052.


Zeng, Xi ; Zhukova, Maria ; Faniel, Sébastien ; Proost, Joris ; Flandre, Denis. Material, optical and electrical characterization of DC sputtered CuO by tuning oxygen concentration. EMRS-Spring meeting 2021 (Virtual meeting, du 31/05/2021 au 04/06/2021). In: Proceedings of the EMRS-Spring meeting 2021, 2021.


Proost, Joris. The role of (green) hydrogen in the energy transition, 2021. 21 p.


Lumbeeck, Gunnar ; Delvaux, Adeline ; Idrissi, Hosni ; Proost, Joris ; Schryvers, Dominique. Analysis of internal stress build-up during deposition of nanocrystalline Ni thin films using transmission electron microscopy. In: Thin Solid Films, Vol. 707, p. 138076 (2020). doi:10.1016/j.tsf.2020.138076.

Proost, Joris. Critical assessment of the production scale required for fossil parity of green electrolytic hydrogen. In: International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Vol. 45, no. 35, p. 17067-17075 (2020). doi:10.1016/j.ijhydene.2020.04.259.

Delvaux, Adeline ; Lumbeeck, Gunnar ; Idrissi, Hosni ; Proost, Joris. Effect of microstructure and internal stress on hydrogen absorption into Ni thin film electrodes during alkaline water electrolysis. In: Electrochimica Acta, Vol. 340, p. 135970 (2020). doi:10.1016/j.electacta.2020.135970.

Tuyaerts, Romain ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Proost, Joris. Opto-electrical properties and internal stress in Al:ZnO thin films deposited by direct current reactive sputtering. In: Thin Solid Films, Vol. 695, no.137760, p. 8 pages (2020). doi:10.1016/j.tsf.2019.137760.

Zeng, Xi ; Zhukova, Maria ; Faniel, Sébastien ; Proost, Joris ; Flandre, Denis. Structural and Opto‑electronic characterization of CuO thin films prepared by DC reactive magnetron sputtering. In: Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, Vol. 31, p. 4563-4573 (2020). doi:10.1007/s10854-020-03007-4.


Proost, Joris ; Delvaux, Adeline. In-situ monitoring of hydrogen absorption into Ni thin film electrodes during alkaline water electrolysis. In: Electrochimica Acta, Vol. 322, p. 134752 (2019). doi:10.1016/j.electacta.2019.134752.

Dolci, Francesco ; Thomas, Denis ; Hilliard, Samantha ; Guerra, Carlos Fúnez ; Hancke, Ragnhild ; Ito, Hiroshi ; Jegoux, Mathilde ; Kreeft, Gijs ; Leaver, Jonathan ; Newborough, Marcus ; Proost, Joris ; Robinius, Martin ; Weidner, Eveline ; Mansilla, Christine ; Lucchese, Paul. Incentives and legal barriers for power-to-hydrogen pathways: An international snapshot. In: International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Vol. 44, no.23, p. 11394-11401 (2019). doi:10.1016/j.ijhydene.2019.03.045.

de Radiguès de Chennevières, Quentin ; Thunis, Grégoire ; Proost, Joris. On the use of 3-D electrodes and pulsed voltage for the process intensification of alkaline water electrolysis. In: International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Vol. 44, p. 29432-29440 (2019).

Chehade, Zaher ; Mansilla, Christine ; Lucchese, Paul ; Hilliard, Samantha ; Proost, Joris. Review and analysis of demonstration projects on power-to-X pathways in the world. In: International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Vol. 44, no.51, p. 27637-27655 (2019). doi:10.1016/j.ijhydene.2019.08.260.

Poulain, Raphaël ; Proost, Joris ; Klein, Andreas. Sputter Deposition of Transition Metal Oxides on Silicon: Evidencing the Role of Oxygen Bombardment for Fermi‐Level Pinning. In: physica status solidi (a), Vol. 216, no.23, p. 1900730 (2019). doi:10.1002/pssa.201900730.

Proost, Joris. State‐of‐the art CAPEX data for water electrolysers, and their impact on renewable hydrogen price settings. In: International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Vol. 44, no. 9, p. 4406-4413 (2019). doi:10.1016/j.ijhydene.2018.07.164.


Proost, Joris. Critical assessment of the P2H scale required for fossil parity of electrolytic hydrogen. Power2Gas Conference (Marseille, France, du 23/10/2019 au 24/10/2019).

Piret, Nicolas. Influence of glass composition on the kinetics of glass etching and frosting in concentrated HF solutions. 25th International Congress on Glass (ICG2019) (Boston, Massachusetts, USA, du 09/06/2019 au 14/06/2019).

Thunis, Grégoire ; de Radiguès de Chennevières, Quentin ; Proost, Joris. Intensification of alkaline water electrolysis using 3‐D electrodes, forced electrolyte flow and pulsed voltage. 2nd International Conference on Electrolysis (ICE 2019) (Loen, Norway, du 09/06/2019 au 14/06/2019).

Proost, Joris. Renewables for industry and transport, based on largeand small-scale green hydrogen production. International Conference on Innovative Applied Energy (IAP'19) (Oxford, UK, du 14/03/2019 au 15/03/2019). In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Applied Energy (IAPE’19), 2019. 978-1-912532-05-6.


Proost, Joris ; de Radiguès de Chennevières, Quentin ; Thunis, Grégoire. Gas evolving electrode for process intensification. Numéro de priorité. .

Proost, Joris ; de Radiguès de Chennevières, Quentin ; Thunis, Grégoire. System for process intensification of water electrolysis. Numéro de priorité ; Déposé (09/03/2018). AL, AT, BE, BG, CH, CY,CZ,DE,DK,EE,ES,FI,FR,GB,GR,HR,HU,IE,IS,IT,LI,LT,LU,LV,MC,MK,MT,NL,NO,PL,PT,RO,RS,SE,SI,SK,SM,TR.


Lumbeeck, Gunnar ; Idrissi, Hosni ; Amin-Ahmadi, Behnam ; Favache, Audrey ; Delmelle, Renaud ; Samaee, Vahid ; Proost, Joris ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Schryvers, Dominique. Effect of hydriding induced defects on the small-scale plasticity mechanisms in nanocrystalline palladium thin films. In: Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 124, no.22, p. 225105 (2018). doi:10.1063/1.5055274.

Poulain, Raphaël ; Klein, Andreas ; Proost, Joris. Electro‐catalytic properties of (100), (110) and (111) oriented NiO thin films towards the Oxygen evolution reaction. In: The Journal of Physical Chemistry Part C: Nanomaterials and Interfaces, Vol. 122, p. 22252-22263 (2018). doi:10.1021/acs.jpcc.8b05790.

Delmelle, Renaud ; Terreni, Jasmin ; Remhof, Arndt ; Heel, Andre ; Proost, Joris ; Borgschulte, Andreas. Evolution of Water Diffusion in a Sorption-Enhanced Methanation Catalyst. In: Catalysts, Vol. 8, no.9, p. 341 (2018). doi:10.3390/catal8090341 (registering DOI).

Piret, Nicolas ; Santoro, Ronny ; Dogot, Loïck ; Barthélemy, Bastien ; Peyroux, Eugénie ; Proost, Joris. Influence of glass composition on the kinetics of glass etching and frosting in concentrated HF solutions. In: Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, Vol. 499, p. 208-216 (2018). doi:10.1016/j.jnoncrysol.2018.07.030.


Proost, Joris ; Chehade, Z. ; Hilliard, S. ; Lucchese, P. ; Mansilla, C.. Critical assessment of running P2H demo-projects within the framework of the IEA/HIA. 1st International Power2Gas Conference (Copenhagen,Denmark, du 17/10/2018 au 18/10/2018).

Delvaux, Adeline ; Lumbeeck, Gunnzt ; Idrissi, Hosni ; Proost, Joris. Electrochemical hydrogenation of nickel thin film electrodes. 4th International Symposium on the Catalysis for Clean Energy and Sustainable Chemistry (CCESC 2018) (Bilbao, Spain, du 09/07/2018 au 11/07/2018). In: Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Catalysis for Clean Energy and Sustainable Chemistry (CCESC), 2018, p. 8.

de Radiguès de Chennevières, Quentin ; Proost, Joris. On the use of 3-D electrodes and pulsed voltage for the process intensification of alkaline water electrolysis. 2018 International Symposiumon Hydrogen Energy and Energy Technologies (HEET 2018) (Nagoya, Japan, du 15/11/2018 au 16/11/2018). In: Proceedings of the 2018 International Symposium on Hydrogen Energy and Energy Technologies (HEET 2018), 2018, p. 23.

Lucchese, P. ; Mansilla, C. ; Dolci, F. ; Dickinson, R.R. ; Funez, C. ; Grand-Clément, L. ; Hilliard, S. ; Proost, Joris ; Robinius, M. ; Salomon, M. ; Samsatli, S. ; Tliili, O.. Power-to-Hydrogen and Hydrogento- X : midterm appraisal of the IEA HIA Task 38 accomplishments. 22nd World Hydrogen Energy Conference (WHEC 2018) (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, du 17/06/2018 au 22/06/2018).

de Radiguès de Chennevières, Quentin ; Dalne, Thomas ; Proost, Joris. Process intensification of alkaline water electrolysis using forced electrolyte flow through 3D electrodes. European Hydrogen Energy Conference (EHEC-2018) (Malaga, Spain, du 14/03/2018 au 16/03/2018). In: Proceedings of the European Hydrogen Energy Conference (EHEC-2018), 2018, p. 21.

Robinius, M. ; Linssen, J. ; Mansilla, C. ; Dolci, F. ; Dickinson, R. ; Funez, C. ; Grand-Clément, L. ; Hillard, S. ; Proost, Joris ; Leaver, J. ; Samsatli, S. ; Olfa, T. ; Valentin, S. ; Weidener, E. ; Lucchese, P.. Techno-economic Potentials and Market Trends for Power-to-Hydrogen and Hydrogen-to-X based on a Collaborative and International Review. 22nd World Hydrogen Energy Conference (WHEC 2018) (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, du 17/06/2018 au 22/06/2018). In: Proceedings of the 22nd World Hydrogen Energy Conference (WHEC 2018), 2018, p. Abstract #80.


Delvaux, Adeline ; Van Overmeere, Quentin ; Poulain, Raphaël ; Proost, Joris. Enhanced Oxygen Evolution during Water Electrolysis at De-Alloyed Nickel Thin Film Electrodes. In: Journal of the Electrochemical Society, Vol. 164, no. 12, p. F1196-F1203 (2017). doi:10.1149/2.1451712jes.

Tuyaerts, Romain ; Poncelet, Olivier ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Proost, Joris. Internal stress and opto-electronic properties of ZnO thin films deposited by reactive sputtering in various oxygen partial pressures. In: Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 122, no.15, p. 155306 (2017). doi:10.1063/1.4996453.

van der Rest, Astrid ; Idrissi, Hosni ; Henry, Frédéric ; Favache, Audrey ; Schryvers, Dominique ; Proost, Joris ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Van Overmeere, Quentin ; Pardoen, Thomas. Mechanical behavior of ultrathin sputter deposited porous amorphous Al2O3 films. In: Acta Materialia, Vol. 125, p. 27-37 (2017). doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2016.11.037.


Proost, Joris. Mechanical and Electrostrictive Effects in Anodic Films. In: Prof. F. Di Quarto and Prof. K. Wandelt (Eds), Encyclopedia of Interfacial Chemistry : Surface Science and Electrochemistry, Elsevier, 2017. 978-0-12-409547-2. doi:10.1016/B978-0-12-409547-2.13403-1.


Proost, Joris ; Dalne, Thomas ; de Radiguès de Chennevières, Quentin. 3-D electrodes for large-scale electrochemical H2 production. 3th Energy & Materials Research Conference (EMR-2017) (Lisbonne / Portugal, du 05/04/2017 au 07/04/2017). In: Proceedings of the 3th Energy & Materials Research Conference (EMR-2017), 2017, p. 79.

Tuyaerts, Romain ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Proost, Joris. Electromechanical testing of ZnO thin films under high uniaxial strain. The 30th International Conference on Microelectronic Test Structures – ICMTS 2017 (Grenoble, France, du 28/03/2017 au 30/03/2017). In: Proceedings of the 30th International Conference on Microelectronic Test Structures – ICMTS 2017, IEEE, 2017, p. paper # 2.3. doi:10.1109/ICMTS.2017.7954261.

Delvaux, Adeline ; Lumbeeck, G. ; Schryvers, D. ; Idrissi, Hosni ; Proost, Joris. Nickel thin film electro-activation by hydrogen adsorption. 8th International Conference on Hydrogen Production (ICH2P) (Brisbane, Australia, du 29/07/2017 au 31/07/2017). In: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Hydrogen Production (ICH2P), 2017, p. 106.

Lucchese, P. ; Mansilla, C. ; Dolci, F. ; Dickinson, R.R. ; Funez, C. ; Grand-Clément, L. ; Hilliard, S. ; Proost, Joris ; Robinius, M. ; Salomon, M. ; Samsalti, S.. Power-to-Hydrogen and Hydrogen-to-X: latest results of Task 38 of the IEA Hydrogen Implementing Agreement. 7th European Fuel Cell Technology & Applications Conference (EFC-17) (Naples, Italy, du 12/12/2017 au 15/12/2017). In: Proceedings of the 7th European Fuel Cell Technology & Applications Conference (EFC-17), 2017, p. Abstract 145.

Proost, Joris ; Dalne, Thomas ; de Radiguès de Chennevières, Quentin. Process intensification of alkaline water electrolysis by using 3-D electrodes. 1st International Conference on Electrolysis (ICE) (Copenhague, Danemark, du 12/06/2017 au 15/06/2017). In: Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Electrolysis (ICE), 2017, p. 102.

Proost, Joris. State-of-the-art CAPEX data for water electrolysers, and their impact on renewable hydrogen price settings. 7th European Fuel Cell Technology & Applications Conference (EFC-17) (Naples, Italy, du 12/12/2017 au 15/12/2017). In: Proceedings of the 7th European Fuel Cell Technology & Applications Conference (EFC-17),, 2017, p. abstract 118.


Amin-Ahmadi, Behnam ; Connétable, Damine ; Fivel, Marc ; Tanguy, Döme ; Delmelle, Renaud ; Turner, Stuart ; Malet, Loic ; Godet, Stéphane ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Proost, Joris ; Schryvers, Dominique ; Idrissi, Hosni. Dislocation/hydrogen interaction mechanisms in hydrided nanocrystalline palladium films. In: Acta Materialia, Vol. 111, p. 253-261 (April 2016). doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2016.03.054.

Proost, Joris ; Henry, Frédéric ; Tuyaerts, Romain ; Michotte, Sébastien. Effect of internal stress on the electro-optical behaviour of Al-doped ZnO transparent conductive thin films. In: Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 120, p. 075308 (2016). doi:10.1063/1.4960580.

Picasso, C. V. ; Safin, Damir ; Dovgaliuk, Iurii ; Devred, François ; Debecker, Damien P. ; Li, H.-W. ; Proost, Joris ; Filinchuk, Yaroslav. Reduction of CO2 with KBH4 in solvent-free conditions. In: International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, (2016). doi:10.1016/j.ijhydene.2016.04.052 (Accepté/Sous presse).


Proost, Joris. Challenges and pitfalls while establishing a H2 mobility plan for Belgium (Invited presentation). 7th International Conference on Hydrogen Technologies, Symposium on Implementation of H2 technologies in European regions (Prague, Czech Republic, du 06/04/2016 au 08/04/2016). In: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Hydrogen Technologies, Symposium on Implementation of H2 technologies in European regions, 2016, p. 39.

Proost, Joris ; de Radiguès de Chennevières, Quentin ; Delvaux, Adeline ; Van Wonterghem, Frédéric. Electrochemical process intensification of hydrogen production using 3-D electrodes. 7th International Conference on Hydrogen Technologies, Symposium on Stationary systems and applications (Prague, Czech Republic, du 06/04/2016 au 08/04/2016). In: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Hydrogen Technologies, Symposium on Stationary systems and applications, 2016, p. 74.

Delvaux, Adeline ; Poulain, Raphaël ; Van Overmeere, Quentin ; Proost, Joris. Enhanced oxygen evolution from (de-)alloyed nickel thin film electrodes. SolarFuel16 (Berlin, Germany, du 05/10/2016 au 06/10/2016). In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Semiconductors and Catalysts for Photoelectrochemical Fuel Production (SolarFuel16), 2016, p. Abstract 4120.

Amin-Ahmadi, Benham ; Lumbeeck, Gunnar ; Idrissi, Hosni ; Delmelle, Renaud ; Fivel, Marc ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Proost, Joris ; Schryvers, Dominique. HRTEM investigation of dislocation/hydrogen interaction mechanisms in hydrided nanocrystalline palladium films. European Microscopy Conference (EMC2016) (Lyon, France, du 28/08/2016 au 02/09/2016). In: European Microscopy Congress 2016: Proceedings, 2016. doi:10.1002/9783527808465.EMC2016.5020.

Delvaux, Adeline ; Dupuis, G. ; Santoro, Ronny ; Van Overmeere, Quentin ; Proost, Joris. Improvement of Bubble Detachment and Overpotential during Hydrogen Evolution on (de-)alloyed Nickel Electrodes. 67th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry (ISE), Symposium on Novel Materials and Devices for Energy Conversion and Storage: Fuel Cells, Electrolysers, Regenerative Fuel Cells and Flow Batteries (The Hague, The Netherlands, du 21/08/2016 au 26/08/2016). In: Proceedings of the 67th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry (ISE), Symposium on Novel Materials and Devices for Energy Conversion and Storage: Fuel Cells, Electrolysers, Regenerative Fuel Cells and Flow Batteries, 2016, p. 123.

de Radiguès de Chennevières, Quentin ; Van Wonterghem, Frédéric ; Vanhumbeeck, Jean-François ; Proost, Joris. Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation (PEO) of aluminum with pulsed DC current. 30th International Conference on Surface Modification Technologies, Symposium on Wear and Corrosion Protection (Milan, Italy, du 29/06/2016 au 01/07/2016). In: Proceedings of the 30th International Conference on Surface Modification Technologies, Symposium on Wear and Corrosion Protection, 2016.

de Radiguès de Chennevières, Quentin ; Van Wonterghem, Frédéric ; Vanhumbeeck, Jean-François ; Proost, Joris. Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation (PEO) of titanium with DC current. 30th International Conference on Surface Modification Technologies, Special Session on Ti anodising (Milan, Italy, du 29/06/2016 au 01/07/2016). In: Proceedings of the 30th International Conference on Surface Modification Technologies, Special Session on Ti anodising, 2016, p. Abstract 169.

Poulain, Raphaël ; Delvaux, Adeline ; Klein, Andreas ; Proost, Joris. Reactively sputtered ultrathin nickel oxide films for electro-catalytic applications. 6th International Symposium on Transparent Conductive Materials (IS-TVMs) (Platanias-Chania, Crête - Grèce, du 09/10/2016 au 13/10/2016). In: Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Transparent Conductive Materials (TMC-2016), 2016, p. 128.

Poulain, Raphaël ; Klein , Andreas ; Proost, Joris. Tailoring reactively sputtered ultrathin nickel oxide films for solar water splitting devices. SolarFuel16 (Berlin, Germany, du 05/09/2016 au 06/01/2017). In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Semiconductors and Catalysts for Photoelectrochemical Fuel Production (SolarFuel16), 2016, p. Abstract G1.O5.


Delmelle, Renaud ; Amin-Ahmadi, Behnam ; Sinnaeve, Marc ; Idrissi, Hosni ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Schryvers, Dominique ; Proost, Joris. Effect of structural defects on the hydriding kinetics of nanocrystalline Pd thin films. In: International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Vol. 40, no.23, p. 7335-7347 (2015). doi:10.1016/j.ijhydene.2015.04.017.

Proost, Joris ; Deschuyteneer, Geneviève ; Santoro, Ronny ; Van Overmeere, Quentin ; Soumillion, Patrice ; Flandre, Denis. Filamentous Phages Displaying Multivalent Peptide Motives With Specific Affinity To Anodic Alumina Surfaces. In: Journal of Biosensors & Bioelectronics, Vol. 6, no. 1, p. 1000162 (2015). doi:10.4172/2155-6210.1000162.


van der Rest, Astrid ; Favache, Audrey ; Proost, Joris ; Van Overmeere, Quentin ; Pardoen, Thomas. Al/Al203 multilayers to unravel the influence of the oxide on the elastic, viscoplastic and fracture properties of Al thin films. EUROMECH Colloquium 570 (Houffalize, Belgique, du 20/10/2015 au 23/10/2015).

Delvaux, Adeline ; Santoro, Ronny ; Van Wonterghem, Frédéric ; Van Overmeere, Quentin ; Proost, Joris. Enhancement of electrocatalytic activity on nanostructured porous nickel electrodes for hydrogen and oxygen evolution reactions. 2015 Energy and Materials Research Conference (EMR-2015), Symposium on Materials for Hydrogen Production and Purification (Madrid, du 25/02/2015 au 27/02/2015). In: Proceedings of the 2015 Energy and Materials Research Conference (EMR-2015), 2015. --, p. 171.

Proost, Joris ; Delvaux, Adeline ; de Radiguès de Chennevières, Quentin ; Van Wonterghem, Frédéric ; Van Overmeere, Quentin. Exploring and exploiting the use of 3-D electrodes for electrochemical H2 production (Invited presentation). 2015 Fall meeting of the European Materials Research Society (E-MRS), Symposium on Materials for Energy Conversion and Storage (Warsaw, du 15/09/2015 au 18/09/2015). In: Proceedings of the 2015 Fall Meeting of the European Materials Research Society (E-MRS), 2015. --, p. 45.

Proost, Joris ; Delvaux, Adeline ; Delmelle, Renaud ; Van Wonterghem, Frédéric ; Van Overmeere, Quentin. In-situ approaches to study hydrogen production, uptake and release on highly strained nanostructured thin films (Invited presentation). 8th Meeting of Study of Matter at Extreme Conditions (SMEC-2015), Symposium on Hydrogen Storage, Production & Fuel Cells (Miami, du 08/03/2015 au 15/03/2015). In: Proceedings of the 8th Meeting of Study of Matter at Extreme Conditions, 2015. --, p. 48.

Van Overmeere, Quentin ; Castadot, Raphaël ; Delvaux, Adeline ; Proost, Joris. Influence de la stœchiométrie du TiO2 sur la performance de couches ultra-minces pour la passivation de photoanodes en silicium. 17th Journées d’Electrochimie, Symposium on Corrosion, Revêtements et Traitements des Surfaces (Rome, du 06/07/2015 au 10/07/2015). In: Proceedings of the 17th Journées d’Electrochimie, 2015. --, p. 132.

van der Rest, Astrid ; Henry, Frédéric ; Favache, Audrey ; Proost, Joris ; Van Overmeere, Quentin ; Pardoen, Thomas. Mechanical behavior of ultrathin aluminum oxide films: Influence of open or closed porosity. ICM12 - 12th International Conference on the Mechanical Behavior of Materials (Karlsruhe, Allemagne, du 10/05/2015 au 14/05/2015). In: Book of abstracts, 2015.

Idrissi, Hosni ; Colla, Marie-Stéphane ; Amin-Ahmadi, B. ; Delmelle, Renaud ; Malet, L. ; Proost, Joris ; Godet, S. ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Schryvers, D. ; Pardoen, Thomas. Nanoscale plasticity mechanisms in as-deposited and hydride nanocrystalline Pd thin films revealed by advanced in-situ TEM nanomechanical testing. ESMC2015, 9th European Solid Mechanics Conference (Madrid, Spain, du 06/07/2015 au 10/07/2015). In: Book of abstracts, 2015.

Delvaux, Adeline ; Santoro, Ronny ; Van Wonterghem, Frédéric ; Van Overmeere, Quentin ; Proost, Joris. Nickel poreux nanostructuré et évolution d’oxygène: contributions de la surface spécifique et du détachement des bulles au surpotentiel. 17th Journées d’Electrochimie, Symposium on Electrocatalyse, Electrochimie Moléculaire et Electrosynthèse (Rome, du 06/07/2015 au 10/07/2015). In: Proceedings of the 17th Journées d’Electrochimie, 2015. --, p. 171.

Proost, Joris. Perspectives of H2 mobility in Belgium (Invited presentation). 10th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems (SDEWES-2015), Special Invited Session Smart Energy Europe - Challenges and opportunities for a fossil and nuclear free European continent (Dubrovnik, Croatia, du 27/09/2015 au 02/10/2015). In: Book of abstracts of the 10th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems (SDEWES-2015), Special Invited Session Smart Energy Europe - Challenges and opportunities for a fossil and nuclear free European continent, 2015, p. abstract 0799.

Proost, Joris ; Henry, Frédéric ; Van Wonterghem, Frédéric ; Tuyaerts, Romain ; Michotte, Sébastien. What strain can (or cannot) do to your TCO (Invited presentation). 2015 Fall Meeting of the European Materials Research Society (E-MRS), Symposium on Transparent Conductive Materials : from Fundamental Understanding to Applications (Warsaw, du 15/09/2015 au 18/09/2015). In: Proceedings of the 2015 Fall Meeting of the European Materials Research Society, 2015. --, p. 157.


Blaffart, Frédéric ; Van Wonterghem, Frédéric ; Santoro, Ronny ; Proost, Joris. In-situ monitoring of electrochemical oscillations during the transition between dense and porous anodic silica formation. In: Journal of the Electrochemical Society, Vol. 161, no. 14, p. H874-H879 (2014). doi:10.1149/2.0051414jes.

De Maeyer, Barbara ; Van Wonterghem, Frédéric ; Proost, Joris. In-situ monitoring of thermally induced resistivity changes in silver thin films. In: Journal of Electronic Materials, Vol. 43, no. 2, p. 548-554 (February 2014). doi:10.1007/s11664-013-2837-z.

Proost, Joris ; Blaffart, Frédéric ; Turner, S. ; Idrissi, Hosni. On the origin of damped electrochemical oscillations at silicon anodes (revisited). In: ChemPhysChem : a European journal of chemical physics and physical chemistry, Vol. 15, no. 14, p. 3166-3124 (2014). doi:10.1002/cphc.201402207.


Van Overmeere, Quentin ; Blaffart, Frédéric ; La Mantia, Fabio ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Di Quarto, Francesco ; Proost, Joris. In situ stress, strain and dielectric measurements to understand electrostriction in anodic oxides. 65th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, Symposium Corrosion, Passivity and Oxide Films (Lausanne (CH), du 31/08/2014 au 05/09/2014). In: Proceedings of the 65th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, Symposium Corrosion, Passivity and Oxide Films, 2014, Abstract n°141558 (Soumis).

van der Rest, Astrid ; Henry, Frederic ; Proost, Joris ; Van Overmeere, Quentin ; Pardoen, Thomas. Mechanical behavior of ultrathin aluminum oxide films: Influence of open or closed porosity. Gordon Research Conference on Thin Film & Small Scale Mechanical Behavior (Waltham, MA (USA), du 13/07/2014 au 18/07/2014).

Proost, Joris ; Delmelle, Renaud ; Sinnaeve, Marc. Mechano-chemical coupling effects during hydriding of nanocrystalline Pd thin films. 14th International Symposium on Metal-Hydrogen Systems : Fundamentals and Applications (Manchester, UK, du 20/07/2014 au 25/07/2014). In: Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on Metal-Hydrogen Systems, 2014, abstract #398.

Proost, Joris ; Blaffart, Frédéric ; Van Overmeere, Quentin. Morphological and electrical instabilities during anodic oxide growth (Invited presentation). 2nd International Symposium on Anodizing Science and Technology (Sapporo, Japan, du 04/06/2014 au 06/06/2014). In: Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Anodizing Science and Technology, 2014, p. Abstract I-03.

de Radiguès de Chennevières, Quentin ; Delvaux, A. ; Van Wonterghem, Frédéric ; Proost, Joris. Process intensification of electrochemical hydrogen production by using porous electrodes. 2nd Euro-Meditarranean Hydrogen Technologies Conference (EmHyTeC2014) (Taormina, Italy, du 09/12/2014 au 12/12/2014). In: Proceedings of the 2nd Euro-Meditarranean Hydrogen Technologies Conference, 2014, p.144.

Tuyaerts, Romain ; Henry, Frédéric ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Proost, Joris. Strain-engineered piezoelectric ZnO thin films. 8th International Workshop on Zinc Oxide and Related Materials, Symposium on Piezoelectric, Acousto-Optic, Gas, Chemical and Biosensor Device Applications (Ontario, Canada, du 07/09/2014 au 11/09/2014). In: Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Zinc Oxide and Related Materials, Symposium on Piezoelectric, Acousto-Optic, Gas, Chemical and Biosensor Device Applications, 2014, p.42.

Van Overmeere, Quentin ; Castadot, Raphaël ; Proost, Joris ; Ramanathan, Shriram. Ultrathin oxide films in electrochemical energy conversion devices: controlling the internal stress for improved reliability and performance. Mat4Energy (Grenoble (FR), du 16/06/2014 au 18/06/2014). In: Proceedings of the 2014 Mat4Energy Meeting, 2014, Abstract P29, page 83.


Delmelle, Renaud ; Michotte, Sébastien ; Sinnaeve, Marc ; Proost, Joris. Effect of internal stress on the hydrinding kinetics of nanocrystalline Pd thin films. In: Acta Materialia, Vol. 61, no. 7, p. 2320-2329 (2013). doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2013.01.003.

Amin-Ahmadi, Behnam ; Idrissi, Hosni ; Delmelle, Renaud ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Proost, Joris ; Schryvers, Dominique. High resolution transmission electron microscopy characterization of fcc → 9R transformation in nanocrystalline palladium films due to hydriding. In: Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 102, no. 7, p. 071911 (2013). doi:10.1063/1.4793512.

Blaffart, Frédéric ; Van Overmeere, Quentin ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Proost, Joris. In situ monitoring of electrostriction in anodic and thermal silicon dioxide thin films. In: Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry : current research and development in science and technology, Vol. 17, p. 1945-1954 (February 2013). doi:10.1007/s10008-013-2036-0.


Amin-Ahmadi, Behnam ; Idrissi, Hosni ; Delmelle, Renaud ; Malet, Loic ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Proost, Joris ; Godet, Stéphane ; Schryvers, Dominique. Active Plasticity Mechanisms during Hydriding of Nanocrystalline Pd Thin Films. 2013 Fall Meeting of the Materials Research Society, Symposium on Dislocation Plasticity (Boston, USA, du 01/12/2013 au 06/12/2013). In: Proceedings of the 2013 Fall Meeting of the Materials Research Society, 2013, p. Abstract KK.05 (Soumis).

De Maeyer, Barbara ; Van Wonterghem, Frédéric ; Proost, Joris. Combined in-situ curvature and resistivity monitoring to assess the morphological stability of solar concentrators in operando. 2013 Fall Meeting of the Materials Research Society - Symposium on Characterization of Energy Materials In-Situ and Operando (Boston, USA, du 01/12/2013 au 06/12/2013). In: Proceedings of the 2013 Fall Meeting of the Materials Research Society, 2013, Abstract FF7.12.

Blaffart, Frédéric ; Santoro, Ronny ; Idrissi, Hosni ; Proost, Joris. Combining In-situ Mechanical, Ellipsometric and Spectrometric Tools during Growth of 3D Porous Anodic Silica. 2013 Fall Meeting of the Materials Research Society, Symposium on Characterization of Energy Materials In-Situ and Operando (Boston, USA, du 01/12/2013 au 06/12/2013). In: Proceedings of the 2013 Fall Meeting of the Materials Research Society (MRS Online Proceedings Library; 1646), 2013.

De Maeyer, Barbara ; Van Wonterghem, Frédéric ; Proost, Joris. In-situ monitoring of thermally induced resistivity changes in silver thin films. 142nd Annual Meeting of the Metallurgical Society (TMS), Symposium on Fatigue and Fracture of Thin Films and Nanomaterials (San Antonio, USA, du 03/03/2013 au 07/03/2013). In: Proceedings of the 142nd Annual Meeting of the Metallurgical Society (TMS), 2013, p.263.

van der Rest, Astrid ; Van Overmeere, Quentin ; Henry, Frédéric ; Proost, Joris ; Pardoen, Thomas. Micro-electro-mechanical testing of freestanding ultrathin aluminum oxide films. 2013 Fall Meeting of the Materials Research Society - Symposium on Microelectromechanical Systems-Materials and Devices (Boston, USA, du 01/12/2013 au 06/12/2013). In: Proceedings of the 2013 Fall Meeting of the Materials Research Society, 2013, Abstract XX.10.07.

Blaffart, Frédéric ; Proost, Joris. On the transition from dense to porous silicia. the 64th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, Symposium on Electrochemical Processes for Advanced Materials Synthesis (Santiago de Queretaro, Mexico, du 08/09/2013 au 13/09/2013). In: Proceedings of the 64th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, 2013, 17.

Van Overmeere, Quentin ; Mercier, Dimitri ; Santoro, Ronny ; Proost, Joris. Pore initiation and growth in anodic alumina : looking from within the electrolyte (Invited presentation). 64th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, Symposium on Corrosion Processes at the Nanoscale (Santiago de Queretaro, Mexico, du 08/09/2013 au 13/09/2013). In: Proceedings of the 64th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, 2013, p.14.

Proost, Joris ; Henry, Frédéric ; Delamare, Romain ; Michotte, Sébastien ; Van Overmeere, Quentin. Strain-engineered transparent conductive oxides with improved electro-optical and light trapping functionalities. 2013 Fall Meeting of the Materials Research Society, Symposium on Elastic Strain Engineering for Unprecedented Materials Properties (Boston, USA, du 01/12/2013 au 06/12/2013). In: Proceedings of the 2013 Fall Meeting of the Materials Research Society, 2013, Abstract YY2.04.

Idrissi, Hosni ; Amin-Ahmadi, B. ; Galceran, M. ; Delmelle, Renaud ; Colla, Marie-Stéphane ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Godet, Stéphane ; Proost, Joris ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Schryvers, D.. TEM Observation of FCC 9R Phase Transformation in Nanocrystalline Pd Thin Films during Hydriding/Dehydriding Cycles. 142nd Annual Meeting of the Metallurgical Society (TMS), Symposium on Phase Transformation and Microstructural Evolution: Non-conventional Phase Transformation Paths (San Antonio, USA, du 03/03/2013 au 07/03/2013). In: Proceedings of the 142nd Annual Meeting of the Metallurgical Society (TMS), 2013, p.226.

Kotipalli, Raja Venkata Ratan ; Delamare, Romain ; Henry, Frédéric ; Proost, Joris ; Flandre, Denis. Thermal stability analysis of DC-sputtered AL2O3 films for surface passivation of C-Si solar cells. 28th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and exhibition (EU PVSEC 2013) (Paris (France), du 30/09/2013 au 04/10/2013). In: Proceedings of the 28th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and exhibition (EU PVSEC 2013), 2013, 4.

Blaffart, Frédéric ; Van Wonterghem, Frédéric ; Van Overmeere, Quentin ; Proost, Joris. Towards an understanding of electrochemical oscillations during anodic silica formation. 13th International Conference on Electrified Interfaces (Chateau Liblice, Czech Republic, du 30/06/2013 au 05/07/2013). In: Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Electrified Interfaces, 2013, Abstract 24.


Boucher, N. ; Clément, Nicolas ; Cosijns, Bruno ; Lambricht, Thomas ; De Maeyer, Barbara ; Proost, Joris. Mirror. Numéro de priorité ; Déposé (19/10/2012) ; Publié (25/04/2013). --.


de Radiguès de Chennevières, Quentin ; Sévar, Pierre-Yves ; Van Wonterghem, Frédéric ; Santoro, Ronny ; Proost, Joris. Electrochemical Characterization of Mass Transport in Porous Electrodes. In: Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, Vol. 51, no. 43, p. 14229-14235 (August 28 (August 28, 2012). doi:10.1021/ie3000979.

Van Overmeere, Quentin ; Blaffart, Frédéric ; La Mantia, F. ; Di Quarto, F. ; Proost, Joris. Electromechanical coupling in anodic niobium oxide: Electric field-induced strain, internal stress, and dielectric response. In: Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 111, no. 11, p. 113529 [1-8] (2012). doi:10.1063/1.4729319.

Van Overmeere, Quentin ; Mercier, Dimitri ; Santoro, Ronny ; Proost, Joris. In situ Optical Emission Spectrometry during Porous Anodic Alumina Initiation and Growth in Phosphoric Acid. In: Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters, Vol. 15, no. 1, p. C1-C4 (2012). doi:10.1149/2.009201esl.

Michotte, Sébastien ; Proost, Joris. In situ measurement of the internal stress evolution during sputter deposition of ZnO:Al. In: Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells, Vol. 98, p. 253-259 (2012). doi:10.1016/j.solmat.2011.11.013.


Blaffart, Frédéric ; Santoro, Ronny ; Proost, Joris. Combined in-situ stress and thickness monitoring during electrochemical oxidation of silicon. 8th International Conference on Porous Semiconductors-Science and Technology (Malaga, du 25/03/2012 au 30/03/2012). In: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Porous Semiconductors-Science and Technology, 2012, p. Abstract O2-03.

Proost, Joris ; Vanhumbeeck, Jean-François ; Blaffart, Frédéric ; Van Overmeere, Quentin. Stress-affected and stress-affecting instabilities during anodic oxide growth (Keynote Lecture). 63nd Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, Symposium on Cathodic and Anodic Routes to Electrochemical Fabrication (Prague, Czech Republic, du 19/08/2012 au 24/08/2012).

Van Overmeere, Quentin ; Blaffart, Frédéric ; Proost, Joris. Stress-related instabilities during anodic oxide growth (Invited presentation). 221th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society (Seattle, du 06/05/2012 au 10/05/2012). In: Proceedings of the 221th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society, 2012, p. Abstract F1-02980.


Proost, Joris ; Delmelle, Renaud ; Michotte, Sébastien. Device, method and system for improved uptake, storage and release of hydrogen. Numéro de priorité ; Déposé (11/05/2012) ; Publié (22/11/2012). --.


Delmelle, Renaud ; Proost, Joris. An in situ study of the hydriding kinetics of Pd thin films. In: Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, Vol. 13, no. 23, p. 11412-11421 (2011). doi:10.1039/C0CP02773A.

de Radiguès de Chennevières, Quentin ; Van Overmeere, Quentin ; Santoro, Ronny ; Proost, Joris. An undergraduate student laboratory on electrochemical engineering. In: Education for Chemical Engineers, Vol. 6, no. 2, p. e56-e61 (April 2011). doi:10.1016/j.ece.2010.12.001.

Van Ende, Marie-Aline ; Guo, Muxing ; Proost, Joris ; Blanpain, Bart ; Wollants, Patrick. Formation and morphology of Al2O3 inclusions at the onset of liquid Fe deoxidation by Al addition. In: ISIJ International, Vol. 51, no. 1, p. 27-34 (2011). doi:10.2355/isijinternational.51.27.

Mercier, Dimitri ; Van Overmeere, Quentin ; Santoro, Ronny ; Proost, Joris. In-situ optical emission spectrometry during galvanostatic aluminum anodising. In: Electrochimica Acta, Vol. 56, no. 3, p. 1329-1336 (2011). doi:10.1016/j.electacta.2010.10.092.

Van Overmeere, Quentin ; Proost, Joris. Stress-affected and stress-affecting instabilities during the growth of anodic oxide films. In: Electrochimica Acta, Vol. 56, no. 28, p. 10507-10515 (1 December 2011). doi:10.1016/j.electacta.2011.03.123.

Van Humbeeck, Jean-François ; Tian, He ; Schryvers, Dominique ; Proost, Joris. Stress-assisted crystallisation in anodic titania. In: Corrosion Science : the journal on environmental degradation of materials and its control, Vol. 53, no. 4, p. 1269-1277 (avril 2011). doi:10.1016/j.corsci.2010.12.020.


Michotte, Sébastien ; Van Overmeere, Quentin ; van Caloen, Emmanuel ; Sbille, Isabelle ; Santoro, Ronny ; Proost, Joris. Effect of Internal Stress on the Chemical Texturing of Sputtered Al:ZnO Layers for Light-Trapping in Thin Film Solar Cells. 220th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society and the Electrochemical Energy Summit, Symposium Photovoltaics for the 21st Century (Boston, USA, du 09/10/2011 au 14/10/2011). In: Proceedings of 220th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society and the Electrochemical Energy Summit, 2011, p. Abstract #2007.

Delmelle, Renaud ; de Liedekerke de Pailhe, Olivier ; Michotte, Sébastien ; Proost, Joris. Effect of internal stress on the hydriding kinetics of Pd thin film systems. 7th International Conference on Diffusion in Solids and Liquids, Special Session on Hydrogen-related Kinetics in Materials (Algarve, Portugal, June 2011). In: Proceedings, 2011, p. 92.

Van Overmeere, Quentin ; Mercier, Dimitri ; Proost, Joris. Experimental Determination of the Viscosity of Anodic Alumina. 219th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society (Montreal, Canada, May 2011).

Blaffart, Frédéric ; Sbille, Isabelle ; Santoro, Ronny ; Proost, Joris. In-situ monitoring of the electrochemical growth of nanoporous silica. 2011 European Materials Research Society Spring Meeting, Symposium on the Synthesis, Processing and Characterization of Nanoscale Multi-functional Oxide Films (Nice, France, du 09/05/2011 au 13/05/2011). In: Proceedings of the 2011 European Materials Research Society Spring Meeting, Symposium on the Synthesis, Processing and Characterization of Nanoscale Multi-functional Oxide Films, 2011, p. Abstract #P3-29.

Mercier, Dimitri ; Van Overmeere, Quentin ; Santoro, Ronny ; Proost, Joris. In-situ optical emission spectrometry during the initiation and growth of porous anodic alumina. 219th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society (Montreal, Canada, May 2011).

Van Overmeere, Quentin ; Proost, Joris. Internal Stress-induced Microstructural Changes in Anodic Zirconia. 2011 Spring Meeting of the Materials Research Society, Symposium on Fundamental Science of Defects and Microstructure in Advanced Materials for Energy (San Francisco, avril 2011).


Van Overmeere, Quentin ; Vanhumbeeck, J. -F. ; Proost, Joris. Effect of Current Density on the Internal Stress Evolution during Galvanostatic Ti Thin Film Anodizing. In: Journal of the Electrochemical Society, Vol. 157, no. 5, p. C166-C173 (2010). doi:10.1149/1.3314384.

Delmelle, Renaud ; Bamba, G. ; Proost, Joris. In-situ monitoring of hydride formation in Pd thin film systems. In: International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Vol. 35, no. 18, p. 9888-9892 (2010). doi:10.1016/j.ijhydene.2009.11.087.

Van Ende, Marie-Aline ; Guo, Muxing ; Proost, Joris ; Blanpain, Bart ; Wollants, Patrick. Interfacial reactions between oxygen-containing Fe and Al at the onset of liquid Fe deoxidation by Al addition. In: ISIJ International, Vol. 50, no. 11, p. 1552-1559 (2010). doi:10.2355/isijinternational.50.1552.

de Radiguès de Chennevières, Quentin ; Santoro, Ronny ; Proost, Joris. Kinetic transitions during Ag and Cu electrorecovery on reticulated vitreous carbon electrodes in flow-by mode. In: Chemical Engineering Journal, Vol. 162, no. 1, p. 273-277 (2010). doi:10.1016/j.cej.2010.05.046.

Van Ende, Marie-Aline ; Guo, M. X. ; Proost, Joris ; Blanpain, B. ; Wollants, P.. Morphology of Al2O3 inclusions formed at Fe/Fe-Al interface. In: Ironmaking & Steelmaking : processes, products and applications, Vol. 37, no. 7, p. 496-501 (2010). doi:10.1179/030192310X12731438631886.

Van Overmeere, Quentin ; Vanhumbeeck, J-F. ; Proost, Joris. On the use of a multiple beam optical sensor for in situ curvature monitoring in liquids.. In: Review of Scientific Instruments, Vol. 81, no. 4, p. 045106 (2010). doi:10.1063/1.3385432.

Van Overmeere, Quentin ; Proost, Joris. Stress-induced breakdown during galvanostatic anodising of zirconium. In: Electrochimica Acta, Vol. 55, no. 15, p. 4653-4660 (2010). doi:10.1016/j.electacta.2010.03.042.

Van Overmeere, Quentin ; Blaffart, Frédéric ; Proost, Joris. What controls the pore spacing in porous anodic oxides?. In: Electrochemistry Communications, Vol. 12, no. 9, p. 1174-1176 (2010). doi:10.1016/j.elecom.2010.06.010.


Van Overmeere, Quentin ; Blaffart, Frédéric ; Proost, Joris. Does internal stress affect pore initiation in anodic oxides ?. the 7th International Conference on Porous Semiconductors – Science and Technology (Valencia, 2010). In: Proceedings, 2010, p. 424.

Renneson, Martin ; Fredriksson, W. ; Odgaard, M. ; Edström, K. ; Proost, Joris. Electrochemical degradation of gas diffusion layers in PEM Fuel Cells. 5th Forum of New Materials Solutions for Sustainable Energy, Symposium Fuel Cell Materials and Technology Challenges (Montecatini, 2010). In: Proceedings, 2010, p. FC:p15,39.

Michotte, Sébastien ; Proost, Joris. In-situ internal stress measurements during sputter deposition of metallic oxide thin films for photovoltaic applications. 5th Forum of New Materials Solutions for Sustainable Energy, Symposium Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conversion : Materials and Technology Challenges (Montecatini, 2010). In: Proceedings, 2010, p. FG_2:L07,73.

Delmelle, Renaud ; Proost, Joris. In-situ study of hydriding kinetics in Pd-based thin film systems. 18th World Hydrogen Energy Conference (Essen, 2010). In: Proceedings, Book 4 : Storage systems , 2010, p. 225-230.

Delmelle, Renaud ; Michotte, Sébastien ; Proost, Joris. In-situ study of the effect of internal stress on the hydriding kinetics of Pd-based thin film systems. 12th International Conference on Modern Materials and Technologies (Montecatini Terme, Italy).

Mercier, Dimitri ; Tang, Xiaohui ; Santoro, Ronny ; Sbille, Isabelle ; Codina, A. ; Moreno, L. ; Soumillion, Patrice ; Flandre, Denis ; Proost, Joris. Integrated capacitive biosensors based on filamentous phages. 20th World Congress on Biosensors (Glasgow (Scotland), du 26/05/2010 au 28/05/2010). In: Proceedings of the 20th World Congress on Biosensors, 2010, p. P2.1.093.

Colla, Marie-Stéphane ; Coulombier, Michaël ; Boé, A. ; Idrissi, H. ; Wang, B. ; Schrijvers, D. ; Proost, Joris ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Pardoen, Thomas. Mechanical properties characterization of freestanding palladium films by on-chip internal stress controlled nanomechanical tensile testing. Nanobrucken Nanomechanical testing Workshop, INM (Saarbrucken - Germany, 25-26/02/2010). In: Proceedings of the Nanomechanical Testing Workshop and Hysitron User Meeting, INM: Saarbrücken, Germany, 2010, 29-30.

Ryelandt, Sophie ; Carbonnelle, Pierre ; Boe, Alexandre ; Coulombier, Michaël ; Bhaskar, Umesh Kumar ; Zulfiqar, Azeem ; Colla, Marie-Stéphane ; Dille, J. ; Poirier, C. ; Proost, Joris ; Godet, Stéphane ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Pardoen, Thomas. Nanomechanical testing of thin metallic films application to aluminium, palladium and chromium films. European Conference on Nano Film - ECNF'10 (Liège, Belgium, du 22/03/2010 au 23/03/2010). In: Proceedings of the European Conference on Nano Film - ECNF'10, 2010, p. 70.

Schrijvers, D. ; Idrissi, H. ; Wang, B. ; Colla, Marie-Stéphane ; Coulombier, Michaël ; Boe, Alexandre ; Proost, Joris ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Pardoen, Thomas. TEM characterization of freestanding Pd and Al films for lab-on-chip nanomechanical tensile testing. MICROSCIENCE 2010 (London, UK, du 29/06/2010 au 01/07/2011). In: Proceedings of the MICROSCIENCE 2010, 2010, p. paper M3.2 - 0062.

Proost, Joris ; Mercier, Dimitri ; Van Overmeere, Quentin. The growth of anodic oxide films : looking with new eyes into old questions. Keynote lecture. 61st Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, Symposium Corrosion Science : Mechanism and Methods (Nice, France, 2010).


Proost, Joris ; Santoro, Ronny ; Soumillion, Patrice ; Flandre, Denis ; Deschuyteneer, Geneviève. Genetically modified bacteriophage, biosensor containing same, and method of use. Numéro de priorité ; Déposé ; Publié (2010-12-16). N/A N/A.


Vanhumbeeck, J. -F. ; Proost, Joris. Current Understanding of Ti Anodisation : Functional, Morphological, Chemical and Mechanical Aspects. In: Corrosion Reviews, Vol. 27, no. 3, p. 117-204 (2009). doi:10.1515/CORRREV.2009.27.3.117.

Van Overmeere, Quentin ; Nysten, Bernard ; Proost, Joris. In situ detection of porosity initiation during aluminum thin film anodizing. In: Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 94, no. 7, p. 074103 (2009). doi:10.1063/1.3081014.

Vanhumbeeck, J-F. ; Proost, Joris. In-situ monitoring of the dielectric and electrostrictive properties of anodised thin films for biochip applications (vol 56, pg 163, 2007). In: Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, Vol. 74, no. 1, p. 389-390 (2009). doi:10.1016/j.colsurfb.2009.07.017.

Proost, Joris ; Vanhumbeeck, J. -F. ; Van Overmeere, Quentin. Instability of anodically formed TiO2 layers (revisited). In: Electrochimica Acta, Vol. 55, no. 2, p. 350-357 (2009). doi:10.1016/j.electacta.2008.12.008.

Van Ende, Marie-Aline ; Guo, M. X. ; Zinngrebe, E. ; Dekkers, R. ; Proost, Joris ; Blanpain, B. ; Wollants, P.. Morphology and growth of alumina inclusions in Fe-Al alloys at low oxygen partial pressure. In: Ironmaking & Steelmaking : processes, products and applications, Vol. 36, no. 3, p. 201-208 (2009). doi:10.1179/174328109X401550.

Vanhumbeeck, Jean-François ; Ryelandt, Laurence ; Proost, Joris. On the relationship between local voltage maxima and efficiency changes during galvanostatic Ti anodising. In: Electrochimica Acta, Vol. 54, no. 12, p. 3330-3338 (2009). doi:10.1016/j.electacta.2008.12.046.

Minsier, Vincent ; De Wilde, Juray ; Proost, Joris. Simulation of the effect of viscosity on jet penetration into a single cavitating bubble. In: Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 106, no. 8 (2009). doi:10.1063/1.3243288.


Colla, Marie-Stéphane ; Delmelle, Renaud ; Boé, A. ; Coulombier, Michaël ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Proost, Joris ; Pardoen, Thomas. Impact of hydriding cycles on mechanical properties of palladium thin film. Innovations in Thin Film Processing and Characterization - ITFPC'09 (Nancy - France, du 17/07/2009 au 20/07/2009). In: Proceedings of the Innovations in Thin Film Processing ans Characterization, 2009, Paper P 2.10, p 100.

Pardoen, Thomas ; Brugger, Charles ; Coulombier, Michaël ; Boe, Alexandre ; Colla, Marie-Stéphane ; Proost, Joris ; Massart, T.J. ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre. Imperfection and size dependent ductility of thin freestanding metallic films. 2009 Materials Research Society (MRS) Fall Meeting (Boston, USA, November 30 - December 4).

Van Overmeere, Quentin ; Vanhumbeeck, J.-F. ; Proost, Joris. In-situ detection of mechanical instabilities and failure during the growth of thin anodic oxide films. the International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT 2009) : Mechanical Behavior of Micro- and Nano-Scale Systems (Singapore, 2009). In: Proceedings, 2009, p. U11.

Van Overmeere, Quentin ; Nysten, Bernard ; Proost, Joris. In-situ detection of porosity initiation during aluminum thin film anodising using high-resolution curvature measurements. International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT 2009) : Functional Ceramic Materials, Oxide Thin Films and Heterostructures (Singapore, 2009). In: Proceedings, 2009, p. D26.

Mercier, Dimitri ; Van Overmeere, Quentin ; Santoro, Ronny ; Proost, Joris. In-situ gravimetric studies of aluminium anodising. 5th Kurt Schwabe Symposium on Corrosion, Semiconductors and Solar Cells (Erlangen, 2009). In: Proceedings, 2009, p. 15.

Mercier, Dimitri ; Santoro, Ronny ; Proost, Joris. In-situ gravimetric studies of the transition between barrier and porous oxide growth during aluminum anodisation. Journées d'Electrochimie 2009 (Sinaie, Roumanie, 2009). In: Proceedings, 2009, p. 296.

Delmelle, Renaud ; Proost, Joris. In-situ monitoring of hydriding kinetics using high resolution curvature measurements. 2009 Fall Meeting of the Materials Research Society, Symposium on Hydrogen Storage Materials (Boston, 2009). In: Proceedings, 2009, p. #W8.35.

Delmelle, Renaud ; Bamba, Gaoussou ; Sinnaeve, Marc ; Proost, Joris. In-situ monitoring of hydrogen storage in Pd thin film systems. 8th International Symposium on Hydrogen Power - Theoretical and Engineering Solutions (Lisbone, 2009). In: Proceedings, 2009, p. 106.

Van Overmeere, Quentin ; Proost, Joris. In-situ monitoring of mechanical and electrical breakdown during Zr thin film anodising. 5th Kurt Schwabe Symposium on Corrosion, Semiconductors and Solar Cells (Erlangen, 2009). In: Proceedings, 2009, p. 17.

Delmelle, Renaud ; Colla, Marie-Stéphane ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Proost, Joris. In-situ study of the kinetics and durability of Pd-hydride formation for integrated hydrogen sensor applications. 2009 Materials Research Society Spring Meeting (San Francisco, 2009). In: Proceedings, 2009, p. O4.5.

de Radiguès de Chennevières, Quentin ; Santoro, Ronny ; Proost, Joris. Kinetic transitions during precious metals electrorecovery using reticulated vitreous carbon electrodes in flow-by mode. 5th European Summer School on Electrochemical Engineering (Almagro, Espagne, du 06/09/2009 au 11/09/2009).

Boe, Alexandre ; Coulombier, Michaël ; Colla, Marie-Stéphane ; Brugger, Charles ; DILLE, JEAN ; Proost, Joris ; GODET, S. ; Legros, M. ; Mompiou, F. ; Sharon, J.A. ; Hemker, K.J. ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre. Lab-on-chip tensile stages for nanomechanical testing and TEM analysis. 35th International Conference on Micro & Nano Engineering - MNE'09 (Ghent, du 28/09/2009 au 01/10/2009). In: Proceedings of the 35 th International Conference on Micro & Nano Engineering, 2009, p. paper # O-MEMS-02.

de Radiguès de Chennevières, Quentin ; Santoro, Ronny ; Proost, Joris. On the origin of kinetic transitions during Cu electrorecovery on porous electrodes in a flow-through reactor. Journées d'Electrochimie 2009 : Applications électrolytiques : dépollution, microréacteurs, synthèse (Sinaie, Roumanie, 2009). In: Proceedings, 2009, p. 250.

Mercier, Dimitri ; Santoro, Ronny ; Soumillion, Patrice ; Proost, Joris. Selection of amino acid sequences on metallic oxide surfaces. 9th Workshop on Biosensors and Bioanalytical Microtechniques in Environmental and Clinical Analysis (Montréal, 2009). In: Proceedings, 2009.

Minsier, Vincent ; De Wilde, Juray ; Proost, Joris. Simulation of bubble dynamics by a compressible Volume Of Fluid method (oral presentation + book of extended abstracts). International Workshop on Mathematics in Chemical Kinetics and Engineering (MACKiE) (Gent, 2009). In: Proceedings, 2009, p. 11-15.

Van Overmeere, Quentin ; Mercier, Dimitri ; Proost, Joris. Stress-assisted growth of porous anodic aluminum oxide. 216th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society (Vienne, 2009). In: Proceedings, 2009, p. #1917.


Jeriban, S.A. ; Guiot, Ivette ; Bacherius, Luc ; Proost, Joris ; Sleeckx, E. ; Vos, R. ; Mertens, Philippe. Effect of dopants on the dissolution behavior of silicon substrates in HF-based cleaning solutions. In: Solid State Phenomena, Vol. 134, p. 139-142 (2008).

Proost, Joris ; Vanhumbeeck, J.-F. ; Van Overmeere, Quentin. In-situ monitoring of the internal stress evolution during thin film anodising. In: Electrochemical Society. Transactions, Vol. 11, no. 24, p. 35-42 (2008). doi:10.1149/1.2909723.

Minsier, Vincent ; Proost, Joris. Modeling of shock wave emission during acoustically-driven cavitation-induced cleaning process. In: Solid State Phenomena, Vol. 134, p. 197-200 (2008).

Vanhumbeeck, J. -F. ; Proost, Joris. On the contribution of electrostriction to charge-induced stresses in anodic oxide films. In: Electrochimica Acta, Vol. 53, no. 21, p. 6165-6172 (2008). doi:10.1016/j.electacta.2007.11.028.

Vanhumbeeck, J. -F. ; Proost, Joris. On the relation between growth instabilities and internal stress evolution during galvanostatic Ti thin film anodization. In: Journal of the Electrochemical Society, Vol. 155, no. 10, p. C506-C514 (2008). doi:10.1149/1.2958306.

Minsier, Vincent ; Proost, Joris. Shock wave emission upon spherical bubble collapse during cavitation-induced megasonic surface cleaning.. In: Ultrasonics sonochemistry, Vol. 15, no. 4, p. 598-604 (2008). doi:10.1016/j.ultsonch.2007.06.004.

Proost, Joris ; Santoro, Ronny ; Abu Jeriban, S. ; Guiot, Ivette. Spectrophotometric determination of silicon in ultrapure, dilute hydrofluoric acid solutions. In: Microchemical Journal, Vol. 89, no. 1, p. 48-51 (2008). doi:10.1016/j.microc.2007.11.004.


de Radiguès de Chennevières, Quentin ; Santoro, Ronny ; Proost, Joris. Environmental applications of low-cost porous electrodes : electro-recovery, electro-destruction and electro-catalysis. 1st i-SUP (Innovation for Sustainable Production) conference on Smart materials for Sustainable Production (Bruges, 2008). In: Proceedings, 2008, p. 93.

Van Overmeere, Quentin ; Vanhumbeeck, J.-F. ; Proost, Joris. In-situ investigation of the relationship between electrical and mechanical properties during the growth of anodic oxide films. 59th Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry (Sevilla, Spain, 2008). In: Proceedings, 2008, p. 11.

Van Overmeere, Quentin ; Vanhumbeeck, Jean-François ; Proost, Joris. In-situ monitoring of the growth stress evolution during galvanostatic anodising of aluminium thin films. 213th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society (Phoenix, 2008). In: Proceedings, 2008, p. #594.

Minsier, Vincent ; De Wilde, Juray ; Proost, Joris. Influence of bubble dynamics on ultrasound assisted electrochemical processes. 59th Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry (Sevilla, Spain, 2008). In: Proceedings, 2008, p. 61.

Vanhumbeeck, J.-F. ; Proost, Joris. Influence of the applied current density on the growth stress evolution in anodic TiO2 films. 59th Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry (Sevilla, Spain, 2008). In: Proceedings, 2008, p. 118.

Proost, Joris ; Vanhumbeeck, Jean-François ; Van Overmeere, Quentin. Instability of anodically formed TiO2 layers (revisited). 4th Gerischer Symposium on Electrochemistry with Spatial and Temporal Resolution (Berlin, 2008). In: Proceedings, 2008, p. 44.

de Radiguès de Chennevières, Quentin ; Santoro, Ronny ; Proost, Joris. Kinetics of metal electro-recovery on reticulated vitreous carbon electrodes in a flow-through type reactor. 59th Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry (Sevilla, Spain, 2008). In: Proceedings, 2008, p. 47.

Proost, Joris ; Vanhumbeeck, Jean-François ; Van Overmeere, Quentin. On the origin of local voltage maxima during galvanostatic Ti anodising. 213th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society (Phoenix, 2008). In: Proceedings, 2008, p. #596.

Minsier, Vincent ; De Wilde, Juray ; Proost, Joris. Simulation of cavitation-induced asymmetric bubble collapse near a solid surface based on the Volume of Fluid method. 2nd International Cavitation Forum on Cavitation in Turbo-Machinery and Medical Applications, Warwick Innovative Manufacturing Research Centre (Warwick, 2008). In: Proceedings, 2008, p. 211-216.


Vanhumbeeck, Jean-François ; Proost, Joris. Electrochemical processing of ultrathin metallic oxides featuring in-situ monitoring of growth stress transitions. In: Electrochemical Society. Transactions, Vol. 2, no. 6, p. 281-294 (2007). doi:10.1149/1.2408882.

Vanhumbeeck, J-F. ; Proost, Joris. In-situ monitoring of the dielectric and electrostrictive properties of anodised thin films for biochip applications.. In: Colloids and surfaces. B, Biointerfaces, Vol. 56, no. 1-2, p. 163-9 (2007). doi:10.1016/j.colsurfb.2006.10.021.


Vanhumbeeck, Jean-François ; Proost, Joris. Application of high-resolution curvature measurements to the investigation of charging effects at metal oxide/electrolyte interfaces. 11th International Conference on Electrified Interfaces (Sahoro, Japan, 2007). In: Proceedings , 2007, p. 25-19.

Van Overmeere, Quentin ; Vanhumbeeck, Jean-François ; Proost, Joris. In-situ detection of growth instabilities during aluminum anodizing by high-resolution curvature measurements. 58th Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry (Banff, Canada, 2007). In: Proceedings , 2007, p. # 1091.

Vanhumbeeck, Jean-François ; Proost, Joris. In-situ monitoring of surface reactions using high-resolution curvature measurements: application to Ti anodising. 58th Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry (Banff, Canada, 2007). In: Proceedings, 2007, p. #533.

Proost, Joris ; Vanhumbeeck, Jean-François ; Van Overmeere, Quentin. In-situ monitoring of the internal stress evolution during thin film anodising. Invited presentation in Symposium on Stress Related Phenomena in Electrochemical Systems (Washington DC, 2007). In: Proceedings of the 212th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society, 2007, p. #1435.

Minsier, Vincent ; De Wilde, Juray ; Proost, Joris. Modeling of bubble dynamics during cavitation-induced megasonic surface cleaning (poster + présentation orale). Séance inaugurale Ecole Doctorale Thématique en GEnie des PROCédés (GEPROC) (Liège, 10 décembre).

Van Ende, Marie-Aline ; Guo, M. ; Zinngrebe, E. ; Dekkers, R. ; Proost, Joris ; Blanpain, B. ; Wollants, Patrick. Morphology and Growth of Alumina Inclusions in Fe-Al Alloys at Low Oxygen Partial Pressure. 7th International Conference on Clean Steel (Balatonfurëd, Hungary, 2007). In: Proceedings, 2007, p. 103-114.

Minsier, Vincent ; De Wilde, Juray ; Proost, Joris. Numerical analysis of penetrating jets during cavitation-induced bubble collapse (oral presentation + book of abstracts). the International Symposium on Sonochemistry and Sonoprocessing (Kyoto, Japan, du December 6 2007 au December 7 2007). In: Proceedings, 2007, p. 43.

Minsier, Vincent ; De Wilde, Juray ; Proost, Joris. Numerical analysis of penetrating jets during cavitation-induced bubble collapse (oral presentation). Bubble Workshop, IMEC (Louvain-la-Neuve, 28 septembre).

Minsier, Vincent ; De Wilde, Juray ; Proost, Joris. Numerical analysis of penetrating jets during cavitation-induced bubble collapse (poster). GraSMech Poster Day, Graduate School in Mechanics (Louvain-la-Neuve, 11 mai).

Aubry, Danielle ; Codina, Antonio ; Soumillion, Patrice ; Proost, Joris. On the bio-affinity of metallic oxides for filamentous phage mutants. Meeting of the Belgian Society for Microscopy on Exploring materials, living systems & their interactions (Liège, 2007). In: Meeting of the Belgian Society for Microscopy on Exploring materials, living systems & their interactions, 2007, p. 19.


Koza, E. ; Proost, Joris. Processing of high-temperature resistant three-dimensional networks of interconnected metallic fibres by pack aluminization. In: Materials at High Temperatures : materials generation applications, Vol. 23, no. 1, p. 13-28 (2006). doi:10.3184/096034006782739411.


Minsier, Vincent ; Proost, Joris. Comparison of threshold conditions for transient acoustic cavitation and shock wave emission. 6th International Symposium on Cavitation (Wageningen, 2006). In: Proceedings , 2006, p. 62.

Abu Jeriban, Salima ; Guiot, Ivette ; Bacherius, Luc ; Proost, Joris ; Vos, R. ; Mertens, P.. Effect of dopants on the dissolution behaviour of silicon substrates in HF-based cleaning solutions. 8th International Symposium on Ultra-Clean Processing of Semiconductor Surfaces (Antwerp, 2006). In: Proceedings , 2006, p. 125.

Vanlangendonck, Yves ; Pede, L. ; Santoro, Ronny ; Proost, Joris. Electro-catalytic destruction of nitrate and nitrite ions during wastewater treatment of powerplants. 1st European Conference on Environmental Applications of Advanced Oxidation Processes (Chania, 2006). In: Proceedings , 2006, p. 149.

Holsteyns, F. ; Minsier, Vincent ; Proost, Joris ; Arnauts, S ; Arnauts, S. ; Brunner, J. ; Straka, J. ; Mertens, P.. Ex-situ bubble generation, enhancing the particle removal rate for single wafer megasonic cleaning processes. 8th International Symposium on Ultra-Clean Processing of Semiconductor Surfaces (Antwerp, 2006). In: Proceedings , 2006, p. 151.

Vanhumbeeck, J.-F. ; Proost, Joris. In-situ diagnostics for monitoring the processing and properties of anodised metallic oxide thin films. Electroceramics X (Toledo, 2006). In: Electroceramics X, 2006, p. Abstract TTF-O-01.

Vanhumbeeck, J.-F. ; Proost, Joris. In-situ investigation of the stresses generated during the initial stages of galvanostatic anodisation of titanium thin film electrodes. 209th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society (Denver, 2006). In: Proceedings , 2006, p. Abstract #432.

Proost, Joris ; Vanhumbeeck, J.-F.. In-situ optical monitoring of dielectric and electrostrictive properties of anodised thin films for biochip applications. 11th International Symposium on Colloidal and Molecular Electro-Optics (Kyoto, 2006). In: Proceedings , 2006, p. 21.

Minsier, Vincent ; Proost, Joris. Modeling of shock wave emission during acoustically-driven cavitation-induced cleaning processes. 8th International Symposium on Ultra-Clean Processing of Semiconductor Surfaces (Antwerp, 2006). In: Proceedings , 2006, p. 149.

Van Ende, Marie-Aline ; Blanpain, B. ; Proost, Joris. Morphology and behaviour of Al2O3 inclusions in Al-killed steels (Best poster award). Gordon Research Conference on High Temperature Materials, Processes and Diagnostics (Waterville, 2006).


Quinet, Patricia ; Proost, Joris ; Van Lierde, André. Recovery of precious metals from electronic scrap by hydrometallurgical processing routes. In: Minerals and Metallurgical Processing, Vol. 22, no. 1, p. 17-22 (2005).

Proost, Joris. Thermodynamic issues associated with combined cyclic voltammetry and wafer curvature measurements in electrolytes. In: Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry : current research and development in science and technology, Vol. 9, no. 10, p. 660-664 (2005). doi:10.1007/s10008-004-0631-9.


Proost, Joris ; Vanhumbeeck, Jean-François. A thermodynamic framework for the interpretation of surface stress measurements of solid electrodes. 207th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society (Quebec City, May 2005). In: Proceedings, 2005, p. Abstract # 1291.

Iker, François ; André, Nicolas ; Proost, Joris ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre. Fabrication and modeling of 3-D self-assembled SOI MEMS controlled by thermal and plastic strains. IEEE MEMS 2005 (Miami, Florida, USA, du 29/01/2005 au 03/02/2005). In: Proceedings of MEMS 2005, 2005, p. 459-462.

Iker, François ; André, Nicolas ; Proost, Joris ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre. Fabrication and modeling of 3-D self-assembled SOI MEMS using plasticity features. 18th IEEE International Conference on MicroElectroMechanical Systems - MEMS 2005 (Miami, Floride, USA, January 30-February 3 2005). In: Proceedings , 2005, p. 459-462.

Proost, Joris ; Koza, Elzbieta. In-situ monitoring of the nucleation and growth process of high aspect ratio corundum structures. the Minerals, Metals and Materials Society (TMS) Symposium on Applications and Fundamentals of High Aspect Ratio Nanomaterials (San Francisco, February 2005). In: Proceedings , 2005, p. 288.

Proost, Joris ; Jin, M. ; D'Haen, J.. On the mechanism of creep-controlled electromigration-induced drift. the Minerals, Metals and Materials Society (TMS) Symposium on Mechanical Behaviour of Thin Films and Small Structures (San Francisco, February 2005). In: Proceedings , 2005, p. 97.

Djaroudib, Salima ; Proost, Joris ; Van Lierde, André. Precipitation of hematite from metallurgical processing streams by hydrolysis in the presence of anionic resins. Symposium on Metallurgical Technology for Waste Minimization (San Fransisco, 2005). In: Extraction and Processing Division (EPD) Congress 2005, Ed. M.E. Schlesinger, The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society (TMS): San Francisco, 2005, p. 919-928.


Proost, Joris ; Van Boxel, S. Large-scale synthesis of high-purity, one-dimensional alpha-Al2O3 structures. In: Journal of Materials Chemistry, Vol. 14, no. 20, p. 3058-3062 (2004). doi:10.1039/b408631g.

Proost, Joris ; D'Haen, J. ; Jin, M. ; Verlinden, B.. On the atomistic details of electromigration-induced drift. In: Scripta Materialia, Vol. 50, no. 2, p. 267-271 (2004). doi:10.1016/j.scriptamat.2003.10.005.

Laconte, J. ; Iker, François ; Jorez, S. ; André, Nicolas ; Proost, Joris ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Flandre, Denis ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre. Thin films stress extraction using micromachined structures and wafer curvature measurements. In: Microelectronic Engineering, Vol. 76, no. 1-4, p. 219-226 (2004). doi:10.1016/j.mee.2004.07.003.


Spaepen, F. ; Wen, C.Y. ; Proost, Joris ; Quétel, C. ; Aninkevicius, V. ; Taylor, P.D.P. ; De Bièvre, P.. Certifying the degree of perfection of silicon single crystals for the Avogadro project by measuring the amount of copper silicide precipitated in the voids. Conference on Precision Electromagnetic Measurements (CPEM) (London, June 2004).

Proost, Joris ; Baklanov, M. ; Spaepen, F.. Combined ellipsometric porosimetry and in-situ stiffness measurements of alumina thin films. 4th International Conference on Inorganic Materials (Antwerp, September 2004). In: Proceedings , 2004, p. 409.

Van der Donck, T. ; Proost, Joris ; Baert, K. ; Van Hoof, C. ; Witvrouw, A.. Effect of deposition parameters on the stress gradient of CVD and PECVD poly-SiGe for MEMS applications. the SPIE Conference on Micromachining and Microfabrication Process Technology (San Francisco - CA, 2004). In: Proceedings, 2004, p. 8-18.

Proost, Joris ; Spaepen, F.. Ellipsometric porosimetry studies of amorphous alumina thin films. Invited contribution to the Gordon Research Conference on Solid State Studies in Ceramics (Meriden, NH, July 2004).

Laconte, Jean ; Iker, François ; André, Nicolas ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Proost, Joris ; Flandre, Denis ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre. Thin films stress extraction using micromachined structures and wafer curvature measurements. Workshop on advanced microelectronics materials, Materials for Advanced Metallization (MAM 2004) (Brussels (Belgium), du 07/03/2007 au 10/03/2004). In: Proceedings of the Workshop on advanced microelectronics materials, Materials for Advanced Metallization (MAM 2004), Elsevier Science Ltd. Oxford, UK, 2004, paper 03.2.


Quinet, Patricia ; Proost, Joris ; Van Lierde, André. Hydrometallurgical treatment of electronic scrap from mobile phones for precious metal recovery. In: Acta Technica Belgica, Vol. 43, no. 3/4, p. 34-40 (2003).


Proost, Joris ; Maex, Karen ; Celis, Jean-Pierre. Current-induced mass transport in metallic films in the near-threshold regime. In: Dost S., Struchtrup H. and Dincer I., Progress in Transport Phenomena, Elsevier, 2003, p. 509-541.


Proost, Joris ; Spaepen, F.. Evolution of the growth stress, stiffness and microstructure of alumina thin films during vapor deposition. In: Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 91, no. 1, p. 204-216 (2002). doi:10.1063/1.1425076 .

Proost, Joris ; D'Haen, J. ; Maex, K. ; Delaey, L.. Plasticity of electromigration-induced hillocking and its effect on the critical length. In: Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 91, no. 11, p. 9108-9115 (2002). doi:10.1063/1.1476080 .


Proost, Joris ; Spaepen, F.. In-situ study of the growth stress and stiffness of alumina thin films during vapor deposition. 14th U.S. National Congress of Applied Mechanics, Symposium on Mechanics of Thin Films and Other Small Structures (Blacksburg - VA, 2002). In: Proceedings , 2002, p. 473.


Proost, Joris ; Spaepen, F.. In-situ study of the stiffness of alumina thin films during vapor deposition. Mater. Res. Soc. Symposium on Mechanisms of Surface and Microstructure Evolution in Deposited Films and Film Structures (San Francisco - CA, 2001). In: Proceedings, 2001, p. 672, O.9.9.

Proost, Joris ; Maex, K. ; Delaey, L.. Plasticity of electromigration-induced hillocking. the Materials Research Society Symposium on Dislocations and Deformation Mechanisms in Thin Films and Small Structures (San Francisco - CA, 2001). In: Proceedings , 2001, p. P.7.8.


Beyer, Gerald ; Maex, Karen ; Proost, Joris. Method of filling an opening in an insulation layer. Numéro de priorité ; Déposé (24/03/1999) ; Publié (06/12/2001).


Proost, Joris ; Baklanov, M. ; Maex, K. ; Delaey, L.. Compensation effect during water desorption from siloxane-based spin-on dielectric thin films. In: Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology, Vol. B18, p. 303-306 (2000).

Proost, Joris ; Witvrouw, A. ; Cosemans, P. ; D'Haen, J. ; Maex, K.. Electromigration-induced drift in damascene vs. plasma-etched Al(Cu). Part I : Kinetics of Cu-depletion in polycrystalline interconnects. In: Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 87, no. 1, p. 86-98 (2000). doi:10.1063/1.371830 .

Proost, Joris ; Maex, K. ; Delaey, L.. Electromigration-induced drift in damascene vs. plasma-etched Al(Cu). Part II : Mass transport mechanisms in bamboo interconnects. In: Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 87, no. 1, p. 99-109 (2000). doi:10.1063/1.372389 .

Proost, Joris ; Hirato, T. ; Furuhara, T. ; Maex, K. ; Celis, J-P.. Micro-texture and electromigration-induced drift in electroplated damascene Cu. In: Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 87, no. 6, p. 2792-2802 (2000). doi:10.1063/1.372258.

Chizhik, S.A. ; Proost, Joris ; Matvienko, A.A. ; Sidelnikov, A.A.. Modeling electromigration-induced stress evolution and drift kinetics with a stress-dependent diffusivity. In: Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 88, no. 6, p. 3301 (2000). doi:10.1063/1.1287760.


Beyer, G.P. ; Maex, K. ; Daniels, S. ; Lee, S. ; Proost, Joris ; Bender, H. ; Judelewicz, M. ; Maity, M.. Aluminum speed fill. In: Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, Vol. 2, no. 1, p. 75-85 (1999). doi:10.1016/S1369-8001(99)00002-5.

Proost, Joris ; Li, H. ; Conard, T. ; Boullart, W. ; Maex, K.. Chemical and electrical characterisation of the interaction of BCl3/Cl2 etching and CF4/H2O stripping plasmas with aluminum surfaces. In: Journal of The Electrochemical Society, Vol. 146, no. 11, p. 4230-4235 (1999). doi:10.1149/1.1392619.

Witvrouw, A. ; Proost, Joris ; Roussel, Ph. ; Cosemans, P. ; Maex, K.. Stress relaxation in Al-Cu and Al-Si-Cu thin films. In: Journal of Materials Research, Vol. 14, no.4, p. 1246-1254 (1999). doi:10.1557/JMR.1999.0170.


Proost, Joris ; Li, H. ; Witvrouw, A. ; Maex, K.. Effect of Cu on Al interfacial mass transport in bamboo RIE and damascene Al(Cu). Materials Research Society Symposium (San Francisco - CA, 1999). In: Proceedings , 1999, p. 563, 91.

Proost, Joris ; Maex, Karen. Electromigration in Blech-structures. 5th International Workshop on Stress Induced Phenomena in Metallization (Stuttgart, June 1999).

Beyer, G.P. ; Kitabjian, P. ; Brongersma, S.H. ; Proost, Joris ; Bender, H. ; Richard, E. ; Vervoort, I. ; Hey, P. ; Zhang, P. ; Maex, K.. Rapid thermal annealing of electroplated Cu films. Mater. Res. Soc. Conference on Advanced Metallization and Interconnect Systems for ULSI Applications (1999). In: Proceedings, 1999, p. 167.


Proost, Joris ; Kondoh, E. ; Vereecke, G. ; Heyns, M. ; Maex, K.. Critical role of degassing for hot aluminum filling. In: Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology, Vol. B16, p. 2091-2098 (1998).

Proost, Joris ; Maex, K. ; Delaey, L.. Electromigration threshold in damascene versus plasma-etched interconnects. In: Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 73, no. 19, p. 2748-2750 (1998). doi:10.1063/1.122578.

Proost, Joris ; Baklanov, M. ; Verbeeck, R. ; Maex, K.. Morphology of corrosion pits in aluminum thin film metallizations. In: Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry, Vol. 2, no. 3, p. 150-155 (1998). doi:10.1007/s100080050080.

Cosemans, P. ; D'Haen, J. ; Witvrouw, A. ; Proost, Joris ; D'Olieslaeger, M. ; De Ceuninck, W. ; Maex, K. ; De Schepper, L.. Study of Cu diffusion in an Al(1wt% Si, 0.5wt% Cu) bond pad with an Al(1wt.% Si) bond wire attached. In: Microelectronics Reliability, Vol. 38, no. 3, p. 309-315 (1998). doi:10.1016/S0026-2714(97)00051-6.

Proost, Joris ; Samajdar, I. ; Verlinden, B. ; Van Houtte, Paul ; Maex, K. ; Delaey, L.. The role of grain boundary structure on electromigration-induced drift in pure Al and Al(0.5wt% Cu). In: Scripta Materialia, Vol. 39, no. 8, p. 1039-1045 (1998). doi:10.1016/S1359-6462(98)00306-6.


Li, H. ; Jin, S. ; Proost, Joris ; Van Hove, M. ; Froyen, L. ; Maex, K.. A new approach for the measurement of resistivity and cross-sectional area of an aluminum interconnect line : principle and applications. the Mater. Res. Soc. Conference on Advanced Metallization and Interconnect Systems for ULSI Applications (1998). In: Proceedings , 1998, p. 197.

Proost, Joris ; Conard, T. ; Boullart, W. ; Grillaert, J. ; Maex, K.. A new scaling issue in the electrical behaviour of damascene vs. plasma-etched interconnects. Mater. Res. Soc. Conference on Advanced Metallization and Interconnect Systems for ULSI Applications (San Diego - CA, 1998). In: Proceedings , 1998, p. 535.

Proost, Joris ; Li, H. ; Brijs, B. ; Witvrouw, A. ; Maex, K.. Electromigration behaviour of 0.3 µm damascene vs. plasma-etched interconnects : a lifetime and drift analysis. the IEEE International Interconnect Technology Conference (San Francisco - CA, 1998). In: Proceedings , 1998, p. 110.

Proost, Joris ; Samajdar, I. ; Witvrouw, A. ; Maex, K.. Electromigration-induced drift in damascene vs. conventional interconnects : an intrinsic difference. the Materials Research Society Symposium (San Francisco - CA, 1998). In: Proceedings , 1998, p. 89.

Witvrouw, A. ; Roussel, Ph. ; Beyer, G. ; Proost, Joris ; Maex, K.. Incubation, time-dependent drift and saturation during Al-Si-Cu electromigration : modeling and implications for design. the IEEE International Interconnect Technology Conference (1998). In: Proceedings , 1998, p. 27.

Maex, K. ; Kondoh, E. ; Lauwers, A. ; Steegen, A. ; De Potter, M. ; Besser, P. ; Proost, Joris. The control and impact of processing ambient during rapid thermal processing. the Materials Research Society Symposium (Boston - MA, 1998). In: Proceedings , 1998, p. 297.

Unités d'enseignement pour 2024

Libellé Code
Chimie et chimie physique 2 LEPL1302
Metals Processing and Recycling LMAPR2141
Sustainable Hydrogen Technologies LMAPR2147
Metallurgical and electrochemical processes LMAPR2231


Année Libellé Établissement
1994 Master in Metallurgy and Materials Engineering Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgique)
1995 Degree for Higher Teaching in Applied Sciences Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgique)
1998 Ph.D. in Applied Sciences Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgique)