Benoit Delhaye
SST/EPL Ecole polytechnique de Louvain (EPL)
SST/ICTM Institute of Information and Communication Technologies, Electronics and Applied Mathematics (ICTEAM)
SST/ICTM/INMA Pôle en ingénierie mathématique (INMA)
SSS/IONS Institute Of NeuroScience (IoNS)
Duprez, Guillaume ; Delhaye, Benoit ; Delannay, Laurent. Collagen Induces Anisotropy in Fingertip Subcutaneous Tissues During Contact. In: IEEE Transactions on Haptics, Vol. 17, no. 4, p. 753-760 (2024). doi:10.1109/toh.2024.3406251.
Delhaye, Benoit ; Schiltz, Félicien ; Crevecoeur, Frédéric ; Thonnard, Jean-Louis ; Lefèvre, Philippe. Fast grip force adaptation to friction relies on localized fingerpad strains. In: Science Advances, Vol. 10, no. 3, p. 1-11 (2024). doi:10.1126/sciadv.adh9344.
Córdova Bulens, David ; du Bois de Dunilac, Sophie ; Delhaye, Benoit ; Lefèvre, Philippe ; Redmond, Stephen J.. Open-source instrumented object to study dexterous object manipulation. In: eNeuro, Vol. 11, no. 1, p. ENEURO.0211-23.2023 [1-14] (2024). doi:10.1101/2023.10.20.563288 (Accepté/Sous presse).
Corniani, Giulia ; Lee, Zing S ; Carré, Matt J ; Lewis, Roger ; Delhaye, Benoit ; Saal, Hannes. Sub-surface deformation of individual fingerprint ridges during tactile interactions. In: eLife : Neuroscience, Physics and Living Systems, (2024). doi:10.7554/eLife.93554.1.
Duprez, Guillaume ; Hall, James ; Saal, Hannes ; Delhaye, Benoit ; Delannay, Laurent. Can OCT Imaging and FE Simulations assist us Tackle Fingertip micromechanics?. Eurohaptics Annual Meeting (Lille, du 01/07/2024 au 03/07/2024). doi:10.5281/zenodo.12548978 (Soumis).
Doumont, Donatien ; Delhaye, Benoit ; Lefèvre, Philippe. Measurement and Modeling of 3-D Fingertip Mechanical Response to Normal Loading. Eurohaptics Annual Meeting Workshop (Lille, du 30/06/2024 au 03/07/2024).
Opsomer, Laurent ; Delhaye, Benoit ; Théate, Vincent ; Thonnard, Jean-Louis ; Lefèvre, Philippe. A haptic illusion created by gravity. In: iScience, Vol. 26, no. 7, p. 107246 [1-16] (2023). doi:10.1016/j.isci.2023.107246.
du Bois de Dunilac, Sophie ; Córdova Bulens, David ; Lefèvre, Philippe ; Redmond, Stephen J. ; Delhaye, Benoit. Biomechanics of the finger pad in response to torsion. In: Journal of The Royal Society Interface, Vol. 20, no. 201, p. 20220809 (2023). doi:10.1098/rsif.2022.0809.
Doumont, Donatien ; AR Kao ; GJ Gerling ; Browet, Arnaud ; Delhaye, Benoit ; Lefèvre, Philippe. 3-D reconstruction of the fingertip deformation during tactile interactions. Worldhaptics conference. Worldhaptics Annual Meeting.
Doumont, Donatien ; Kao, AR ; Gerling, GJ ; Delhaye, Benoit ; Lefèvre, Philippe. 3-D reconstruction of the fingertip during tactile interaction.. Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting (Washingthon, du 11/11/2023 au 17/07/2024).
Delhaye, Benoit ; Lallemand, Sarah ; Doumont, Donatien ; Lefèvre, Philippe. Impact of moisture on the biomechanical response of finger pad skin.. Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting (Washingthon, du 11/11/2023 au 15/11/2023).
Schiltz, Félicien ; Delhaye, Benoit ; Thonnard, Jean-Louis ; Lefèvre, Philippe. Grip Force is Adjusted at a Level That Maintains an Upper Bound on Partial Slip Across Friction Conditions During Object Manipulation. In: IEEE Transactions on Haptics, Vol. 15, no.1, p. 2-7 (2022). doi:10.1109/toh.2021.3137969.
du Bois, Sophie ; Cordova Bulens, David ; Lefèvre, Philippe ; Redmond, Stephen J ; Delhaye, Benoit. Finger pad deformation under torsion. Eurohaptics Annual Meeting (Hamburg, Germany, 22/05/2022).
Delhaye, Benoit ; Schiltz, Félicien ; Thonnard, Jean-Louis ; Lefèvre, Philippe. Fingerpad mechanics and grip force adaptation to friction during object manipulation. Eurohaptics Annual Meeting Workshop (Hamburg, Germany, 22/05/2022).
Schiltz, Félicien ; Delhaye, Benoit ; Thonnard, Jean-Louis ; Lefèvre, Philippe. Grip Force is adjusted at a level that maintains an upper bound on partial slip across friction conditions during object manipulation. IEEE Hatpics Symposium (Virtual event, 21/03/2022).
Corniani, Giulia ; Lee, Zing ; Carré, Matt J ; Lewis, Roger ; Delhaye, Benoit ; Saal, Hannes P. Imaging sub-surface skin strain patterns during fingertip sliding. Eurohaptics Annual Meeting (Hamburg, Germany, 22/05/2022).
Duprez, Guillaume ; Delannay, Laurent ; Delhaye, Benoit. Influence of tissue anisotropy on fingertip deformation at the location of tactile mechanoreceptors. Eurohaptics Annual Meeting Workshop (Hamburg, Germany, 22/05/2022).
Duprez, Guillaume ; Delhaye, Benoit ; Delannay, Laurent. Influence of tissue anisotropy on fingertip deformation nearby tactile mechanoreceptors. Euromech Colloquium 627 (Frankfurt, 06/04/2022).
Cordova Bulens, David ; Delhaye, Benoit ; Lefèvre, Philippe ; Redmond, Stephen J. Instrumented object for finger pad imaging during active manipulation. Eurohaptics Annual Meeting (Hamburg, Germany, 22/05/2022).
G Corniani ; Z Lee ; MJ Carré ; R Lewis ; Delhaye, Benoit ; HP Saal. Sub-surface skin strain patterns during natural object interactions.. Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting.
Delhaye, Benoit ; Jarocka, Ewa ; Barrea, Alan ; Thonnard, Jean-Louis ; Edin, Benoni ; Lefèvre, Philippe. High-resolution imaging of skin deformation shows that afferents from human fingertips signal slip onset. In: eLife, Vol. 10 (2021). doi:10.7554/elife.64679.
Delhaye, Benoit ; Schiltz, Félicien ; Barrea, Allan ; Thonnard, Jean-Louis ; Lefèvre, Philippe. Measuring fingerpad deformation during active object manipulation. In: Journal of Neurophysiology, Vol. 126, no. 4, p. 1455-1464 (2021). doi:10.1152/jn.00358.2021.
Corniani, G ; Lee, ZS ; Carré, MJ ; Lewis, R ; Delhaye, Benoit ; Saal, HP. Imaging dynamic sub-surface skin strain patterns during tactile exploration using Optical Coherence Tomography.. Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting (Virtual event, 01/11/2021).
Ozdamar, Idil ; Alipour Sormoli, Mohammadreza ; Delhaye, Benoit ; Lefèvre, Philippe ; Basdogan, Cagatay. Step-Change in Friction under Electrovibration. In: IEEE Transactions on Haptics, Vol. 13, no. 1, p. 137-143 (2020). doi:10.1109/toh.2020.2966992.
Delhaye, Benoit ; Nokerman, H ; Schiltz, Félicien ; Thonnard, Jean-Louis ; Lefèvre, Philippe. Fingerpad deformations during oscillatory movement of a hand-held object.. Eurohaptics Annual Meeting (Leiden, The Netherlands, 1/9/2020).
Delhaye, Benoit ; O'Donnell, Molly K. ; Lieber, Justin D. ; McLellan, Kristine R. ; Bensmaia, Sliman J.. Feeling fooled: Texture contaminates the neural code for tactile speed. In: PLOS Biology, Vol. 17, no.8, p. e3000431 (2019). doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.3000431.
Delhaye, Benoit ; Xia, Xinyue ; Bensmaia, Sliman J.. Rapid geometric feature signaling in the simulated spiking activity of a complete population of tactile nerve fibers. In: Journal of Neurophysiology, Vol. 121, no.6, p. 2071-2082 (2019). doi:10.1152/jn.00002.2019.
Delhaye, Benoit ; Schiltz, Félicien ; Thonnard, Jean-Louis ; Lefèvre, Philippe. Imaging the fingerpad deformations during vertical oscillations of a hand-held object.. Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting ( Chicago, USA, 01/10/2019).
Delhaye, Benoit ; Long, Katie H ; Bensmaia, Sliman J. Neural Basis of Touch and Proprioception in Primate Cortex.. In: Comprehensive Physiology, Vol. 8, no.4, p. 1575-1602 (2018). doi:10.1002/cphy.c170033.
Barrea, Allan ; Delhaye, Benoit ; Lefèvre, Philippe ; Thonnard, Jean-Louis. Perception of partial slips under tangential loading of the fingertip.. In: Scientific reports, Vol. 8, no. 1, p. 7032 (2018 [1-8]). doi:10.1038/s41598-018-25226-w.
Graczyk, Emily L ; Delhaye, Benoit ; Schiefer, Matthew A ; Bensmaia, Sliman J ; Tyler, Dustin J. Sensory adaptation to electrical stimulation of the somatosensory nerves. In: Journal of Neural Engineering, Vol. 15, no.4, p. 046002 (2018). doi:10.1088/1741-2552/aab790.
Schiltz, Félicien ; Barrea, A ; Delhaye, Benoit ; Thonnard, Jean-Louis ; Lefèvre, Philippe. Fingertip skin deformation during lifting.. Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting ( San Diego, USA, 01/11/2018).
Yan, Y ; Moore, DD ; Goodman, JM ; Delhaye, Benoit ; Bensmaia, SJ. High-dimensional control of volitional hand movements.. Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting ( San Diego, USA, 01/11/2018).
Delhaye, Benoit ; Xia, X ; Bensmaia, SJ. Rapid geometric feature signaling in the spiking activity of populations of tactile nerve fibers.. Hand, brain and technology (Ascona Monte Verita, Switzerland, 01/08/2018).
Tyler, DJ ; Graczyk, EL ; Bensmaia, SJ ; Delhaye, Benoit ; Saal, HP. Systems and methods for controlling levels of perceived intensity of a sensory stimulus. .
Saal, Hannes P. ; Delhaye, Benoit ; Rayhaun, Brandon C. ; Bensmaia, Sliman J.. Simulating tactile signals from the whole hand with millisecond precision. In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Vol. 114, p. E5693-E5702 (2017). doi:10.1073/pnas.1704856114.
Barrea, Allan ; Delhaye, Benoit ; Lefèvre, Philippe ; Thonnard, Jean-Louis. Finger pad mechanics during dexterous object manipulation. Worldhaptics 2017 (Munich) (Soumis).
Delhaye, Benoit ; Saal, Hannes P ; Bensmaia, Sliman J. Key considerations in designing a somatosensory neuroprosthesis. In: Journal of Physiology-Paris, Vol. 110, p. 402-408 (2016). doi:10.1016/j.jphysparis.2016.11.001.
Delhaye, Benoit ; Schluter, Erik W ; Bensmaia, Sliman J. Robo-Psychophysics: Extracting Behaviorally Relevant Features from the Output of Sensors on a Prosthetic Finger.. In: IEEE transactions on haptics, Vol. 9, no. 4, p. 499-507 (2016). doi:10.1109/TOH.2016.2573298.
Delhaye, Benoit ; Barrea, Allan ; Edin, Benoni ; Lefèvre, Philippe ; Thonnard, Jean-Louis. Surface strain measurements of fingertip skin under shearing. In: Journal of the Royal Society Interface, Vol. 13, no. 115, p. 20150874 [1-11] (2016). doi:10.1098/rsif.2015.0874.
Graczyk, Emily L ; Schiefer, Matthew A ; Saal, Hannes P ; Delhaye, Benoit ; Bensmaia, Sliman J ; Tyler, Dustin J. The neural basis of perceived intensity in natural and artificial touch.. In: Science Translational Medicine, Vol. 8, no. 362, p. 362ra142 [1-23] (2016). doi:10.1126/scitranslmed.aaf5187.
Suresh, AK ; Delhaye, Benoit ; Saal, HP ; Bensmaia, SJ. Coding of edge orientation in afferent responses of macaques. Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting ( San Diego, USA, 01/11/2016).
Delhaye, Benoit ; Weber, AI ; Bensmaia, SJ. Decoding motion speed from the responses of tactile afferents.. Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting ( San Diego, USA, 01/11/2016).
Graczyck, EL ; Schiefer, MA ; Saal, HP ; Delhaye, Benoit ; Bensmaia, SJ ; Tyler, DJ. Fascicular organization affects tactile sensation evoked from peripheral nerve cuff stimulation. Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting ( San Diego, USA, 01/11/2016).
Barrea, Allan ; Jarocka, E ; Lefèvre, Philippe ; Thonnard, Jean-Louis ; Edin, BB ; Delhaye, Benoit. Human tactile afferent responses to skin strain patterns caused by fingertip shearing.. Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting ( San Diego, USA, 01/11/2016).
Barrea, Allan ; Delhaye, Benoit ; Lefèvre, Philippe ; Thonnard, Jean-Louis. Perception of Partial Slips Under Tangential Loading of the Fingertip. Eurohaptics 2016 (London) (Soumis).
Delhaye, Benoit ; Bensmaia, SJ ; Callier, T ; Saal, HP. The dynamics of neural signals about contact pressure - implications for bionic hands. Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting ( San Diego, USA, 01/11/2016).
Delhaye, Benoit ; Saal, Hannes P ; Rayhaun, BC ; Bensmaia, Sliman J. A model that simulates the response of the somatosensory nerves to arbitrary spatio-temporal deformations of the skin of the hand. Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting ( Chicago, USA, 01/10/2015).
Barrea, Allan ; Delhaye, Benoit ; Lefèvre, Philippe ; Thonnard, Jean-Louis. Perception of partial slips under tangential loading of the fingertip. Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting ( Chicago, USA, 01/10/2015).
Delhaye, Benoit ; Schluter, EW ; Johannes MS ; Katyal KD ; Tenore FV ; Bensmaia SJ. What can bionic fingers tell us about objects? Extracting behaviorally relevant features from the output of sensors on prosthetic fingertips. Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting ( Chicago, USA, 01/10/2015).
Delhaye, Benoit ; Lefèvre, Philippe ; Thonnard, Jean-Louis. Dynamics of fingertip contact during the onset of tangential slip. In: Journal of the Royal Society Interface, Vol. 11, no. 100, p. 20140698 [1-11] (2014). doi:10.1098/rsif.2014.0698.
Delhaye, Benoit. Skin mechanics involved in dynamic touch, prom. : Lefèvre, Philippe ; Thonnard, Jean-Louis, 31/10/2014.
Delhaye, Benoit ; Lefèvre, Philippe ; Thonnard, Jean-Louis. Skin strain measurements of the fingertip under shearing stress. Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting (San Diego, USA, 01/11/2013).
Delhaye, Benoit ; Hayward, Vincent ; Lefèvre, Philippe ; Thonnard, Jean-Louis. Texture-induced vibrations in the forearm during tactile exploration. In: Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, Vol. 3, no. 37 (2012). doi:10.3389/fnbeh.2012.00037.
Delhaye, Benoit ; Lefèvre, Philippe ; Thonnard, Jean-Louis. Fingertip deformation during the onset of a tangential sliding movement. Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting (New Orleans, USA, 01/10/2012).
Delhaye, Benoit ; Lefèvre, Philippe ; Thonnard, Jean-Louis. Tactile detection of slip: Fine characterisation of skin deformation during the onset of slip. Society for the Neural Control of Movement Annual Meeting (Venise, Italy, 01/04/2012).
Delhaye, Benoit ; Hayward, Vincent ; Lefèvre, Philippe ; Thonnard, Jean-Louis. Textural vibrations in the forearm during tactile exploration. Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting (San Diego, USA, 01/11/2010).
Delhaye, Benoit ; Hayward Vincent ; Lefèvre, Philippe ; Thonnard, Jean-Louis. Vibrations in the forearm during active touch of rough textures. Active touch sensing (Buckinghamshire, UK, 01/02/2011).