Migration and Mobility in the EU (module 7)

beua2005  2024-2025  Bruxelles Saint-Louis

Migration and Mobility in the EU (module 7)
5.00 crédits
30.0 h

  Cette unité d’enseignement n’est pas accessible aux étudiants d’échange !

Thèmes abordés
Migration and mobility, both from outside the EU and in the form of the free movement of citizens within the EU, are high on the EU’s political agenda. These are controversial issues that divide Member States as well as national public opinions. The aim of the course is to provide students with an understanding of interconnected and often contentious issues in these rapidly evolving areas. The course explores the dynamics of migration and mobility in the EU, including the different types of migration – regular and irregular migration, free movement of EU citizens, asylum – and the primary developments in contemporary border control and security practices. From an interdisciplinary perspective, drawing on political science, law, economy, and sociology, it examines the rationale of migration policies, politics and law, combining a theoretical and practical account of the field. The course also delves into the challenges of the Schengen area and analyses the so-called “migration crisis”. 

A la fin de cette unité d’enseignement, l’étudiant est capable de :

At the end of the course, students are able to:
  • understand the actions taken in the fields of migration and mobility at the European level (main achievements, rationale and challenges)
  • understand the importance and difficulties of coordination between EU institutions, EU agencies and national authorities
  • understand how migration and mobility policies impact and are impacted by the perception of migrants
  • critically examine the human and political implications of bordering regimes and technologies
  • critically analyse current events in the field of migration policies, politics and law, including from a human rights perspective
Faculté ou entité
en charge

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Intitulé du programme
Master [120] in EU Studies