Masters internship

lbari2283  2024-2025  Bruxelles Saint-Gilles

Masters internship
3.00 crédits
Vilet Guénola (coordinateur(trice));
The internship offers students the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the activities and circuits related to the act of building. As well as with the practice of the profession. While being articulated with the teaching provided by the faculty, the internship unfolds over time at a very different pace from that of an organized teaching and thus allows the application of theoretical knowledge in a professional setting. The master's internship takes place in a design office, in a structure involved in the treatment of the built environment. It requires the presence of an architect or engineer-architect on site who will ensure the student's training. At the end of his/her internship, the latter draws up an activity report, accompanied by the various certificates required to ensure its validity.
Méthodes d'enseignement
Internship in English
Modes d'évaluation
des acquis des étudiants
At the end of this teaching unit, the student will be able to: 
* integrate into a design office to observe and understand the role of the actors involved in the act of building 
*develop a reflective spirit vis-à-vis both theoretical knowledge and professional practices to be actively involved in the work of an architectural firm and become aware of its responsibilities 
*present their experience in the field in a clear and precise manner, by means of a report presented according to the proposed framework. 
Contribution to the LO repository: 
*Mobilize other disciplines 
Go to meet other concepts and methods, exchange and feed the architectural reflection 
Strategically manipulate content from other disciplines to question the design and implementation of the architecture project 
*Realize a technical dimension 
Observe and evaluate the constructive principles that generate a formal, material and temporal dimension of architecture 
Adopt a professional attitude 
Organize, plan, develop and synthesize individual or collective work 
Observe the evolution of professional practice, adapt by getting involved independently in a logic of research and continuous development 
Make committed choices 
Demonstrate ethics and a capacity for resistance through one’s architectural positions 
Be aware of the political significance of one’s activity, and one’s responsibility to society, in the public interest
Faculté ou entité
en charge

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Intitulé du programme
Master [120] en architecture/BXL [Master International - en anglais]