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5.00 crédits
30.0 h
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Thèmes abordés
This course provides a broad perspective on the emergence, development, and transformation of the EU’s gender and non-discrimination policies. It also presents the main current issues, as well as the latest academic research in that area.
Main topics include an exploration of the historical development of the EU’s gender and non-discrimination policies since the Treaty of Rome; an overview of the legal foundations underpinning gender equality and the fight against discrimination within the EU; an analysis of the main principles and values that structure the EU’s action (equal treatment, equal opportunities…); an examination of the existing institutional architecture (EIGE, FEMM…), and of the roles of the main public and private actors in the field (the “velvet triangle” and beyond); a study of the principle of gender/equality mainstreaming, whereby a gender and anti-discrimination perspective is integrated across the whole EU policy portfolio; an analysis of the impact of EU action at the national level; a focus on the intersectionality of discrimination, where students analyse how factors like race, ethnicity, sexuality, and disability can strengthen gender-based inequalities, and how this perspective is translated into policy-making; a critical assessment of contemporary oppositions and populist challenges to gender+ equality.
Main topics include an exploration of the historical development of the EU’s gender and non-discrimination policies since the Treaty of Rome; an overview of the legal foundations underpinning gender equality and the fight against discrimination within the EU; an analysis of the main principles and values that structure the EU’s action (equal treatment, equal opportunities…); an examination of the existing institutional architecture (EIGE, FEMM…), and of the roles of the main public and private actors in the field (the “velvet triangle” and beyond); a study of the principle of gender/equality mainstreaming, whereby a gender and anti-discrimination perspective is integrated across the whole EU policy portfolio; an analysis of the impact of EU action at the national level; a focus on the intersectionality of discrimination, where students analyse how factors like race, ethnicity, sexuality, and disability can strengthen gender-based inequalities, and how this perspective is translated into policy-making; a critical assessment of contemporary oppositions and populist challenges to gender+ equality.
This course provides a broad perspective on the emergence, development, and transformation of the EU’s gender and non-discrimination policies. It also presents the main current issues linked to this topic in the EU public debate, as well as the latest academic research in that area.
The course is part of the teaching programme of the Jean Monnet Chair EUGENDERING which aims at better understanding the challenges linked to the establishment of a Union of gender equality, non-discrimination and diversity. It will provide teaching and research material useful for the students, who will also be offered the opportunity to deepen their knowledge of the issues at stake, and to meet professionals working in the field, by participating in the events organised by the Chair.
The course is part of the teaching programme of the Jean Monnet Chair EUGENDERING which aims at better understanding the challenges linked to the establishment of a Union of gender equality, non-discrimination and diversity. It will provide teaching and research material useful for the students, who will also be offered the opportunity to deepen their knowledge of the issues at stake, and to meet professionals working in the field, by participating in the events organised by the Chair.
Méthodes d'enseignement
Each session of the course is organised in 3 different steps:
Step 1 – Current topics in gender and non-discrimination policies in the EU
At the beginning of each session, a (group of) student(s) is in charge of a very short (5 minutes) oral presentation aimed at presenting to the rest of the class the current state of play regarding a “hot” topic of their choice related to gender and non-discrimination. They explain the nature of the debate, its context, and the position of the different actors.
The presentation is followed by a 10-minute collective discussion of the issue at stake.
Step 2 – Lecture
Each session includes a lecture on the theme of the week.
Step 3 – Presentation
In order to offer either a complementary perspective on the theme of the week or to zoom in on a specific subject, the last part of the session is devoted to a student’s presentation. These 20-minute collective presentations can be of two sorts:
- Presentation of an article: presentation of the authors and of their approach; explanation of the research question, main notions, argument and results; critical analysis.
- Oral presentation: presentation of the subject and of its context; problematisation; link with the course.
Step 1 – Current topics in gender and non-discrimination policies in the EU
At the beginning of each session, a (group of) student(s) is in charge of a very short (5 minutes) oral presentation aimed at presenting to the rest of the class the current state of play regarding a “hot” topic of their choice related to gender and non-discrimination. They explain the nature of the debate, its context, and the position of the different actors.
The presentation is followed by a 10-minute collective discussion of the issue at stake.
Step 2 – Lecture
Each session includes a lecture on the theme of the week.
Step 3 – Presentation
In order to offer either a complementary perspective on the theme of the week or to zoom in on a specific subject, the last part of the session is devoted to a student’s presentation. These 20-minute collective presentations can be of two sorts:
- Presentation of an article: presentation of the authors and of their approach; explanation of the research question, main notions, argument and results; critical analysis.
- Oral presentation: presentation of the subject and of its context; problematisation; link with the course.
Modes d'évaluation
des acquis des étudiants
des acquis des étudiants
Each student will be expected to carry out the following tasks:
- Group presentation – article or oral presentation. Required.
- Participation in a debate team. Required.
- Final written work – policy brief and oral presentation. Required.
- Current topics presentation (individual or in group). On a voluntary basis.
Grading system
- Group presentation (article or oral presentation): 30%
- Debate team: 20%
- Individual policy brief and its oral presentation: 50%
- Current topics in gender and non-discrimination in the EU: bonus (up to 2 points)
- Group presentation – article or oral presentation. Required.
- Participation in a debate team. Required.
- Final written work – policy brief and oral presentation. Required.
- Current topics presentation (individual or in group). On a voluntary basis.
Grading system
- Group presentation (article or oral presentation): 30%
- Debate team: 20%
- Individual policy brief and its oral presentation: 50%
- Current topics in gender and non-discrimination in the EU: bonus (up to 2 points)
Autres infos
No delay in submitting the work requested will be accepted. Any exception to this rule must be duly justified.
Any fraud will be reported to the Master's jury.
Submitted work will be systematically analysed by anti-plagiarism software.
All use of generative artificial intelligence is forbidden in the production and writing of the work required as part of this course, with the exception of spelling and grammatical correction, although this use must be systematically indicated and referenced precisely throughout the text. Any part of the work relying, in any way whatsoever, on generative AI must be clearly identified (for example, by a footnote). Screenshots of the conversation with the AI tool must be appended, together with a paragraph of explanation specifying which generative AI tool was used, for what purpose, in what way, and to what extent. Failure to do so will constitute an irregularity.
Any fraud will be reported to the Master's jury.
Submitted work will be systematically analysed by anti-plagiarism software.
All use of generative artificial intelligence is forbidden in the production and writing of the work required as part of this course, with the exception of spelling and grammatical correction, although this use must be systematically indicated and referenced precisely throughout the text. Any part of the work relying, in any way whatsoever, on generative AI must be clearly identified (for example, by a footnote). Screenshots of the conversation with the AI tool must be appended, together with a paragraph of explanation specifying which generative AI tool was used, for what purpose, in what way, and to what extent. Failure to do so will constitute an irregularity.
- Abels, Gabriele, Krizsan, Andrea, MacRae, Heather, van der Meulen, Anna (eds.) (2021), The Routledge Handbook of Gender and EU Politics, London, Routledge.
- Hubert, Agnès (2022), The European Union and Gender Equality, Brussels, FEPS.
- Jacquot, Sophie (2015), Transformations in EU Gender Equality. From Emergence to Dismantling, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan.
- Kantola, Johanna (2010), Gender and the European Union, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan.
- Hubert, Agnès (2022), The European Union and Gender Equality, Brussels, FEPS.
- Jacquot, Sophie (2015), Transformations in EU Gender Equality. From Emergence to Dismantling, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan.
- Kantola, Johanna (2010), Gender and the European Union, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan.
Faculté ou entité
en charge
en charge
Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)
Intitulé du programme
Master [120] in EU Studies