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Thèmes abordés
Students carry out a 3-month internship either in a public or in private organization dealing with EU affairs. The internship offers the students the possibility to gain experience in the political, administrative or societal circles of the EU system. The internship aims to prepare students for a smooth transition to the professional world.
A list of host institutions is provided to the students. Subject to prior approval by the supervisor, students are allowed to carry out their internship in another organisation. At the end of their internship, students draft a report summarizing their experience and the knowledge they gained from it. The report includes a presentation of the organisation where the internship was carried out; a description of the tasks performed; and a critical self-assessment of the internship (with a focus on the student’s confrontation with the professional environment and on a comparison between the theoretical expectations and the real-life experiences). This report must be backed up by examples and concrete situations experienced during the internship.
Students may exceptionally be allowed to write a Master thesis instead of carrying out an internship. This Master thesis will be supervised by a professor teaching in the programme. It will explore a topic related to the European Union.
A list of host institutions is provided to the students. Subject to prior approval by the supervisor, students are allowed to carry out their internship in another organisation. At the end of their internship, students draft a report summarizing their experience and the knowledge they gained from it. The report includes a presentation of the organisation where the internship was carried out; a description of the tasks performed; and a critical self-assessment of the internship (with a focus on the student’s confrontation with the professional environment and on a comparison between the theoretical expectations and the real-life experiences). This report must be backed up by examples and concrete situations experienced during the internship.
Students may exceptionally be allowed to write a Master thesis instead of carrying out an internship. This Master thesis will be supervised by a professor teaching in the programme. It will explore a topic related to the European Union.
Faculté ou entité
en charge
en charge
Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)
Intitulé du programme
Master [120] in EU Studies