La version que vous consultez n'est pas définitive.
Cette fiche d’activité peut encore faire l'objet de modifications. La version finale sera disponible le 1er juin.
5.00 crédits
30.0 h + 6.0 h
Thèmes abordés
Building upon the tools of decision and game theory acquired in Advanced Microeconomics I, the course is divided in two main sections. In the first section, General Competittive Analysis is developed both in its positive and normative dimensions. In the second section, the problem of designing efficient allocation mechanisms is studied in a general perspective. Incomplete information and incentives issues are introduced. The design of auctions and public good mechanisms is included.
A la fin de cette unité d’enseignement, l’étudiant est capable de : | |
1 | The objective of the course is to provide the basic microeconomic tools to be used in the analysis of problems of resource allocation by economists working in research, in businees or in various organisations. The course adopts both a positive and a normative approach. It includes recent advances of the theory and aims at develop-ing the capacity to apply economic concepts to real-world problems. |
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