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5.00 crédits
30.0 h
Economie industrielle : les politiques de prix et de non prix dans les marchés en concurrence imparfaite tant dans un cadre d'information parfaite qu'imparfaite
Thèmes abordés
Après avoir passé en revue les objectifs et instruments de la politique de concurrence européenne, le cours examine successivement les ententes entre entreprises (art. 101), les abus de position dominante (art.102) et le contrôle des concentrations.
A la fin de cette unité d’enseignement, l’étudiant est capable de : | |
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A la fin de l'activité, les étudiants seront capables de comprendre l'apport- mais également les limites - d'une analyse économique rigoureuse à la mise en 'uvre de la politique de concurrence européenne. Ils seront capables d'appliquer cette approche à l'analyse de décisions de jurisprudence relatives à la coopération entre entreprises, aux stratégies d'entreprises dominantes et aux fusions/acquisitions. Ils seront à même d'appliquer une approche interdisciplinaire droit-économie. Ils auront acquis la connaissance du contenu de la politique de concurrence européenne et des apports de la théorie économique relative aux stratégies des firmes en concurrence imparfaite à l'évolution de cette politique et seront conscients des controverses entre économistes dans ce domaine. |
The language of the course is English.
The goal of the course is to understand how economics (both theory and empirical analyses) contributes to competition policy.
The course is covering the following topics:
- the goals of competition policy
- assessing market power and dominance
- identifying the relevant market
- too high and too low prices
- predatory pricing and margin squeeze
- discriminatory pricing and rebates
- horizontal agreements and vertical restraints in digital markets
The goal of the course is to understand how economics (both theory and empirical analyses) contributes to competition policy.
The course is covering the following topics:
- the goals of competition policy
- assessing market power and dominance
- identifying the relevant market
- too high and too low prices
- predatory pricing and margin squeeze
- discriminatory pricing and rebates
- horizontal agreements and vertical restraints in digital markets
Méthodes d'enseignement
Methodology: confront economic theory with European case law in plenary sessions, case studies presentations and informal discussions on documents published by the competition authorities or on the content of assignments submitted by students. Depending on sanitory prescriptions, teaching might be done at distance.
Attendance is compulsory as a significant part (50%) of the final grade is based on continuous evaluation.
Students are expected to read literature on the different subjects as well as legal cases and/or guidelines documents explaining how the antitrust authority intends to implement the competition policy.
For some classes, students are asked to prepare exercises which are then discussed in class.
Class discussion around cases prepared by students is also used for improving their ability to evaluate cases
Attendance is compulsory as a significant part (50%) of the final grade is based on continuous evaluation.
Students are expected to read literature on the different subjects as well as legal cases and/or guidelines documents explaining how the antitrust authority intends to implement the competition policy.
For some classes, students are asked to prepare exercises which are then discussed in class.
Class discussion around cases prepared by students is also used for improving their ability to evaluate cases
Modes d'évaluation
des acquis des étudiants
des acquis des étudiants
Grading is based on homework assignments during the semester (50%) and on a final closed-book exam (50%). Homework counts only once whilst you are allowed to present the final exam twice during a single academic year. This means that if you fail at the first occasion (in January), the weight attached to the final exam becomes 100%. The choice between a written and an oral exam depends on the number of registered students at each session.
For group's work, a differentiated grade might be applied to members of a group in case of significant differences in involvement/quality.
For group's work, a differentiated grade might be applied to members of a group in case of significant differences in involvement/quality.
Autres infos
Prerequisite: LECON2370 (Industrial organisation and corporate strategy).
The course uses and extends the theoretical basis presented in LECON2370.
The course uses and extends the theoretical basis presented in LECON2370.
en ligne
en ligne
Slides, exercises, readings (compulsory and recommended) are available on the course webpage on Moodle.
available on the webpage of the course on Moodle
Faculté ou entité
en charge
en charge