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Cette fiche d’activité peut encore faire l'objet de modifications. La version finale sera disponible le 1er juin.
5.00 crédits
22.5 h + 22.5 h
No pre-requisites. However, having followed LPHY2103 is an asset.
Thèmes abordés
This teaching unit is designed to introduce the student to digital electronics and data acquisition systems with special emphasis in a practical work through a personal project.
A la fin de cette unité d’enseignement, l’étudiant est capable de : | |
AA2: A2.5
1. Digital and analog signals and systems.
2. Number systems, operations and codes.
3. Logic gates and gate combinations.
4. Combinational logic : adders, decoders, comparators, multiplexers, …
5. Sequential logic : flip-flops, timers, shift registers, counters, …
6. Counters : finite state machines.
7. Programmable logic : VHDL.
8. Data transmission.
9. Signal conversion : ADC, DAC, …
10. Buses and interfaces : serial and parallel buses, USB, I2C, ethernet.
2. Number systems, operations and codes.
3. Logic gates and gate combinations.
4. Combinational logic : adders, decoders, comparators, multiplexers, …
5. Sequential logic : flip-flops, timers, shift registers, counters, …
6. Counters : finite state machines.
7. Programmable logic : VHDL.
8. Data transmission.
9. Signal conversion : ADC, DAC, …
10. Buses and interfaces : serial and parallel buses, USB, I2C, ethernet.
Méthodes d'enseignement
Lectures and exercises sessions in auditorium.
Directed practical work (compulsory) :
- experimental study of basic circuits;
- simulation of circuits;
- weekly assignments.
Project : developing an acquisition system with an FPGA and/or RaspberryPi :
- implementation of a serial reading protocol (type I2C, USB, ...) ;
Directed practical work (compulsory) :
- experimental study of basic circuits;
- simulation of circuits;
- weekly assignments.
Project : developing an acquisition system with an FPGA and/or RaspberryPi :
- implementation of a serial reading protocol (type I2C, USB, ...) ;
Modes d'évaluation
des acquis des étudiants
des acquis des étudiants
The evaluation is based on:
- laboratory work. Continuous evaluation (25%)
- Weekly exercices and assignements. Continuous evaluation (25%)
- presentation of an acquisition project : oral questioning (50%).
All three parts should be passed with more than 50% each.
- laboratory work. Continuous evaluation (25%)
- Weekly exercices and assignements. Continuous evaluation (25%)
- presentation of an acquisition project : oral questioning (50%).
All three parts should be passed with more than 50% each.
- Digital Fundamentals, 11th Edition (, Thomas Floyd, Ed. Pearson.
- Acquisition de Données. Du Capteur à l'Ordinateur, Georges Asch et collaborateurs, Ed. Dunod.
Faculté ou entité
en charge
en charge