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Recommended books :
BISHOP C., Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning, Springer, 2006.
DUDA R., Patter Classification (second edition), Wiley, 2001.
ALPAYDIN E., Introduction to Machine Learning, 2nd Ed., The MIT Press, 2009.
THEODORIDIS S., Machine Learning : A Bayesian and Optimization Perspective, Academic Press, 2015.
SUTTON R., Reinforcement Learning : An introduction, The MIT Press, 1998.
BISHOP C., Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning, Springer, 2006.
DUDA R., Patter Classification (second edition), Wiley, 2001.
ALPAYDIN E., Introduction to Machine Learning, 2nd Ed., The MIT Press, 2009.
THEODORIDIS S., Machine Learning : A Bayesian and Optimization Perspective, Academic Press, 2015.
SUTTON R., Reinforcement Learning : An introduction, The MIT Press, 1998.
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