La version que vous consultez n'est pas définitive.
Cette fiche d’activité peut encore faire l'objet de modifications. La version finale sera disponible le 1er juin.
5.00 crédits
30.0 h
The course is limited to research students having a good level of English (B1 or B2). In addition the applicants should have enough research material to write a scientific paper.
Information additionnelle : the course is limited to 12 participants. Please request your admission to the course coordinator.
Information additionnelle : the course is limited to 12 participants. Please request your admission to the course coordinator.
Thèmes abordés
Règles d'écriture en anglais - Présenter son poster - Présenter sa recherche lors d'un congrès - Ecrire un abstract, une introduction, une méthode, les résultats, la discussion - Concevoir ses tableaux et ses graphes - Ecrire les résultats d'une analyse multivariée
A la fin de cette unité d’enseignement, l’étudiant est capable de : | |
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Objectif général : Apprendre à communiquer en anglais, par écrit et oralement, les résultats d'une recherche scientifique Objectifs spécifiques : A la fin du cours, l'étudiant connaîtra les principales règles de l'écriture d'articles scientifiques en anglais Il aura compris les règles régissant l'écriture des différentes sections d'un article Il saura écrire un abstract d'un article scientifique Il comprendra également les principaux enjeux de la publication d'articles scientifiques En outre, au terme de sa formation, l'étudiant aura au moins réalisé deux des trois tâches suivantes : Il aura présenté en anglais sa recherche sous la forme d'une présentation powerpoint pour un congrès ou un séminaire Il aura réalisé et présenté un poster d'une recherche Il aura écrit l'essentiel d'un article scientifique |
The aim of this course is to equip the participants with the core skills of scientific writing in English.
At the end of this course the participants will be able to: Identify and apply a systematic approach to scientific writing; Write one scientific paper in accordance to the scientific style and structure; Identify common mistakes in scientific writing and provide appropriate corrections/solutions; Identify the steps of the scientific publishing process.
Key topics that will be covered during the course are: The approach and principles of scientific writing; Tips to overcome the blank page when writing and stimulate creativity; The style and structure of a scientific paper/manuscript; Key elements/points and common mistakes when writing the introduction, methods, results (including tables and figures) and discussion (one session focusing on each of these parts of a scientific paper); Editing tips for the English language in a scientific paper.
The course content will be adapted for writing a scientific paper using quantitative and/or qualitative methods in health sciences and social approaches of health, health care services and professions.
Participation in this course requires being fluent in English (at least B2, especially in writing). Additionally, participants in this course must already have a clear research topic, specific research questions and the necessary material (e.g. data, analysis, results) and be at the stage of writing a scientific paper from the beginning of the course.
At the end of this course the participants will be able to: Identify and apply a systematic approach to scientific writing; Write one scientific paper in accordance to the scientific style and structure; Identify common mistakes in scientific writing and provide appropriate corrections/solutions; Identify the steps of the scientific publishing process.
Key topics that will be covered during the course are: The approach and principles of scientific writing; Tips to overcome the blank page when writing and stimulate creativity; The style and structure of a scientific paper/manuscript; Key elements/points and common mistakes when writing the introduction, methods, results (including tables and figures) and discussion (one session focusing on each of these parts of a scientific paper); Editing tips for the English language in a scientific paper.
The course content will be adapted for writing a scientific paper using quantitative and/or qualitative methods in health sciences and social approaches of health, health care services and professions.
Participation in this course requires being fluent in English (at least B2, especially in writing). Additionally, participants in this course must already have a clear research topic, specific research questions and the necessary material (e.g. data, analysis, results) and be at the stage of writing a scientific paper from the beginning of the course.
Méthodes d'enseignement
The course includes a presentation of key points, writing exercises, group discussion including review, analysis and correction of sample papers as well as individual assignments to meet the learning objectives of the course.
Modes d'évaluation
des acquis des étudiants
des acquis des étudiants
Evaluation will be based on (1) participation in the course sessions and contribution in learning activities (2/20), (2) assignments during the course (3/20) and (3) production of an individual paper (15/20).
Autres infos
Participation in this course requires to be fluent in English (at least B2, especially in writing). Additionally, participants in this course must already have a clear research topic, questions and the necessary material (e.g. data, analyses, results) and be at the stage of writing a scientific paper from the beginning of the course.
To register to the course, you must complete the online questionnaire available at and receive approval by email from the course coordinator.
To register to the course, you must complete the online questionnaire available at and receive approval by email from the course coordinator.
en ligne
en ligne
Course materials will be made available in the MOODLE platform of the course after each session and/or on Teams.
Provided during the course
Support de cours
- Course materials made available in the MOODLE platform of the course and/or Teams.
Faculté ou entité
en charge
en charge
Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)
Intitulé du programme
Master [120] en sciences de la santé publique