Gestion de projet en matière de risques psychosociaux [ LGRBE2305 ]
4.0 crédits ECTS
40.0 h
Language |
Place of the course |
Main themes |
The course deals with the following topics :
- Concepts of the project and change;
- Metarules for running projects within an organization (structuring, management, monitoring, checking, flexibilization, memorization, "mentoring", etc);
- Contextual factors in the running of projects (management systems, management of operational processes, management of skills, psychosocial dynamics);
- Running the project relating to psychosocial risks ;
- Basic methodologies;
- Roles and positions of the intervener.
Aims |
The course has five main objectives :
- to understand the conceptual and paradigmatic frameworks for running psychosocial projects in an organization;
- to make a link between running a project and the intervention techniques;
- to form an individual view on crisis phenomena and the role of the adviser in running psychosocial projects;
- to exchange personal experiences ;
- to adopt a critical stance towards intervention and its effects.
The contribution of this Teaching Unit to the development and
command of the skills and learning outcomes of the programme(s) can be
accessed at the end of this sheet, in the section entitled
“Programmes/courses offering this Teaching Unit”.
Content |
The course has five main objectives :
- to understand the conceptual and paradigmatic frameworks for running psychosocial projects in an organization;
- to make a link between running a project and the intervention techniques;
- to form an individual view on crisis phenomena and the role of the adviser in running psychosocial projects;
- to exchange personal experiences ;
- to adopt a critical stance towards intervention and its effects.
The course deals with the following topics :
- Concepts of the project and change;
- Metarules for running projects within an organization (structuring, management, monitoring, checking, flexibilization, memorization, "mentoring", etc);
- Contextual factors in the running of projects (management systems, management of operational processes, management of skills, psychosocial dynamics);
- Running the project relating to psychosocial risks ;
- Basic methodologies;
- Roles and positions of the intervener.
Other information |
Assessment is on a written group assignment defended orally, on a case provided either by the lecturer or by the students. The methods of assessment are agreed with students depending on their workload.
Faculty or entity in charge |
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