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Advanced Human Resource Management [ LLSMS2104 ]

5.0 crédits ECTS  30.0 h   1q 

Teacher(s) Aust-Gronarz Ina ;
Language English
of the course
Prerequisites Prerequisites: You will profit the most from this course if you' (1) ' have successfully completed an HRM course at the bachelor level. If you do not have basic knowledge on HRM, you will have to work beyond the required readings for this course. In this case, please contact your Professor. (2) ' are sufficiently fluent in English to communicate well orally and in writing with your group members, the Professor and for the written assessments. (3) ' have a strong passion for people management issues.
Main themes The following themes are examples of what will be addressed in this course: - Part I: Introduction to sustainable HRM - Part II: Framing sustainable HRM - Part III: Developing values and strategies for sustainable HRM - Part IV: Sustainable HRM ' Practices, Measurement and Reporting - Part V: Developing the Future of Sustainable HRM
Aims Having regard to the LO of the programme X, this activity contributes to the development and acquisition of the following LO:
  • 1. Corporate citizenship 1.1. 'Demonstrate independent reasoning, look critically ' 1.3. Decide and act responsibly ' 2. Knowledge and reasoning 2.1. Master the core knowledge of each area of management. 2.2. Master highly specific knowledge ' 2.3. Articulate the acquired knowledge from different areas 2.4. Activate and apply the acquired knowledge ' 2.5. Contribute to the development and advancement of the man- agement field. 3. A scientific and systematif approach 3.1. Conduct a clear, structured, analytical reasoning ' 3.2. Collect, select and analyze relevant information ' 3.3.Consider problems using a systemic and holistic approach ' 3.4. Perceptively synthesize 'demonstrating a certain conceptual distance ' 3.5.Produce, through analysis and diagnosis, implementable solutions' 4. Innovation and entrepreneurship 4.1. Identify new opportunities, propose creative and useful ideas ' 4.4.Reflect on and improve .... professional practices. 5. Work effectively in an international and multicultural environment 5.1.Understand the inner workings of an organization ' 5.2.Position ... the functioning of an organization, in its ...socio-economic dimensions' 5.3.Understand and establish their own role and scope for action ' 6. Teamwork and leadership 6.1. Work in a team...  6.2. Exercise enlightened leadership skills' 7. Project management 7.1.Analyse a project within its environment and define the expected outcomes' 7.2. Organize, manage and control the process, ' 7.3.Make decisions and take responsibility for them in an uncertain world ' 8. Communication and interpersonal skills 8.1. Express a clear and structured message' 8.2. Interact and discuss effectively ' 9. Personal and professional development 9.1. Independent self-starter ' 9.4. Quick study, lifelong learner '

The contribution of this Teaching Unit to the development and command of the skills and learning outcomes of the programme(s) can be accessed at the end of this sheet, in the section entitled “Programmes/courses offering this Teaching Unit”.

Evaluation methods The evaluation or assessment methods in this course are linked to the course objectives and focus both on group and individual performance. The assessment of your performance will be composed of the following elements: a) Group research paper, peer review and screencast presentation (10/20); 50% b) Individual written exam and participation (10/20); 50%
Teaching methods Different teaching methods will be used such as lecture input, interactive discussions, work in duos or small teams in the course, case analysis, guest speakers and a group project over the duration of the whole semester. The student is understood as an independent, self-organised learner. Preparing the required readings (see course schedule) before class will help you in making this 'your' course because you can ask better questions. Using further readings in your group work and for preparation of the final exam will help you to reach deeper levels of understanding ' and better grades.
Content The course Advanced HRM focuses on human resource functions in large companies in a globalized world from a sustainability perspective. The approach focuses on Sustainable HRM and especially two of its roles. First, the role of HRM in making work systems sustainable including the analysis of challenges related to HRM in international supply chains. Second, the role of HRM in contributing to sustainable business organizations and to an overall societal sustainable development. Advanced HRM in this course is understood as a Sustainable HRM and designed to discuss HRM strategies and practices of the key areas of human resource planning, recruitment, selection, retention, performance management, reward management and workplace learning at an advanced level and within a Sustainable HRM framework. Instead of seeing HR practices and processes as the responsibility of a special function only, this course is based on a general management approach that HR activities are the responsibility of all managers in an organization. This course is based on research and insights from diverse fields, including strategic HRM, Sustainable HRM, Green HRM, organization theory, organizational behavior, industrial relations, and corporate social responsibility.
Bibliography : TEXTBOOK compulsory and available on line SLIDES compulsory and available on line . BOOK : compulsory and available on line Supports available on line are on ICAMPUS.
Other information See evaluation grid for this course.
Faculty or entity
in charge
Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)
  Sigle Crédits Prérequis Acquis
Master [120] in Business engineering INGE2M 5 -
Master [120] in Business Engineering INGM2M 5 -
Master [120] in Management GEST2M 5 -
Master [120] in Management GESM2M 5 -

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