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Ethique théologique [ LTHEO1170B ]

2.0 crédits ECTS  30.0 h   2q 

Teacher(s) Gaziaux Eric ;
Language French
of the course
Main themes To help students meet these objectives, the course addresses the following themes: (1) Definition and specificity of moral theology, as well as its relationships with the other divisions of theology and human sciences; (2) Relationships between faith and reason, and the question of human freedom within God' s salvation project; (3) Autonomy of ethics, specificity of a Christian ethics, and the contribution of faith to moral reflection. The course also attempts to introduce students to a critical reading approach.
Aims On completion of this course, the student should be able to: (1) Perceive the significance of ethical questioning in theology; (2) Reflect on the contribution of a theological reflection to ethics; (3) Imagine the main stages constitutive of the ethical approach; (4) Tackle theological texts about ethics with a critical mind.

The contribution of this Teaching Unit to the development and command of the skills and learning outcomes of the programme(s) can be accessed at the end of this sheet, in the section entitled “Programmes/courses offering this Teaching Unit”.


The course has two components.

The first (A),
after an introduction defining the concepts of theology and moral theology, the course sets out an historical survey (from Christian Antiquity through to the current period) on the evolution of moral theology (Chap. 1). This survey makes it possible to identify methodological problems specific to ethics (Chap. 2)

Second component ecognise the relevance of certain atheist critics of Christian ethics (Chap. 3). Such critics can then be the foundations of a theological reflection starting with the outline of its framework, especially through the concepts of Creation, Alliance and Salvation (Chap. 4), further revisiting the concepts of nature and freedom (as well as other important themes, such as law, desire, etc. (Chap. 5), ending with the question of the specificity of Christian ethics (Chap. 6). The last chapter concentrates on a reflection on the components of the ethical approach. Method: The course attempts to link and compare and contrast specifically theological categories with "secular" categories with a view to introducing students to a theological way of thinking. Though the method is lecture format teaching, it should be noted that specific themes can be addressed or inserted into some chapters to meet students' expectations.

Other information

Prerequisite : nothing Evaluation: Oral examination Support: A structure of the course is given to the students ; texts are also read together with certain meetings.

Faculty or entity
in charge
Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)
  Sigle Crédits Prérequis Acquis
Bachelor in religious studies RELI1BA 2 -
Minor in Theology LTHEO100I 3 -

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