Old Testament: Pentateuch and Historical Books [ LTHEO1211 ]
4.0 crédits ECTS
45.0 h
This biannual course is taught on years 2015-2016, 2017-2018, ....
Teacher(s) |
Wénin André ;
Language |
Place of the course |
Main themes |
To achieve this, the course introduces current research and debates on the composition history of the Pentateuch and the deuteronomistic history, including outlines of the Chronist work. The course also provides a brief survey on the main literary genres of this literature and stimulates the reflection on their interest for history and theology. Finally, the course involves the reading of some important OT texts, using the actual exegetical methods and pointing out a number of axes of theological and anthropological interest. A part of this course consists in practical reading exercises of texts.
Aims |
By the end of this course, the student should be able to read texts of the Pentateuch and the historical books of the OT on the basis of a general knowledge of this literature.
The contribution of this Teaching Unit to the development and
command of the skills and learning outcomes of the programme(s) can be
accessed at the end of this sheet, in the section entitled
“Programmes/courses offering this Teaching Unit”.
Evaluation methods |
The evaluation will consist of a written exam in 2 parts: one on historical questions, the other on texts read in their biblical context.
Content |
This course will consist of two main parts.
One will focus on issues related to the history of Pentateuch and historical books (including books of Chronicles). It will take the form of directed readings.
The other one will consist of a reading of "primary history of Israel," the long history ranging from the world's creation (Genesis 1) to the destruction of Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar and the deportation of Judah to Babylon (2 Kings 25). This reading will follow the main themes (election, covenant, law, kingship and prophecy) and stop at particularly critical texts for understanding the whole (e.g. Gen 2-4; 12; 37; Ex 14-15; 19-20.24; 32; Dt 30; 1 S 8; 16-18; 11-12 2 S; 1 R 3; 17-19 and 21). These texts will be worked according to the procedures of narrative analysis.
The student(s) will receive a folder of articles related to the texts read during the lectures. Complementary readings will be requested.
Faculty or entity in charge |
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