Dutch : introduction to translation and interpreting

bmhne1231  2023-2024  Bruxelles Saint-Louis

Dutch : introduction to translation and interpreting
5.00 credits
0 h + 60.0 h
Q1 and Q2
Marcipont Christian; Vrancx Marlène;

The prerequisite(s) for this Teaching Unit (Unité d’enseignement – UE) for the programmes/courses that offer this Teaching Unit are specified at the end of this sheet.
Learning outcomes

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :

On completing this Course Unit in Translation into French (B2) students should be able to demonstrate their ability to:

- translate a non-specialist text into well-written French (well-written in terms of spelling, grammar, style and lexicon) making effective use of the linguistic resources of the French language (collocations, idiomatic expressions, etc.);
- identify a text's function (inform, provide a response, engage a/in controversial debate, promote something, etc.) and the different components of the message it seeks to convey;
- transfer this message in French respecting the author's intentions, as well as the style and register of the original text and avoiding errors of calque;
- carry out a translation demonstrating that they have understood and analysed the Dutch language text in all its aspects;
- evaluate the appropriateness of possible equivalent text, selecting the most appropriate through a process of ‘negotiation' with the text (ref. Umberto Eco);
- apply with discernement the translation techniques learnt in B1 in order to resolve the difficulties inherent in the source text and develop awareness of the nature of the translation process;
- check the meaning of words through judicious use of monolingual and bilingual dictionaries;
- verify the correctness of their choices by making use of, where appropriate, and with due circumspection, the electronic resources provided by a range of internet sites.
At the end of the B2 Sight Translation course, students will demonstrate that they can :
- decode quickly the content of a text written in C and render it in French, with very brief preparation;
- detect the register of the text and transpose it as appropriately as possible into French;
- be flexible and quick-witted enough to adapt to the constraints of immediate rendition.
A collection of non-specialist texts generally from the press, which students translate individually. 'Learning through sharing' and correction during the course for written translation.
For the sight translation, students will be prepared to quickly decode the content of a text written in C and to orally render it in French, after a short preparation. The correction will be individual.
Teaching methods
First term : 30 hours of written translation exercises.
Second term (BMHNE1231B) :
- 15 hours of sight translation exercices;
- 15 hours of written translation exercices.
Course attendance is required.
Face-to-face, first and second term.
Evaluation methods
First term (30% of the course unit's mark) : written exam in January. Translation into French of a non-specialist text .
Second term (70% of the course unit's mark) :
- written translation : written exam in June. Translation into French of a non-specialist text; the use of automatic translation software is not permitted.
- sight translation : continuous summative assessment, provided that the student has taken at least 4 tests. This assessment will represent 20% of the mark for the second term.

August/September session : only students who have failed the whole of BMHNE1231 must retake the unsuccessful part(s).
- Written translation : written exam in August/September. Translation into French of a non-specialist text;
- Sight translation : students who have not passed will have to take a laboratory test. This will be similar to the exercises carried out during the course.
To obtain the credits associated with a UE, the student must sit all the parts of the examination relating to the UE (whether they relate to learning activities - AA - or parts of the course).
If you fail AA BMHNE1231B, you are invited to consult the detailed marks on the MOODLE page for the course. A mark of 10/20 or above for a part of the course will automatically be carried over to the second session and may not be repeated, provided that all parts have been taken. If you are absent or fail to attend one of the parts, your mark will not be carried over.
Bibliographie donnée et commentée au cours.
Lectures recommandées : articles de presse en néerlandais et en français.
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Bachelor in Translation and Interpreting