Entry to Professional life in English

langl2600  2023-2024  Louvain-la-Neuve

Entry to Professional life in English
3.00 credits
30.0 h
Schrijvers Lutgarde (coordinator);
B1+ (intermediate/upper-intermediate) level of the Common European Framework.
Main themes
Students will be asked to take part in various activities allowing them to develop their communicative skills (mainly oral skills) in the following situations: Job interview (including a CV and a letter of application) presenting a specific topic, participating in a meeting, using electronic mail, telephoning and traveling.
Time will also be spent on reflecting on the students' socio-professional path, by asking the following questions among others: who am I?, what can I do?, what do I want?
Learning outcomes

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :

The main objective of the course is the development of skills that will enable the students from various faculties to function in the daily situations of their future professional activities. Students will be asked to carry out various projects in order to facilitate their integration in their future professional life.
1 Reading skills: B2 level of the 'Common European Framework - (Council of Europe)'
By the end of the course, the students should be able to read - with a large degree of independence - articles (from newspapers, magazines, internet and other sources) and reports concerning contemporary issues.
2 Listening skills: B2 level of the 'CECR'
  • Individual: Students should be able to understand conferences and extended speeches and follow complex argumentation.
  • Interactive: Students should be able to follow argumentation in an animated conversation between different interlocutors within the main socio-professional contexts.
3 Oral skills : B2 level of the 'CECR'  
  • Individual: Students should be able to present a complex topic in a clear and methodical way with only occasional reference to their notes.
  • Interactive:
    • Students should be able to communicate spontaneously and fluently to a degree that allows for normal interaction with a native-speaker interlocutor.
    • They should also be able to communicate fluently and effectively in conversations on both social and professional levels.
4 Written skills: B2 level of the 'CECR' - By the end of the course, the students should be able to write an e-mail message correctly, a letter of application and a CV.
5 Code: Enabling students to adequately master language functions, grammatical structures (simple and complex), vocabulary (general and specific), pronunciation and intonation in order to allow for fluent and spontaneous communication.
6 Culture: Making students aware of the (inter-)cultural differences as expressed by different interlocutors of the English language (native and non-native speakers).
The course is oriented towards the practice of interactive communication. The activities aim at consolidating and developing the communication techniques linked with the professional world as well as improving the code (general and specific vocabulary) necessary to the practice of these techniques. These activities will simulate real situations.
The following skills are developed:
  • Socializing
  • Making presentations
  • Telephoning
  • Making travel arrangements
  • Applying for a job
  • Running and attending meetings: setting an agenda, negotiating, coming to decisions, aso

Teaching methods
The teacher will first present the language functions and professional techniques (meetings, job interviews, presentations,') and the students will then activate these during oral exercises in class.

Evaluation methods
        The LANGL2600 course is a CONTINUOUS ASSESSMENT course, with a number of components which are tested IN CLASS (except for the August/September session)
  • Participation: 10% of the final mark
  • Vocabulary tests: 20% of the final mark
  • Group presentation (4 or 5 students): 25% of the final mark
  • Simulation of a job interview: 20% of the final mark
  • Meeting (3, 4 or 5 students): 25% of the final mark
In the SECOND SESSION, all the components are included (apart from participation, which can not be improved) but the students may report the mark for one or several components obtained in the previous session. The students are free to decide which components they want to improve. They will send an e-mail with their choice to Mrs Schrijvers by the 10th of July at the latest.
Other information
Class attendance is obligatory. From two unjustified absences onwards, the student's participation mark will be 0/10.
Groups / pedagogical accompaniment: groups of maximum 20 students. The teacher can always be contacted via e-mail.
  • Syllabus LANGL 2600
Teaching materials
  • Syllabus LANGL 2600
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Master [120] in Linguistics

Master [120] in Human Resources Management