Basic Modern Spanish II

lrom1180  2023-2024  Louvain-la-Neuve

Basic Modern Spanish II
5.00 credits
30.0 h + 15.0 h
Narvaez Soto Mauricio (compensates Sábado Novau Marta); Sábado Novau Marta;
LFIAL1170 : « Fondements de l'Espagnol moderne I »
Main themes
The communicative, lexical and grammatical contents belong to the A2 level reference and partly to the B1 level of the "European  Common Framework of  Reference for languages."
° Morphosyntactic contents  which belong to the A2 level and partly to the B1 level from a  normative point of view.  It consists  mainly of the morphology of verbal tenses, of the use of past tenses in a narrative text, as well as the context  of the use of the present of the subjunctive in completive sentences.
° Linguistic realization of the acts of speech which correspond to the advanced A2 level, such as giving advice, delivering orders, expressing desires, interdictions, obligation, dealing with causes and consequences, describing characteristics of people and of things, telling a story in the past, and so on....
° Lexical contents of the A2 level and partly of the B1 level: the professional world  and  social relationships, daily activities, habits, communications and information, feelings;
° The reading of a book about Latin America, object of the oral examination, adapted to students of Spanish as a foreign language.
Learning outcomes

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :

1 At the end of the course, the student will reach the advanced A2 level  of Spanish according to the Common European Framework or Reference for Languages. 
This means that:
° he will be able to understand sentences and usual phrases linked to fields of primary importance for himself (basic information about himself, about his family, errands,  centers   of interest, hobbies, and so on);
° he will be able to engage in simple  and daily tasks which require nothing but simple and direct exchanges of information about topics he is familiar with;
° he will be able to describe, with the use of  simple terms, some aspects of his past and of his relations, as well as situations linked to his immediate needs;
° he will be able to speak about future actions and situations
As far as oral expression is concerned, the student should be able to deal, in a simple way, with topics in a linear sequence of elements.
As far as listening comprehension is concerned, the student will be able to understand the main ideas of a clear and standard speech as well as very short narrations on daily topics dealing with work, school and leisure.
Concerning the writing skills, he will be able to write simple but coherent texts about daily topics with brief elements in a linear sequence. 
As far as reading comprehension is concerned, he will be able to have a correct level of understanding of simple texts about topics in relation with his specialization.
At the end of the course, the student will have reached the Advanced A2 level of Spanish according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. This means that: 
o he/she will be able to understand sentences and familiar expressions related to areas of most immediate relevance (basic information about him/herself, family, shopping, interests, passions, etc.); 
o he/she will be able to carry out simple everyday tasks involving the exchange of information on familiar topics;
o he/she will be able to describe episodes from his/her past life and situations related to his/her immediate needs;
o he/she will be able to talk about future actions and situations;
o he/she will be able to express feelings, desires and doubts in complex sentences;
o he/she will be able to read informative texts dealing with history, he/she will be able to write biographies.
In terms of oral and written expression, the student should be able to express him/herself on the themes seen in the course (food, habits, ecological risks, cultural history, etc.), as well as on social issues (youth employment, ecology, etc.) or involving him/her more personally (cf. below, portfolio). 
Teaching methods
The course will be divided into two parts:
a) 30 hours of lecture, where the communicative, lexical and grammatical contents will be introduced; and
b) 15 hours of practical work in smaller groups, devoted to the correction of exercises on the contents seen in the lecture, and to the communicative practice of the said contents.
Before the lecture, students are invited to do the exercises indicated. Explanations during the lectures will be done with the help of power points that will be uploaded on Moodle after each lecture.
Evaluation methods
The assessment will consist of four parts: continuous assessment during the term (4 pts), written final exam 1 (code; 8 pts), written final exam 2 (skills; 4 pts), oral final exam (4 pts). A minimum of 10/20 in each of the three parts of the final exam is required to qualify for a pass average.
In the August session, the continuous assessment is removed from the average; the points are calculated from the three parts of the final exam.
Other information
This activity will take place in the course of the second term.
Level: first cycle
Programs proposing this activity:  ROM, 1 BA, ROGE, 1BA
Teaching language: Spanish
- Manual Campus Sur [A1-B1] de Rosales Varo, Francisco- Martínez Sallés, Matilde- Kris Anita J.Buyse- Martínez Lara, Ana Mª- Moreno Aponte, Teresa Esperan- Salamanca Fernández, Pilar, Madrid, Difusión, 2021.
- Alonso Raya R. et al.(2005) Gramática básica del estudiante de español. Barcelona: Difusión.
- Gram@clicando (
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Minor in Spanish Studies

Bachelor in French and Romance Languages and Literatures : General

Bachelor in Modern Languages and Literatures : General