Sources for the different periods of History

bhist1286  2024-2025  Bruxelles Saint-Louis

Sources for the different periods of History
5.00 credits
60.0 h
Bousmar Eric (coordinator); Longrée Dominique; Piret Bérengère; Renglet Antoine (compensates Piret Bérengère); Verreycken Quentin;

The prerequisite(s) for this Teaching Unit (Unité d’enseignement – UE) for the programmes/courses that offer this Teaching Unit are specified at the end of this sheet.
Learning outcomes

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :

The course will enable the students in the second year of the standardized program of bachelor in History, to get an in-depth knowledge of the primary sources, research tools and secundary literature available for each period of History (namely Ancient History, Medieval History, Early Modern History, Modern and Contemporary History). It is building on the formation given to the first-years in the introductory course « Documentary Ressources for Historians » and has a distinctive focus on primary sources. It will help students with the researching and writing of their seminar papers, while on bachelor level, and of the master’s thesis afterwards.
As an outcome of the present course, students should be able :
- to know the main types of primary sources for each historical periods and to asses their strengths and weaknesses ;
- to locate theses sources, whenever they be unedited, edited or available on line
- to decide what primary sources, research tools and secondary literature to use in order to solve a given research question
- to present the currents tendancies in historical writing for each of the four historical periods.
For each of the four classical historical periods, the students are lectured on the main sources available to historiens. They will also learn how to locate and to use them. They will be in contact with various types of primary sources. They also will learn the main research tools and acquire familiarity with the secundary literature. They should not only developp this knowledge for each period but also master a transversal view accross the periods.
Teaching methods
Lectures, followed by some practical sessions or individual exercices in the university library.
Evaluation methods
Written and practical exam, in two parts. The practical part takes place in the universtiy library. The exam is written and assessed by the four lectures as a team.
Other information
Textbooks or lecture handouts, as well as various documents are available.
Le cours comporte une partie bibliographique et suppose la manipulation d’outils bibliographiques. Pour chacune des quatre périodes de l’histoire envisagée par le cours, un outil bibliographique spécifique est prévu :
- Aux sources de l’Antiquité grecque et romaine (livre)
- Heuristique du Moyen Age: syllabus, partie bibliographique (syllabus)
- Heuristique des Temps modernes (syllabus)
- Heuristique de la Période contemporaine (syllabus)
Teaching materials
  • Aux sources de l'Antiquité grecque et romaine
  • Heuristique du Moyen Âge. Syllabus (partie bibliographique)
  • Heuristique du Moyen Âge. Recueil de documents
  • Heuristique des Temps modernes
  • Heuristique du Moyen Âge. Dossier d'articles
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Bachelor in History

Bachelor in History (French - English)