Nederlands voor studenten in Communicatie - Niveau élémentaire

lneer1133  2024-2025  Louvain-la-Neuve

Nederlands voor studenten in Communicatie - Niveau élémentaire
3.00 credits
90.0 h
Q1 and Q2
This teaching unit consists of
    learning the basic vocabulary and structures of Dutch, and consolidating understanding of this vocabulary and structures through written and oral exercises,
    practicing the four language skills (listening, reading, writing and speaking) using texts and situations inspired by daily and cultural life in Flanders.
Tools for study and self-study: summaries, documents,, exercises and formative tests on Moodle-courses (ILV e-learning platform), vocabulary lists on the Quizlet and/or Wooflash application and texts and exercises from the 'Vanzelfsprekend' books.
Teaching methods
    Supervision: group courses with a maximum of 40 students.
    Workload: 3h/week (Q1 and Q2),
- one theory class on Thursday from 10.45am to 12.45pm (Q1) + 1h practical exercises on Monday from 1pm to 2pm (Q1)
- one theory lesson on Monday from 10.45am to 12.45pm (Q2) + 1h practical exercises on Thursday from 1pm to 2pm (Q2)
If, at any time, we need to switch the course to distance learning for health, pedagogical, organizational or other reasons, the course will be given on Teams (theory + exercises + questions/answers + tasks) and the course modalities can be adapted.
For each theme: use, practice and consolidation of lexical and grammatical knowledge through
    receptive activities: written and oral texts (multimedia) accompanied by comprehension and vocabulary exercises.
    oral (role-playing, conversations) and written (writing short scenarios) production activities
    grammatical explanations and exercises (oral and written) covering basic Dutch grammar.
The method used is the “Vanzelfsprekend” manual.  This learning method covers the four language skills (listening, reading, writing and speaking), using texts and situations inspired by daily and cultural life in Flanders.
The method consists of 10 units. Each unit is structured as follows:
  •     presentation of vocabulary and structures through a video,
  •     learning vocabulary and structures through audio texts,
  •     exercises (written and oral) to integrate vocabulary and structures,
  •     consolidation through unit review exercises.
We also use Moodle-courses, the ILV e-learning platform, and the Quizlet.and/or Wooflash and applications.
Evaluation methods
Permanent evaluation (PE): - 7 points distributed as follows:
- individual and/or collaborative tasks - 2.5 points
- 3 vocabulary tests - 4.5 points
    Partial writing: vocabulary, grammar, reading comprehension & written expression in week 14 - 13 points
January grade = EP (/8) + Partiel Deel 1 to 4 (/12) = 30% of final June grade.
Permanent evaluation (PE): - 8 points distributed as follows:
- collaborative task - 3 points
- 2 vocabulary tests - 3 points
- listening and reading comprehension - 2 points
 Written: grammar, vocabulary, written expression on Q2 material - in May at the end of the quadrennium - 12 points :
1.    In addition, students who obtained a mark of less than 10/20 in the 1st session must also repeat the entire Q1 subject: Q1bis = Deel 1 to 4 inclusive. 30% of the June grade.
There will be no oral exam.
2nd session mark = January mark (or Q1bis in May) (30%) + May mark (= EP Q2 (/8) + Partial Q2 (/12) -> 70%)
    Written exam on Q1 and Q2 material: grammar, vocabulary, written expression, reading comprehension - auditorium - 16 points.
    Continuous assessment of Q1 and Q2 if in student's favor - 4 points. If not, we will disregard them and count only the written exam - 20 points - in the 3rd session grade.
There will be no oral exam.
The written exam on the Q1 subject must be retaken in Q2 in May if the grade obtained for the course in January was less than 10/20, or if the student did not take it (absence, attendance record, illness, accident, etc.). It will not be possible to re-sit the December midterm during the January session.
Any unjustified absence from a mid-term or examination will result in a mark of absence for the whole of the current session.
Class attendance is compulsory. If the teacher deems it necessary, she may propose to the jury that a student who has not regularly followed the learning activities be refused registration for the course examination (RGEE - art. 72).
“Generative artificial intelligence (AI) must be used responsibly and in accordance with academic and scientific integrity practices. Since scientific integrity requires that sources be cited, the use of AI must always be reported. The use of artificial intelligences for tasks where they are explicitly forbidden will be considered cheating.”
The English version of this text is the translation of the original French text by the application DeepL
Other information
This teaching unit is reserved for “true COMU11BA beginners”.
Students who have already enrolled in this teaching unit and have not passed it must take LNEER1230 in Q2, and can prepare for it by taking the LNEER1130P preparatory course in Q1.
Online resources
Moodle UCL platform
Quizlet and/or Wooflash application
Teaching materials
  • Méthode « Vanzelfsprekend », Rita Devos et Han Fraeters, Acco, Leuven, 1998 (Tekstboek en Werkboek)
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Bachelor in Information and Communication