Pharmacie galénique 2e partie

wfarm2157  2024-2025  Bruxelles Woluwe

Pharmacie galénique 2e partie
5.00 credits
20.0 h + 28.0 h
des Rieux Anne (coordinator);
Main themes
The course covers the understanding and implementation of formulation principles and drug manufacture in industry and community pharmacy.  The course is divided in 2 parts (WFARM2156 et 2157) and includes practical training.
The course aims at integrating the physicochemical bases necessary for the formulation and the manufacture of pharmaceutical dosage forms. The formulation of various pharmaceutical dosage forms including the role of excipients, the manufacture and their control will be discussed.
Learning outcomes

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :

1 At the end of the formation, students are able to
- choose a pharmaceutical form adapted to the drug, the patient and the pathology
- formulate it by understanding the associated physicochemical principles and the role of excipients
- manufacture it (in community pharmacy or industry)
- verify its quality and conformity
For the theoretical part, the course will cover dispersed forms (suspensions and emulsions), dermatological preparations, rectal preparations, ophthalmic preparations, transdermal drug delivery systems and preparations for pulmonary and nasal use. The definition and relevance of the pharmaceutical forms described in the European Pharmacopoeia, the principles of their formulation, the main excipients used, the methods of manufacture in industry and community pharmacy and the controls described in the pharmacopoeia will be addressed.
For the practical work, students will prepare out-of-class exercises dealing with prescriptions. They will manufacture dosage forms made in community pharmacy: capsules, liquids for oral use, dermatological preparations, suppositories, eye-drops.
Teaching methods
- Interactive lectures, training videos, workshops
The course will be given using new teaching methods to complement the lecture (active teaching and flipped classes). Continuous assessment (1 partial) in addition to the exam
Workshops and activities
Some activities will be done outside the course and some during the course.
-Integration work
Practical work with continuous assessment on pharmaceutical forms prepared in the pharmacy.
Evaluation methods
The evaluation of the WFARM2157 course consists of two parts:
THEORY: The course material, with the evaluation divided into two parts:
       - Part A: Continuous assessment (10% of the theory grade), which takes place during the semester.
       - Part B: Written exam (90% of the theory grade), which takes place during the exam session.
It will be possible to earn a bonus point by completing various non-mandatory activities. This bonus point will be added to the final grade. Participation in the continuous assessment and the written exam during the session is mandatory. Any unjustified absence will result in a grade of 0/20. In the event of a second exam session, the points obtained during the continuous assessment will remain unchanged and will be included as such in the final grade.
PRACTICAL: The practical sessions, with the evaluation divided into two parts:
    - Continuous assessment** (30% of the practical grade), including 6 sessions. Each session includes a knowledge test at the beginning, as well as an evaluation of the preparations and the associated report.
    - Exam (70% of the practical grade), including 2 sessions. Each session includes a knowledge test at the beginning, as well as an evaluation of the preparations and the associated report.
Participation in all practical sessions is mandatory. Any unjustified absence will result in a grade of 0/20 for the missed session. In the event of a second exam session, the grade obtained in the continuous assessment will remain unchanged. A second session will be organized immediately after the exam (outside of the regular exam period) to ensure pedagogical coherence.
The final grade will consist of two integrated parts. Successfully passing both parts is essential to demonstrate the skills and knowledge defined in the learning outcomes of the teaching unit. The exam can only be passed if each part/evaluation activity is successfully completed. In case of failure in one of the two parts, the final grade will be the lowest one. The grades from the part that was passed will be kept until the second part is successfully completed.
Other information
Participation to the practical training is mandatory.
Any unjustified absence will result in a mark of 0/20 for the practical part of the course.
In the case of repeated absences, even if justified, the instructor may propose to the examination board to deny the student’s registration for the course unit exam in accordance with Article 72 of the General Examination Regulations (RGEE).
Any overall average below 10/20 will be rounded down to the nearest whole number.
Online resources
The courses and practical training are available on Moodle.
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Master [120] in Pharmacy