English language

bdroi1140  2024-2025  Bruxelles Saint-Louis

English language
4.00 credits
0 h + 30.0 h
Q1 and Q2

  This learning unit is not open to incoming exchange students!

Learning outcomes

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :

The minimum level of English to be achieved at the end of the year is B1+ as defined by the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
The courses as well as the work to be done at home by the student are an integral part of the mastery of the language at the level of lexicon and grammatical structures. In addition, they prepare students for the second year specialised language course.
At the end of the course, the student should be able to grasp the general meaning of authentic texts and make a structured synthesis of them, while being able to explain passages dealing with important data.
A dispensatory exam will be organised remotely via the ELAO platform in September; students who obtain a sufficiently high score on the written test will then have to take an individual oral exam, either in person or on Teams. This test will confirm (or not) the student's level of English and will either allow the student to be exempted or to be placed in groups according to their level (intermediate or advanced group).
Details of how to register for the exemption test will be published on the valves.
Intermediate English :
The minimum level of English to be achieved at the end of the year is B1+ (ideally B2) as defined by the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
The course is designed to enable students to quickly grasp the general meaning of authentic texts and to produce a structured oral summary. In addition, students should be able to understand and explain passages dealing with important data accurately, avoiding the pitfalls of "false friends" and using structures specific to the English language, including basic legal vocabulary. There will be reading comprehension tests, listening comprehension tests, vocabulary and grammar questions, an English composition and an oral examination in the form of an oral presentation.
Preparation for the second year specialised (legal) language course.
Advanced English:
The minimum level of English to be achieved at the end of the year is B2+ as defined by the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
At the end of the academic year, students will be able to read and understand articles from the English language press on general political, economic, institutional and legal topics. Students will have acquired the vocabulary to present similar topics in public and to defend complex ideas both orally and in writing. There will be reading and listening comprehension tests, vocabulary and grammar questions, an English composition and an oral examination in the form of an oral presentation. Preparation for the second year specialised (legal) language course.
Intermediate English
As the course is primarily aimed at developing the ability to understand unsimplified texts, the content is taken from the English and American press and deals with general topics, as well as issues relating to the social and legal organisation of society. These texts also serve as a basis for lexical extension, grammar review, oral synthesis exercises and conversation exercises.
Advanced English
Texts and articles on a variety of topics related to the vocabulary studied in the field of media, politics, institutions, current affairs and justice. These texts are also used as a basis for lexical extension, grammar review, oral synthesis exercises and conversation exercises.
All the classes are based on continuous evaluation !! 60% of the total marks are assignments of continuous evaluation during Term 1 and Term 2.
Teaching methods
This is an interactive course, with a focus on continuous assessment.
As the course is interactive, it goes without saying that the evaluation also focuses on effective and regular participation: preparation of exercises proposed by the teacher, active participation in class discussions.
When part of the teaching activities cannot be carried out in class for health reasons, instructions will be sent via Moodle / Teams and the active participation of each student in these activities is expected. Any changes to this course plan (content, timetable, etc.) due to external circumstances will be communicated via Moodle.
It is imperative that students consult Moodle at least once a week and that they read ALL announcements.
Evaluation methods
The final result (100%) is obtained by adding together
-- The continuous assessment: 66% 60%
1. Test in December 2023 comprising :
                - a written part during the first days of the blockade (covering the material seen in Q1 and the comprehension of a new text) /20
                - an oral part taken in class in Q1, in the form of a Newspanel or Mock Trial  or any roleplay in group (individual mark);  /20 (including the active participation in class activities)
These two parts count for 40% in the final weighting. If the student has less than 20/40, then he/she must follow the Grammar Tutoring in Q2.
2. WrittenTest during Q2 on Vocabulary and Grammar of Q2: /20
-- The certificative assessment: 40%:
  Examination in May 2024 comprising:
               - a written part which will take place during the last week of class of Q2 (covering all the material seen in Q2 and the comprehension of a new text/audio document); /20
               - an oral part consisting of a group oral presentation (individual mark) in Q2.  /20, including the active participation of the student in class activities during Q2.
At the end of the year, in the JUNE session, the student obtains a single mark for the whole year, averaging Q1+Q2.
If the student has not obtained the average of 10/20 in June, he/she will sit an exam in August which includes both parts Q1 and Q2.
If health conditions do not allow for face-to-face examinations, the assessment methods will be hybrid. It will also be an out-of-session examination and the weighting will remain the same. Any changes to the assessments due to external circumstances will be communicated via Moodle.
Very important note:
“Use of generative artificial intelligence (or any other online tool, e.g. translators, spelling and grammar checkers, ...)
The student is required to systematically indicate all parts where one or more AIs (or any other online tool) have been used, e.g. in a footnote. The students should specify whether the AI was used to search for information, to write the text, or to improve or correct it. The student should also mention which AI (or other online tool) was used (ChatGPT, Bing, Bard, Chatsonic, DeepL, etc.) and the date on which it was used. Information sources must be systematically cited in accordance with bibliographic referencing standards. Students remain responsible for the content of their work, regardless of the sources used.
In order to ensure that the student's written work is personal, criteria such as originality, critical thinking, creativity and illustration with examples (e.g. from their own experience) will be taken into account.
Any behavior on the part of the student that prevents or attempts to prevent, in whole or in part, a correct assessment of their knowledge, skills and/or competences will be considered an irregularity.”

Other information
A minimum level of A2 is recommended.
Attendance at the course (face-to-face or digital) is compulsory.
Any absence from class must be justified by a medical certificate or a serious reason.
The original certificate must be sent to the professor and to the Law Faculty administration within 48 hours of the beginning of the absence (24 hours in the case of an exam!). Students who have been absent are requested to provide the professor with a copy of the supporting document when they return to class so that the attendance list can be kept up to date.
Students who are absent for unjustified reasons from more than two sessions during the year - Q1 and Q2 - will have their continuous assessment grade reduced or even set to 0, both in Q1 and Q2.
Anglais intermédiaire :
1. Un syllabus de textes et d'exercices. S'y trouvent également le Vade Mecum, ainsi que le programme des matières à préparer pour chaque cours ; posté sur Moodle ;
2. Un recueil de textes PDF posté sur Moodle ;
3. Documents distribués au cours ; postés sur Moodle.
4. Syllabus de Grammaire (Théorie et exercices). Posté sur Moodle.

Anglais avancé :
1. Un syllabus de textes et d'exercices. S'y trouvent également le Vade Mecum, ainsi que le programme des matières à préparer pour chaque cours ; posté sur Moodle ;
2. Un recueil de textes PDF posté sur Moodle ;
3. Documents distribués au cours ; postés sur Moodle.
4. Syllabus de Grammaire (Théorie et exercices). Posté sur Moodle.
Teaching materials
  • BDROI1140 Textbook: Intermediate Level
  • BDROI1140 Textbook: Advanced Level
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Bachelor in Law

Bachelor in Law French-Dutch (and French-Dutch-English)