Seminar in international and european organizations

beras1000  2024-2025  Bruxelles Saint-Louis

Seminar in international and european organizations
5.00 credits
30.0 h
Learning outcomes

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :

By the end of the seminar, students will be able identify the multicultural facts of the European integration, develop intercultural skills along with analytical and reflexive skills.

They will develop an in-depth knowledge of the European and International network present in Brussels and will be able :
- to understand the historical, political, legal, economic and cultural roots of the European integration process and of the NATO creation
- to understand the functioning of the EU and NATO institutions
- to identify the roles of the main institutions and organs as well as the main areas of responsibilities and policies.
- to understand the interactions between various stakeholders of the European and International sphere
- to identify the interactions and collaborating areas between NATO and the EU

More specifically, through the presentations and the simulation game, the student will :
- acquire skills valuable in any profession, such as being in someone else shoes, reading between the lines, understanding the nuances of diplomatic language, realizing the importance of reasoning to convince.
- learn to work in small groups and under stress and contraints
This seminar aims at developing an in-depth knowledge of the European and International organisations located in Brussels. More specifically it will examine the historical, political, legal, economic and cultural roots of the European integration process and of the NATO creation. Students will be able to understand the workings of the EU and NATO organs and institutions as well as the main policies/areas of intervention and to identify the interactions between the various stakeholders intervening in the NATO and EU sphere in Brussels. Besides the main institutions (decisional triangle), attention will be paid to the interaction between the institutions in the formulation and implementation of EU policies and with interest groups and non-state actors, This seminar is composed by lectures, students' presentations, visits and meetings with some stakeholders as well as a simulation game throughout the semester to experience relevant aspects of EU decision-making process.
Teaching methods
Students' presentations
Simulation Game
Visits and meetings with officials
Evaluation methods
Oral presentations
Written assignments (briefing paper and position paper)
Faculty or entity