Initiation to Latin

blang1116  2024-2025  Bruxelles Saint-Louis

Initiation to Latin
5.00 credits
60.0 h
Q1 and Q2
Learning outcomes

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :

At the end of the course, the students should be able:

With regard to LATIN LANGUAGE
1. to master the bases
- of nominal and verbal morphology of classical Latin
- of the syntax of classical Latin (case and mode syntax),
- of the lexicon of classical Latin (about 700 words);
2. and to correctly apply these linguistic assets to the exploitation of Latin texts (seen and not seen in the course) of elementary level, provided with notes and a translation into French.

to have an overview of the major Latin authors and their works in relation to the literary genres.
The course is a methodical and structured summary of the bases of morphology and syntax of classical Latin.
It is based on exercises in the recognition of declined and conjugated forms, as well as on exercises in the analysis of Latin texts accompanied by lexical notes and translations. The texts are chosen not only according to their relation to the grammar point studied, but also from a repertoire of various authors, supposed to offer a small overview of the history of Latin literature.
The course organizes a progressive learning of a basic lexicon (according to a program communicated at the beginning of the year).
The course will pay particular attention to the implementation of an adequate approach to the understanding of the morpho-syntactic elements of the Latin language that can be applied to any Latin excerpt still unknown. It also indicates the appropriate use of dictionary and grammar tools.
Teaching methods
The course alternates between lecture and student participation, leaving much room for interactivity. The theoretical notions are explained by the professor through the lecture based on the written support provided to the students. Students’ participation is constantly required: supervised exercises in class; homework for the following course; possibility to ask questions relating to the lecture; possibility to ask, at the beginning of each session, clarifications on the previous sessions; regular revision of the studied notions, controlled by punctual and progressive tests (these tests are available on the Moodle space of the course).

In the second semester, a monitoring course is organized, with, in the program, only repetitions of the course material, with complementary exercises, "à la carte", according to the participants' needs.
The exercise syllabus includes a large number of exercises. The full correction of these exercises is available on Moodle. In addition, the vast majority of these exercises offer an exact anticipation of the exercises required in the exam.
Evaluation methods
The aim of the assessment is to measure the extent to which the target learning outcomes have been achieved.
Formative assessment methods :
During Q1 and Q2, activities are organised to help students prepare for the exams.
- A « test blanc » is offered in November with standard questions at the same level of difficulty as the exam. These questions only cover the material covered at the beginning of November. The January exam also covers the material covered up to the end of Q1. The « test blanc » is then corrected by the teacher with the students, specifying the level of mastery and rigour expected and explaining the correction criteria, so that the students can see what is expected and can adapt their study of the subject accordingly.
- The course structure allows students to assess themselves. They are strongly encouraged to do so on a regular basis:
Weekly exercises in class and at home (in the exercise syllabus) should enable students to assess their progress. The question titles and answer formats are all printed in the exercise syllabus and explained in class. Corrections to all exercises are available on the course Moodle space.
Practice tests are also available on the course's Moodle space.
Students can also use Latin learning websites.
A series of Latin texts (presented like those in the exam, with lexical notes and a translation) is available.
Conditions of the Summative Assessment :
Type of exam: written
Evaluation language: French
Examination in two parts:
Students are assessed on the basis of two successive parts Q1 and Q2, separated in time, one corresponding to a basic level (in January) and the other to a slightly more advanced level (in June). If you fail part Q1 in January, you must sit parts Q1 and Q2 one after the other on the same day in June and/or August.
Breakdown of Q1 and Q2 subjects : see detailed document on the course Moodle space.
Weighting :
The final mark is the weighted average of marks Q1 and Q2. In the final mark, part Q1 is worth 8/20 and part Q2 is worth 12/20.
Other information
The course is run every week throughout the academic year: both in the first and second terms. It must be taken in full.
With regard to Latin language : none prerequisite. Nevertheless, a very good knowledge of the natures of words and basic syntactic functions in French is assumed.
The students who already have a knowledge of the fundamental vocabulary, morphology and syntax of classical Latin (acquired after at least four years of Latin in high school) are encouraged to follow the course “Translation and explanation of Latin texts” (2 hours per week during the first semester - M. D. Xhardez).
Online resources
The Moodle site for the course contains
- a precise breakdown of Q1 and Q2 contents (vocabulary and grammar) ;
- a vocabulary study programme ;
- course materials (and « monitorat ») ;
- corrections for all the exercises in the exercise syllabus ;
- a number of additional documents ;
- study and/or revision tests (vocabulary, declension, conjugation, etc.), organised progressively, in the order in which the subject is explained in the course ;
- Quizlet links to student lists (to help study vocabulary).
Supports de cours (obligatoires) : 4 syllabi
  1. "Lexique alphabétique latin – français [Fréquences 1 et 2]"
    par Anne-Marie Boxus et Dominique Longrée (2016-2017)
  2. "Initiation à la langue latine – Exercices et Textes"
    par Muriel Lenoble (2021-2022)
  3. "Initiation à la langue latine – Précis grammatical"
    par Muriel Lenoble (2021-2022)
  4. "Initiation à la langue latine – Sélection d’extraits de grands auteurs de la littérature latine"
    par Muriel Lenoble (2021-2022)
Ouvrage de référence sur lequel se base le « Précis grammatical » :
A.-M. Boxus et M. Lavency, Clauis, Paris-Gembloux, 3e éd., 1999.
Teaching materials
  • "Lexique alphabétique latin – français [Fréquences 1 et 2]" par Anne-Marie Boxus et Dominique Longrée (2016-2017)
  • "Initiation à la langue latine – Exercices et Textes" par Muriel Lenoble (2021-2022)
  • "Initiation à la langue latine – Précis grammatical" par Muriel Lenoble (2021-2022)
  • Initiation à la langue latine – Sélection d’extraits de grands auteurs de la littérature latine" par Muriel Lenoble (2021-2022)
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
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