Philosophy and sociology

bmhcg1161b  2024-2025  Bruxelles Saint-Louis

Philosophy and sociology
5.00 credits
60.0 h
Philosophy :
Dialog between the european and the chinese philosophy
The main aim is to familiarize students with the logic of sociological reasoning and give them keys to understanding their society. More specifically, it aims to :
  • enable them to acquire a general sociological culture and the basics of disciplinary language; 
  • introduce them to authors, theories and concepts that will awaken their curiosity about today's social world and enable them to adopt a critical and sociological perspective on it; 
  • introduce them to the main principles of sociological analysis;
  • enable them to understand the specificity of sociology among the disciplines of the human sciences, particularly philosophy.
Teaching methods
Philosophy :
Face-to-face, first term, 30 hours of theory. The reading of the texts to be analysed is recommanded.
Sociology :
Idem. Lecture built first on the presentation of a piece of famous research, then on the concepts and principles of analysis it mobilizes.
Evaluation methods
Philosophy :
Written and/or oral examination
Sociology :
Written exam, testing not only students' ability to reproduce information (closed questions as definitions or "fill-in-the-blank"), but also their understanding of the subject matter (open questions as comparison of authors or mobilization of a concept to shed light on a social phenomenon).

In case of a fail grade at the first session, you're invited to visit the web page of the course and check the details. A 10/20 or higher mark will automatically be transferred to a second or third exam session. It's thus not possible to re-sit the exam related to this part of the course.
Online resources
Sociology :
PowerPoint presentations will be made available on the course website as and when the sessions take place (at the latest the day before).
• Monique Canto-Sperber, Philosophie grecque, PUF, 1998.
• Gilbert Hottois, De la Renaissance à la Postmodernité. Une histoire de la philosophie moderne et contemporaine, De Boeck, 2002.
• Anne Cheng, Histoire de la pensée chinoise, Seuil, 1997.
• François Jullien , Le détour et l'accès. Stratégies du sens en Chine en Grèce, Grasset, livre de poche, 1995.
Sociologie :
  • VAN CAMEPNHOUDT L., MARQUIS N. (2020), Cours de sociologie, Dunod, Paris. 
Teaching materials
  • Cours de sociologie (Van Campenhoudt and Marquis, 2020)
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Bachelor in Translation and Interpreting